Getting a Maybe


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
So I asked this chick what she was gonna be up to on Wensday night she said she had no clue what she would be doing and asked my why what's up. I asked her if she wanted to go to dinner and grab some drinks after she got out of work, and she told me maybe and that she would definitely let me know.

Also fwi, I kiss closed her on Saturday night at a party. Out of curiosity do you guys think a maybe is legit in this situation or what? My thought is that fine I asked her but she's got to call me/text me back now, not me calling her again to find out because if she really wants to go she'll let me know.

If she doesn't even get back to me with like hey I'm sorry but I'm busy and offer to do it again some other time or even offer another night then next correct?

Early DJ

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
flint said:
Also fwi, I kiss closed her on Saturday night at a party. Out of curiosity do you guys think a maybe is legit in this situation or what? My thought is that fine I asked her but she's got to call me/text me back now, not me calling her again to find out because if she really wants to go she'll let me know.

If she doesn't even get back to me with like hey I'm sorry but I'm busy and offer to do it again some other time or even offer another night then next correct?

I am not a DJ, but thats what I would do at least, the maybe will soon appear as a yes or a no. To me though I get the whole DJ thing, but I still think that some girls are different with respect to the NC thing.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
The fact that she said maybe or well see shows low interest. Do not contact her again. She is either
a. playing games making you wait
B. seeing if she can get a better date
C. just not interested...

If she does not call you back tonight, then when she calls you tomm or wed you are busy doing something else and try to reschedule...

She tells you she is doing nothing on wed, then when you ask her out she has to check our schedule...


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
You're a low priority on her list. She wants to find out if there's something better to do that day, and if there isn't, she'll call you.

Low Interest level for sure.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Maybe is w0manese for no.

She's trying to shop for a better deal and she'll call you if she hasn't forgotten about you.

You'd better move on because she might be taking some interesting guy's meat as you read this.

If she was interested, she would've set up a date on the spot instead of making you wait or putting you at the bottom of the list in the hopes she gets a better deal.

This is just like Deal or No Deal. And you're the banker. Don't let the ball stay in her court for too long!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Maybes almost always turn into flakes, and since I hate flakes (who doesn't!), whenever I hear "maybe", I'd say something like: scrap that then, we'll catch up another time when you know your schedule better. At that point, she'll either say yes (because she was just playing hard to get game) or give you a firm alternate offer if she's interested. If not, you've just nipped a flake in the bud.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
I mean I agree that saying maybe when she had already told me she has no idea what she's doing that night (no plans) means low interest.

Only thing that threw me off is that like I said I did kiss close her a few nights ago, and that's rare for me because I'm pushing my comfort zone, but I'm starting to realize that the kiss close doesn't mean too much.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
A kiss could mean the world to one girl and like a handshake to another, although in your case:

I mean I agree that saying maybe when she had already told me she has no idea what she's doing that night (no plans) means low interest.
I think that chick is just playing hard to get.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jitterbug said:
Maybes almost always turn into flakes, and since I hate flakes (who doesn't!), whenever I hear "maybe", I'd say something like: scrap that then, we'll catch up another time when you know your schedule better. At that point, she'll either say yes (because she was just playing hard to get game) or give you a firm alternate offer if she's interested. If not, you've just nipped a flake in the bud.
These ^^ are wise words.

Guys, stop GUESSING at what women are thinking and feeling- women will tell you mostly what is going on for them if you learn to break code.

Never pin your hopes on a 'maybe date'...if you leave this situation with her 'promising' to call you ,you are going home in confusion and left to dangle at her whim. NEVER do that. You asked her to go out with you - you are doing HER a favor, and YOU are entitled to a clear and respectful reply.
There can be many reasons why a woman says, "'Maybe... I will let you know.." but understand this - none of those reasons are usually to your advantage.

Follow Jitter's advice and say that you will catch up some other time. That will either flush her out and she will jump at you," Oh no..I really would like to go out." (she was playing hard to get and you called her on it) or she might still hemm and haww, in which case she is really saying ," no thanks." because she does not want to see you .

Either way you will get a clearer answer.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
The next time she says "maybe", tell her to let you know by a certain date. If she doesn't, go on and make plans on that day. Take it that she is not interested. If she really wants to go out with you, she will give you no less than a "yes", or a counter-offer if she is unavailable on that day. It is that straightforward. Don't come up with excuses for her.

In some cases, she may be playing games by giving an indefinite answer. She's testing you. Don't give a crap to what she says. You've made an offer. It takes two hands to clap. Go make your usual plans, go out with other girls, go out with your friends. Don't initiate contact again. If she wants to see you, she'll call.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score

First of all, ya kisses don't mean $hit. I kissed my friends fat sister because it was her birthday and she kept on asking me for a kiss so I did to be nice, no attraction from me whatsoever but the girl has known me for 12 years and has always liked me, the least I could do was give her a birthday kiss (no tongue, don't disrespect me lol)

Second of all, dinner dates are a no no, hell to the no, no dinner until after she's given up the goods. Drinks, sure, dinner? Why spend money on her and then get desexualized, when the chick eats dinner, she's gonna be bloated n wanna take a $hit, not hookup, especially if she's young? It's too much going on in her mind, too formal n stuff. Invite her over to your house to 'hang out' or get drinks to get her loose or go to a bar, club and have a good time with her.

Finally, forget a maybe, she said she had nothing going on, she should have said yes, then cancel on ya if she had something come up, not maybe n probably not have the common courtesy to even cancel on ya because in her mind, she technically didn't commit anything and she feels she doesn't owe you $hit, I'd be surprised if she followed through on the date, I would have asked her when she was free and planned for that day. Think about it, if a girl you liked invited you out when you had nothing else going on, you would go.