It's not about the tat, it's about the meaning behind it.
To me, it doesn't matter what someone gets, and who cares about the age of 50? Nobody in the world acts or lives like they're going to be 50 years old someday, so I think a wrinkly tattoo is the least of anyones' concerns.
Here's the facts...a tat is permanent. Whatever you get, better be permanent, something you LOVE. Truly LOVE. People who get them ripped off didn't love it, they wanted the image.
I got 1 on my arm, a TRIBAL FIRE I had tweaked and designed by my artist friend. In the middle, like a dogtag, I put my Grandfather's initials "HHH." Yes they are his initials. My family liked it, and oddly enough b/c they loved him, everybody has since designed one and wants one. Some people go to insult it, for the location or initials, but once they realize it's for my deceased grandfather and that I don't care what people think about having it, they STFU.
I got my tat for a whopping $100 and love it for what it is. Most people that get them too young, regret it, say around 18, b/c normally it was a phase, like a nose ring, or belly ring. So I will say more tattoos than not are out of spontaneity than they are out of consideration.
Tat's of gf's...
-A turtle on her lowerback and a weigh scale (libra sign) just above her right azz cheek.
-Her family name written on her back, cursive, 10 smiley faces on her thigh, and a flower on her ankle.
-A tiger lily on her back (hated it after she got it).
Those are of the girls I remember and just dated. Girls, period, looked stupid with them.
In the words of Vince Vaughn, "It's like a Bullseye." And it is. A girl that gets it is drawing attention to her back, a place that WILL be gross as soon as she has kids, possibly sooner. Generally they are lame, like butterfly tribal shyt, which looks bad in dresses. Just my arrogant opinion though.
The rest of what people think about Tat's is just prejudice and bias and made-up crap from people they've seen who have them. A past boss of mine had like 6, all under his suit. You never knew it til he worked out, and he even got some while he was working at 40 years old. My uncle's father got 1 in the military and has it. It's on his forearm, and 1 on his belly; he's a multimillionaire.
Do what my X did. Put a picture of what you want in your room for a whole year. If you stand for it that long, then wait a little longer and get it. BUT LIKE it. My grandfather was family and died while I was young and practically raised me. I wanted to honor him in someway and i don't show it off much at all. Only in bed, working out, and if stretching in a t shirt.