Getting back with her


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Well i've been having a REALLY bad onitis latelly as some of you may or may not know. I've tried getting with other women, but it just makes me miss her more. Now I don't even look at women anymore, all I think of is her, but she has like tons of other guys on her now, I blew my chance by not acting quick enough. I literally had a dream of seeing her again and it was alot of fun, but when I woke up it sucked really bad lol. I woke up and was like "Wow, I need to get over her now...". She was just one of the very rare unique and extremelly attractive girls in my area, most girls are your typical slutty, chubby girls at my school, and she is now in college so I cant see her in person, but before she left she told me she'd be coming home soon, which is coming up. Should I try to get back with her or what? I've tried to move on but I cant. No other girl makes me like this, not even close.:confused:


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Truthfully, the best thing for you to do would be to get over her. But I know you don't want to. Its hard to get over someone, you have to ctually get up and find soemone else who made you feel the way she did. It really is worth it though. I was in the same situation. BUT since you probably are not going to that you might as well make a move on her when she gets back.

You miss 100% of the shots you dont take - Wayne Gretsky


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Im in the same situation and basically I think that youre not havign the quality of time/girl you had with her + all the emotional crap that comes with it, go find QUALITY girls, Im struggling with my oneitis who Ive broken all contact with but still it wont go away funny thing that when IVe met quality girls I stop caring about my oneitis, sadly the quality girls Ive met have been when I was on trips away from home, so no chance of wanting to keep them so yeah.. I guess the answer is finding that quality girl.

btw call me evil but once Im really interested in someone else Im planning to regame my oneitis and and then break her heart just for the fun of the eternal upper hand :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Hahah, very evil. Yea, the thing is my area is ALL girls that are mabye 5's personality and looks wise at best. She was here for the summer, and next summer is the last time she'll be in the area, also same with me, so idk. My friends think im gay b/c i'm now not even trying with any other girls lol. It's getting rediculous and I know it, but I just cant get over her. UGHHHGHGHG! Mabye I need to move... anybody live in a good area?