It's been a while since I was that young but I do remember that relationships were more ... I'm searching for a word here ... insane? ... combustible? ... ... ...
Anyway, the result is that very few of those relationships have any significant lasting power. Does this mean it is a better or worse idea to get back together? *shrugs shoulders* When you are young you are supposed to be more resillient?
What is going on in the girl's head?
A million things at a thousand miles per hour. I've still never been a girl, got to get around to that, but I'm guessing some of the things that pass through her mind more frequently are:
How well do I really know this guy?
He has some really good qualities.
Am I ready for this serious a realtionship?
He means a lot to me.
I'm young and should seek more experiences.
Most guys out there are jerks.
Maybe that's just because I haven't gotten to know them.
It's easier to stick with the good guy I have.
If I don't break up now it will be harder later.
I don't want to hurt him.
I need to take care of myself.
Someday I'll wish I had a guy exactly like this to take care of me.
So she decides one day things are good and the next day those same things are the problem. It is not an unusual way for a girl her age to think. She seems to cycle through believing them faster then average. She might be an AW in training. She might be someone who is really trying to define herself and the process is just more visibly messy because of the speed she is trying to go through it.
I don't hear anything that suggests that the girl is the kind of catch that would be worth going through this process for. I don't really hear anything that indicates the guy is great relationship material right now either.
As described, it sounds like they are playing house. Both trying to do what they think they should do without much understanding of why.
Neither sounds like they should be seeking LTRs right now. Both will probably be different people in five years. Who knows which way their development will take them.
I think I might be saying, though it disgusts me, if you love something let it go, if it comes back to you ... stop leaving chopped liver in your back pocket.
Personally, I don't see any reason they would want to subjucate each other or themselves to that relationship.
I hope this is about a friend you've mentioned before and not you.