getting called a creeper?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
so some of my friends have been telling me that some of the people that i just talk to call me creepy, since i randomly approach and talk to them, and so im wondering if i should stop it.. it's weird because my friend told me that girls are not used to guys just randomly approaching them and talking to them, and so yeah it's really gay, doing so have really made me some good friends, and i got some girls from it. but yeah what should i do..

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Dont let it bother you. Its just people trying to keep you at the same level as them.
Iv been called the same thing for the same reasons. People just arnt use to cold approaches and being friendly. Iv also been called creepy for not beating around the bush and being blunt to girls.
I usually laugh it off or ask the person why they think its so creepy. They usually say something along the lines of it being weird but its always a weak reason.
Well I think its weird how unfriendly people are. I cant understand how people think its normal to look away from others as they pass them on the street. Are you suppose to ignore everyone?

These people just dont like how outgoing you are. Dont stop approaching people and just have fun with it because it really is fun to meet new people.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
If it gets to the point where your friends are intervening and telling you that others have brought up you being "creepy",youve done too much.It seems youve gone overboard bud.

Heres the thing though.You say your friends have found out from the girls?Bro in High School,dont rely on doing this kinda thing.Having connections and getting introduced by your friends to these girls is MUCH better.I kno you wanna be all so suave and random cold approach these broads but your gonna get that bad reputation if you hit n miss one.

It is GREAT to be outgoing and its good that you are out to meet people,but at the same time you have to use your smarts to pick your playing field.Its a fact that people arent used to it and so yes it is great that you want to change that,but that doesnt mean you HAVE to do it 24/7.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think you should take it as useful feedback.

Human interaction is based upon having common ground. That is what every interaction shares. You have to have something you share, or else there is nothing to talk about. The people who found you creepy were asking themselves as you talked to them "why is this guy talking to me?" and they did not have an answer - that is what creeped them out.

Try to talk to the people who happen to be near you, instead of going up to a stranger. It's not creepy to talk to the people who happen to be near you. It can be creepy to make an overt action to walk up to a stranger and engage them in conversation if they don't know what you want from them. It can be as little as asking a question about a shared class - but it has to be something. Common ground will keep you from being seen as creepy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with Five To One and Bible Belt here.

It's best if you don't go completely out of your way to talk to a woman, that can seem creepy, but from your original post, I got the impression that you were just talking to random girls at your school that you don't know who happen to be walking past or near you.

If so, forget about what your friends are saying. They're jealous they don't have the balls to approach women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Dont let yourself be labeled as "creepy" in highschool. Trust me, its gonna be NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to get with any chick in the school if people start calling you creepy. Girls are gonna talk about how weirded out they were by your approaches, and they're gonna tell stories of your creepiness to other girls. Trust me, i've seen this happen to a friend of mine (back in freshman year of hs), and after being in hs for a few months, he received the "creepy" label. Unfortunately, every girl I talk to thinks hes creepy to this day (we're juniors now).

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Try to talk to the people who happen to be near you, instead of going up to a stranger. It's not creepy to talk to the people who happen to be near you. It can be creepy to make an overt action to walk up to a stranger and engage them in conversation if they don't know what you want from them.
very good point.

Turning around and talking with the people behind you in line at taco bell as you wait is fine.
Engaging in conversation with people in a nearby table during lunch is fine.
As long as your not seen as going out of your way to talk to people its alright.
As long as you have something to say, wheither it be a smart observation, something funny you see, or a question.

It also kinda depends on what grade your in. Since im a "big bad senior" its not seen as weird if I start making fun of some sophmore girls that I have never met or walk up to a group of junior guys and ask them a question.
On the flip side, if your a freshmen doing that people are going to say who the hell does he think he is.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
dude if ur goal is to become a natural a pua, the way i see it you shouldnt give a fvck about these things,as ive heard some of my pua friends say you even sometimes hit a state of depression, but u keep moving on and not givin a damkn. they juz called you creepy, lol ive said some **** that kinda ruined my chances and reputation at times, they called me desperate, they called me a friggin loser, theyve called me wierd and all that ****, but all this is for the long run bro its not gonna be easy, im still proud that i said all the wierd things ive said in the past, because you learn from ur mistakes, like heres an example:

3 guys and 3 girls we were sittin down and chillin, without makin much conversation with these girls the situation got awkward, so i just told the girls
"do any of you want to make out?" just like that, for some friggin reason at that very moment i thought it would work lol, it didnt, i got rejected . next day everyone on my trip( we were on a school trip btw) found out and made fun of me lol, i juz didnt give a fvck. it was pretty stupid but i learned sth. from it. that girls think differentley, you have to make them comfortable talkin to ya before trying to attract them lol.

yeh so do ur thing and dont give a fvck.

keep it PCE


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
peacefire said:
3 guys and 3 girls we were sittin down and chillin, without makin much conversation with these girls the situation got awkward, so i just told the girls
"do any of you want to make out?" just like that, for some friggin reason at that very moment i thought it would work lol, it didnt, i got rejected . next day everyone on my trip( we were on a school trip btw) found out and made fun of me lol, i juz didnt give a fvck. it was pretty stupid but i learned sth. from it. that girls think differentley, you have to make them comfortable talkin to ya before trying to attract them lol.

yeh so do ur thing and dont give a fvck.

keep it PCE
while you do learn from your mistakes, the above is just retarded..... why would you ASK randomly GIRLS where the conversation wasnt flowing to make out? have you no common sense? unless you've gotten with one of them before or something....

but hes right, you gotta not give a fvck (dont take that to mean do retarded **** and ruin your reputation, cause once your reputation is ruined in HS, its VERY hard to fix it, much easier to build a rep then to rebuild one).

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Cassanova_Child said:
while you do learn from your mistakes, the above is just retarded..... why would you ASK randomly GIRLS where the conversation wasnt flowing to make out? have you no common sense? unless you've gotten with one of them before or something....
He obviously ment it as a joke. Dont you ever say stuff like that?

Like when a girl asks me for a ride ill say, "sure as long as you give me rode dome"

Or sometimes when im sitting next to a friend on a couch ill take her hand and slowly move it toward my c0ck like I want her to jerk me.

And for the record, I have never gotten road dome or gotten jerked when I have done that stuff right then and there, but I have hooked up with many of them at some point. It reeks of confidence/****yness and "im not new to the game" when you do that sh1t. Plus its pretty hilarious to see their reaction.

Im joking when I do that kind of sh1t and im going to assume he was to.

And as a side note-Arnt we always told to embrace our sexuality?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Cassanova_Child said:
while you do learn from your mistakes, the above is just retarded..... why would you ASK randomly GIRLS where the conversation wasnt flowing to make out? have you no common sense? unless you've gotten with one of them before or something....

but hes right, you gotta not give a fvck (dont take that to mean do retarded **** and ruin your reputation, cause once your reputation is ruined in HS, its VERY hard to fix it, much easier to build a rep then to rebuild one).
no **** it was stupid, i knew it was stupid to even say sth. like that like when has it ever worked? lol, the reason why i said it was to get use to sayin **** that i normally wouldnt say, also the situation was kinda funny no one had talked like in 2 minutes it was gettin akward for everyone, lol i just happened to make it alot more akwarder haha, and this wasnt in highschool. lol the looks on their faces haha priceless, they werent expecting anythin like dat, but none of these girls were hot anyways. its all experience, the world doesnt revovle around u so dont care, even a fvcked up reputation can be fixed just takes a lot of work.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
peacefire said:
even a fvcked up reputation can be fixed just takes a lot of work.
that needs to be stated 1000x i think. its so true.

but really, really hard. I know. I've pulled some retarded **** back in my AFC days.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
nek08 said:
so some of my friends have been telling me that some of the people that i just talk to call me creepy, since i randomly approach and talk to them, and so im wondering if i should stop it.. it's weird because my friend told me that girls are not used to guys just randomly approaching them and talking to them, and so yeah it's really gay, doing so have really made me some good friends, and i got some girls from it. but yeah what should i do..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,best line ever.

Oh,,establish more rapport with people you talk to,,the convo has to feel natural. (so keep doing it,,until you get better and better at it. I've been through that sh*t. Only way to improve is through experience and actually "applying"/"experimenting with" - what you learned - in the field)

And if your friends call you something,,just disarm them:
- You are creepy!
- Yeaaaah,,so what draws YOU in to creepy people?


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Don't worry, I get that ALLLL the time! Never stopped me getting any... If they call you creepy just pull my favourite trick!

Get a joke flower that quirts water, cover it in chloroform and ask her to smell your flower! Works every time!


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
BondageNick said:
Don't worry, I get that ALLLL the time! Never stopped me getting any... If they call you creepy just pull my favourite trick!

Get a joke flower that quirts water, cover it in chloroform and ask her to smell your flower! Works every time!


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
peacefire said:
3 guys and 3 girls we were sittin down and chillin, without makin much conversation with these girls the situation got awkward, so i just told the girls
"do any of you want to make out?" just like that, for some friggin reason at that very moment i thought it would work lol, it didnt, i got rejected . next day everyone on my trip( we were on a school trip btw) found out and made fun of me lol, i juz didnt give a fvck. it was pretty stupid but i learned sth. from it. that girls think differentley, you have to make them comfortable talkin to ya before trying to attract them lol.
retarded, what?? thats GOOD, i think i'm gonna use that one, thanks.

jokingly, of course. and if/WHEN she rejects, i'm just gonna say 'aww, rejected again!' (also jokingly)

i saw someone else do something like that. except instead of asking for a makeout he asked for a date right there in class. then said that^^.

(the trick is to not actually be serious about it...)

i'll let you guys know what happens

as for the approaching thing, just think of something to say and say it if she happens to be near you (like something funny in the room or some event thats going on for ex. are/did you go(ing) to the..? or did you watch the...? or a question). but all that has been said already. so there.:rockon:

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
If you're being called creepy, it means one of two things.

1. you're not smiling or vibing in a positive way.
2. you're very quiet in general.

My niece actually made an extremely astute observation. She told me how she found the easter bunny scary and how she found santa clause to be so much more warming and welcoming. In reality, santa clause is some creepy fat guy that sneaks into your house at night and the easter bunny is a fluffy cute creature that leaves gifts everywhere.

Difference being, santa talks, he makes different facial expressions while the easter bunny does none of that, hence he's creepy.

I haven't seen your approach, but, I would imagine that you're not doing one of the two if not both of the things I mentioned above.



Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
TheEnergizer said:
retarded, what?? thats GOOD, i think i'm gonna use that one, thanks.

jokingly, of course. and if/WHEN she rejects, i'm just gonna say 'aww, rejected again!' (also jokingly)

i saw someone else do something like that. except instead of asking for a makeout he asked for a date right there in class. then said that^^.

(the trick is to not actually be serious about it...)

i'll let you guys know what happens
it can definetely work the way you described... but when you ask that SERIOUSLY to random chicks you know, especially in HS, odds are against you.