^ Look, NO plastic bottles are safe! PERIOD!
Plastic is simply not an acceptable food/drink container.
Even your hard Lexan Nalgene bottles that don't change the taste are dangerous!
So, why not save money instead and use a home filter and reuse glass jars or a metal thermos?
Plastic is simply not an acceptable food/drink container.
Even your hard Lexan Nalgene bottles that don't change the taste are dangerous!
Fact is, if you buy plastic bottled drinks, you are poisoning BOTH the environment and your own body with these petrochemicals and hormone disruptors!one of the components of Lexan polycarbonate resin--bisphenol-A (BPA)--can leach into water from water bottles. BPA is a potent hormone disruptor. It can impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on breast tissue and prostate development.
So, why not save money instead and use a home filter and reuse glass jars or a metal thermos?