SharinganUser said:
I am 6'1" and weight about 260 or so. It's not a medical condition, I am just fat. I am trying to lose the weight but it's a long process and that doesn't help me in the short term. It could be 6 months to a year before all the weight comes off, what the hell am I supposed to do in the mean time?
OK, 260 at 6'1' isn't that bad from the perspective of losing weight. It's definitely do-able.
Why not go over to the Health & Fitness section and tell them your EXACT shape is and what you would like to accomplish? They will advise you that it's going to take a gradual lifestyle change and not a "diet", per se.
If you start eating better and perhaps more frequently, thereby raising your metabolism, take a good walk at least 5 days a week, and either hit the gym or work out at home (all of this gradually, mind you, in tiny little steps), you can easily get down to where you'd like to be.
Why not join my Weekly Goal-Setters Club (look at my signature) and make yourself some small, attainable goals for this week?
I recommend that you resolve to put women on the shelf for the next few weeks to two months. Instead,
let the next 8 weeks be a gift to yourself. Girls don't matter, but YOU do. Take the pressure off yourself. It's killing your game anyway so you need to step back and reset. That's Reset, not rest.
Girls will still be around at the end of the two months, But you will be different. You will be noticably thinner which will boost your confidence. You will know that you have stepped up and begun a journey toward taking care of yourself
I'm personally working on a new challenge for us men to take, which involves becoming a new man by April 1st of this year. Details to come.
So that's what you need to do in the meantime. Once you start to see those pants go from 40 (just as an example) to 36 to 34, that "meantime" will start to feel pretty sweet.
You can do it, bro. You will find lots of support in the Goal Setter's Club. Tiny steps are all that it takes. You're not "losing 60 lbs. in order to get girls". No, you're turning your life around in small, manageable steps, for your own well-being and self-satisfaction. Girls are always just icing on the cake.
During the process, you will start to carry yourself differently and people will start to notice and react to you differently, even though during that time you will still be heavier than your ultimate goal. That won't matter, because you will see the destination you have set for yourself in the distance and you will know that you are headed there one step at a time.
I hope to see you in the club (see my signature). Don't go out and try to run 5miles today. As I'm sure you know, huge changes rarely last and only burn one out. Why not go out and walk a half-mile or a mile today? Small steps accumulate very quickly and attain critical mass very fast. As I said, your weight loss is entirely do-able. You probably don't trust yourself to follow through and make it happen, but I think you're angry enough to effect change. You have plenty of support here on SS.
Also in the meantime, look at the following issues:
1) Is your environment (living space) neat and clean? Our environment usually reflects our inner state. If it's messy, get yourself a timer and set it for 3 or 5 minutes per room. The timer gives you structure because it gives you a clearly defined beginning and end. It is useful for many changes one wants to make in life.
2) Ditto your car. Set the timer and every day do 5 minutes.
3) Chat up everybody you meet. Simple small-talk, men and women alike. Don't look for any payoff at all. Just care about the well-being of each person and be genuinely interested. In so doing you are honing your skills against a sharpening stone. Remember, no payoff. it's just practice. Expect a large percentage of women and a small percentage of men to respond poorly. This is certain. Those percentages will get smaller and smaller because you're speaking without artificial "game" and simply relating one-on-one.
4) Walk every day, with 1 or 2 days off per week.
5) Start working out. Tiny steps. Keep it manageable.
6) Regular bedtime and wake up time. This is my personal weakness but I'm gradually changing that. It has a huge effect on weight, mood and overall health.
7) Find a person or a program that can guide you on proper diet. You need to raise that metabolism to get the furnace running 24/7. For me, that involves 6 meals per day and cutting out bread, sugar, and processed carbs.
8) It is my belief that to be well-rounded a man must attend to his spiritual life. We can make up an imaginary "god" that makes us feel good, or we can go to the source (the scriptures) to find out who he really is. The bottom line is that a man cannot be fully actualized until he makes peace with his creator.
You might already be doing some of this, but I thought I'd get it all down here for anyone who can relate to your challenge.
Let me know what you think. Again, see my signature.