Getting chicks will be easy once you read this thread.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, after years of confusion, anger, and frustration. I have finally figured out girls and who gets them. And why they do.

It's actually really simple, and anybody trying to sell you a secret to attraction is selling you a lie, belive me. A lot of what's on this site as well as others about it being about skills etc, is a joke. Mystery and Pook included.

I'm gonna tell you how simple attraction really is and who on this site actually gets laid from their stories and my experiences.

Listen to this, attraction is looks based completly, that's not to say that hot guys get the most pvssy, of course not. But attraction and why chicks get wet comes from two senses, looks, and touch. That's it. They don't get horny because some guy has awesome C&F skills etc, they get horny from simple looks and touch just like we do.

Now, they all want sex from anybody hot enough (girls actually would fvck anybody not too bad, just like you would (Gunwitch was right.), but they got to be hot enough to get them wet.. and that's probally easy enough for all of us.

The problem girls run into is the slvtiness factor, that's why they go for guys they preceive as being higher on the social scale or who fvcked their friends etc. Now getting by this slvtiness factor is where the real skills come into play. Now one simple simple simple way to bypass this whole thing is a little thing called alcohol. I promise you, a little bit of that and if you look good enough to at least look at without their eyes burning then your getting laid. Simple.

But the other ways to bypass this slvtiness factor is as the following.. being desired by other girls, being known by a lot of people, and providing a lot of fun for the girls, and the last excuse, alcohol. All of those things give excuses to have sex with a guy without being conciderd a slvt.

Simple. Get good at those excuse giving skills and boom, you get pvssy.

They all want it, they just need an excuse. Go out meet girls and give it to them.

Thanks and goodbye. Get off this forum. Secret has been revealed.

As for the guys who I can tell do get laid on this forum are as follows - Gunwitch, Don Juan Forever, Dbot, and yes even Skip. Those guys I can tell understand and probally get laid a lot. Read their threads understand.. and for the totally socially troubled read Mr. Fingers to help you to provide social fun.

Guys on this forum who are obiviously Geeks and formulate theories are people like Pook. Good to read for confidence to get out there, but don't take what he writes to heart.

Now.. I'm 100% right on this, and anybody looking for help can PM or something.

Just remember this.. They all want it, they just need an excuse. Go out meet girls and give it to them.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
LOL, I thank people like you ;) The seduction community is getting way to popular, keep saying stuff like this to kill it please! Lol, makes things that much easier for me.

However, I will point out now that not only are you a hypocrit but that you are just rambling. Bold is me. Italic is you. And I've deleted some of your jargon because its nonsense.

Listen to this, attraction is looks based completly, that's not to say that hot guys get the most pvssy, of course not.

See what you just said is hypocritical... if attraction is looks based only.. why aren't the hot guys getting the most *****? I'd think if your first point is 'Looks = Laid', your second point shouldn't be 'Hot Guys = Don't get laid the most'. Nice start though, this looks like a fun post.

But attraction and why chicks get wet comes from two senses, looks, and touch. That's it.

Again, didn't you just say that getting laid is because of looks? Now you're saying 'touch' is also what gets you laid? Touch... isn't that Kino? Isn't that one of the fundamental principles here? Hmmm, you need to read the bible maybe.

Now, they all want sex from anybody hot enough (girls actually would fvck anybody not too bad, just like you would,

But you said looks are the only thing that matter? If a guy is only 'not too bad', why's he getting laid??? He's not hot! Contradiction.. alright what's next?

The problem girls run into is the slvtiness factor, that's why they go for guys they preceive as being higher on the social scale or who fvcked their friends etc. Now getting by this slvtiness factor is where the real skills come into play. Now one simple simple simple way to bypass this whole thing is a little thing called alcohol.

So you're saying... that to get beyond the slvttiness factor... you need to have high value or social value? Wait.. isn't that also a cornerstone of the seduction community? Isn't that based on you own confidence level? And your next point is 'Get em drunk and screw'? LOL dude, are you saying you've never laid a sober chick? Oh and by the way, you forgot to mention that you should always, ALWAYS carry a bunch of rufees to put in her drink... no worries your next post could have addressed that.

But the other ways to bypass this slvtiness factor is as the following.. being desired by other girls, being known by a lot of people, and providing a lot of fun for the girls, and the last excuse, alcohol.

Oh, cool, so to get laid you need to have lots of chicks wanting you... have a large social circle... be a lot of fun, interesting, in other words have a good personality... AND you need to get her drunk? Wow dude, other then the drunk part I'd say you're promoting the Seduction Communities philosophies... well again, other then the fact that you need to get your women drunk before they **** you.

Get off this forum. Secret has been revealed.

Haha, okay, so to recap 'Get laid = Be hot... no wait... its be hot, have a good personality, have a lot of friends, have a lot of female friends, and get her drunk?' Right okay... cool dude you've really wrapped that one up so well. Congrats you're like a total alpha male now guy!


Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
He's right there is no method to get laid, Its all about looks. Mystery Method, Juggler Method, AM , RSD, is all crap. Forget about joining the PUA community it won't get you laid, just gives you some social tips thats all.

Looks, kino and little bit of confidence are the real deal.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
You guys clearly don't get that the Seduction community is based on improving yourself. Building your confidence, learning not to let a women who rejects you get you down, learning how to stand your own and not let women own you.

Leave then you two, if you don't think this site helps, don't ever post again! Don't preach if you're not practicing it.

Mystery, RSD, the rest... they all teach how to be more confident, how to improve your self image, etc. You're idiots if you don't see that.

Now leave, you shouldn't be here if you don't believe it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
You don't have to be very social, don't have to be providing a lot of fun.

The biggest pimp I know doesn't do anything, and says that its all in the eyes... He isn't actually like a pimp so who goes and does every girl who wants him, but the ones he thinks are good enough for him. Most of them end up with like a somewhat long relationship.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Bussey said:
LOL, I thank people like you ;) The seduction community is getting way to popular, keep saying stuff like this to kill it please! Lol, makes things that much easier for me.

However, I will point out now that not only are you a hypocrit but that you are just rambling. Bold is me. Italic is you. And I've deleted some of your jargon because its nonsense.

Listen to this, attraction is looks based completly, that's not to say that hot guys get the most pvssy, of course not.

See what you just said is hypocritical... if attraction is looks based only.. why aren't the hot guys getting the most *****? I'd think if your first point is 'Looks = Laid', your second point shouldn't be 'Hot Guys = Don't get laid the most'. Nice start though, this looks like a fun post.

But attraction and why chicks get wet comes from two senses, looks, and touch. That's it.

Again, didn't you just say that getting laid is because of looks? Now you're saying 'touch' is also what gets you laid? Touch... isn't that Kino? Isn't that one of the fundamental principles here? Hmmm, you need to read the bible maybe.

Now, they all want sex from anybody hot enough (girls actually would fvck anybody not too bad, just like you would,

But you said looks are the only thing that matter? If a guy is only 'not too bad', why's he getting laid??? He's not hot! Contradiction.. alright what's next?

The problem girls run into is the slvtiness factor, that's why they go for guys they preceive as being higher on the social scale or who fvcked their friends etc. Now getting by this slvtiness factor is where the real skills come into play. Now one simple simple simple way to bypass this whole thing is a little thing called alcohol.

So you're saying... that to get beyond the slvttiness factor... you need to have high value or social value? Wait.. isn't that also a cornerstone of the seduction community? Isn't that based on you own confidence level? And your next point is 'Get em drunk and screw'? LOL dude, are you saying you've never laid a sober chick? Oh and by the way, you forgot to mention that you should always, ALWAYS carry a bunch of rufees to put in her drink... no worries your next post could have addressed that.

But the other ways to bypass this slvtiness factor is as the following.. being desired by other girls, being known by a lot of people, and providing a lot of fun for the girls, and the last excuse, alcohol.

Oh, cool, so to get laid you need to have lots of chicks wanting you... have a large social circle... be a lot of fun, interesting, in other words have a good personality... AND you need to get her drunk? Wow dude, other then the drunk part I'd say you're promoting the Seduction Communities philosophies... well again, other then the fact that you need to get your women drunk before they **** you.

Get off this forum. Secret has been revealed.

Haha, okay, so to recap 'Get laid = Be hot... no wait... its be hot, have a good personality, have a lot of friends, have a lot of female friends, and get her drunk?' Right okay... cool dude you've really wrapped that one up so well. Congrats you're like a total alpha male now guy!

I think what he's saying is, hot guys get the pvssy, but only if they go out and do kino, etc. if a hot guy doesn't flirt with women and do kino, etc, he will not get laid. if an ok guy goes out and does kino, he will get laid. so you have to go out and flirt, do kino, and the better looking you are, the more successful you will be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
I personaly think that some guys on this site that try to do what ever this site says with women and fail miserbly cuz they still dont understand the true essentials of getting a women are the ones who are bringing up such excuses and crapa dapa dap.

Looks, kino and little bit of confidence are the real deal.
well then every fugly guy whose on this site should just go kill themselves cuz theyll never get laid with some1 attractive. Including the ones who bring up such excuses becuz they fail with women.

hahaha some ppl on this board are very retarded. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
I think a lot of people seem to be forgetting one thing :

Attraction is in the mentality.

Bussey, fantastic reply :up: Good rep coming your way.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Babnik said:
You don't have to be very social, don't have to be providing a lot of fun.

The biggest pimp I know doesn't do anything, and says that its all in the eyes... He isn't actually like a pimp so who goes and does every girl who wants him, but the ones he thinks are good enough for him. Most of them end up with like a somewhat long relationship.
I agree with you, eye contact is extremely powerful in alluring the HBs, it was a successful tip on glaring into a HBs eyes which worked that led to me wanting to find out more about the PUA community.
Eye contact works in both ways, either to allure the HB to come over and meet you, or to open her up to your own cold approach when you are sarging, which is still extremely important to be continuously doing. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
So in other words, you grand master solution is:


....that's so.....insightful. The mystery has been solved.

You're an idiot. :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
thanks, guys! I'm gonna go get plastic surgery and start smoking weed and then I will be able to get girls! woo hoo!

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
Don't feed the troll...

I disagree with everything you said. I used to be a 7.5 two years, I'd get approached a moderate amount by girls. I changed my clothing style to a more european style with the help of my friend, Lexxie. I became 8.5, my friends wouldn't really reconize me and a lot of people said I looked like a model (I'm 6'3), more girls would say I was cute but none would approach me to talk, just drop a comment and walk away quickly. I had very little skills back then too and they would lose interest pretty fast. I've bulked up to 175 now [I was 130] and very, very few girls will approach me if any, I'm very intimidating to them. I'm also assumed a jerk and so I have to do a lot of rapport before anything happens unless they're looking for a quick fling.

Just my thoughts,


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
lol bump

Life truths hurts sometimes and this is one belive me.

That's why dumb drunk retards are out there banging chicks at parties. And your on this site trying to figure out "attraction" and your "moral code".

Seriously guys, dress well, clean well, go to parties and make moves. You'll hook up. I promise.

Stop with the nerdiness and get out there.

There was a poster on here named AC/DC, he understood. He probally smokes a lot a weed or whatever but also bangs more chicks then most of you guys combined. Same with skip or djf.

It's not as complicated as your making it. I am so not a KBJ, Pook was though.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles baby!
chea bro, life is about partying and banging women and having fun wit ur bros


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Shezz said:
Ok, and how many chicks have you laid in your lifetime???
You forgot to answer this question.

Your advice is both original and good. Unfortunately the parts that are original are not good, and the parts that are good are not original.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Okay guys, I was a little over the top but you have to understand where I'm coming from.

I've banged 4 girls in my life, I'm 19.

But I'm giving good advice really.

It's not that complicated.

Look good, try, and see what happens. If she can find an excuse then you hook up.

Oh and Bussey, I said attraction was look based.. but not all good looking guys have the balls to make a move or even talk like a normal person that's why they may get less pvssy. And I don't say you have to be model hot either.. I meant hot enough for the girl. COME ON. THIS IS LOGICAL.

Can anybody honestly understand where I'm coming from?

You guys want help getting laid?

1. Get a good haircut and clothes that are in style.
2. Make some friends.
3. Go to friend's party.
4. Have a good time.
5. Make a move on a girl you like.
6. See how far you get. (Stop if she wants to stop.)
7. Get laid.

I promise you if you do the above steps you will hook up with a girl who's either just as hot as you or even hotter (mabye you'll be lucky).


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Are you guys ever in a situation or around certain people where people are saying things and doing things you know are completely absurd but you don't dare say anything because you know you'll just get ribbed or mocked by the mentally challenged so you instead you just metaphorically shrug your shoulders, shake your head, and say to hell with it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I'm doing it right now.

The guys who get it will continue to get laid and the guys who think their smart will continue to philosophize. You tell me who's the mentally challenged.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
I've banged 4 girls in my life, I'm 19.
Whooaaa lol, oh **** you must be an expert then lol. Come back when you have a number that matters. I'm a year older then you and I quintuple your score.

I'm an average looking guy, I get this stuff, its natural to me. I don't drink more then a drink at a party. I don't go to clubs often anymore.

Unlike your idiotic advice, I can turn on attractive girls and lay them without the use of excessive alcohol, extreme good looks or anything other then the way I talk, touch and tease them.

You should have lied and said 15-25 girls. You would have had more credibility.