Read back bro, my threads were all strong the whole summer, so many encounters, plates in the rotation.
I just lost a couple of plates because they wanted LTRs and tried to give me a ultimatum, stop f8cking around or ... (i can't handle it). I soft nexted them and went for the bigger sharks.
Old oneitis (tried to game her but I got caught in a afc mindset again when some stuff happened - read my threads back of 2 months ago to know)
Getting flings with hb8s and plus that took the road when I got too pushy for them.
Got a bit out of shape and booking less success then the summer gotten me to lack in the field.
I need to work some more on inner game so the environment doesn't shake me up so much, that's the truth.
I don't project more success then feel it, I am too thirsty and pushy with girls that are interested, blows them off which gets back to me and on this forum. Things look great after date one or encounter one (hugging,kissing,rapport) then I
text to soon to meet up, ask for a date 3 times in 2 weeks and they lose interest. I project it back on here...
I don't lie, if I lie, I lie to myself. I never lied about a word on here.
You can have my snapchat if I could get yours, ill live the proof up to you. Follow my road, I put all the fun stuff on my story anyway. PM if you want it.