get laid without this?

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
i do not like to answer questions about myself, i do not like to talk about myself, and i do not like women to know anything about me other then prehaps the fact that i like her. it irritatesd me and this is my bigest hurdle. sometimes i end up conversing with nods and shakes of hte head. if i loked deeper i would be able to explain it, but rest assured it is totally justified. it partialyl relates to my hate of anything related to bullying.

how do i get laid undedr these rules:

1. i do not lie or fool her about my experience with women
2. i do not tell her anything about me
3. i do not tell any stories or experiences or "routines"
4. i do not use any humour
5. i do not use "****y and funny"

how do i do this and what qulaity of women iwll i get


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
this might not be what you want to hear but i think you need to atleast use a little humor... something that doesnt make you come across as 100 serious and stiff... gotta make girls smile

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Change i do not use or i do not tell to i am not

You are not ****y nor funny.
You do not have any sense of humor.
You do not tell any stories, or interesting experiences.
You do not tell anything about yourself.
You do not have any experiences with women.

What are you afraid of? Being rejected? Loosing? How can you get better and win if you are not willing to loose? Isn't that impossible?

How old are you? What have those attributes above gotten you so far? Perhaps YOU simply stink. Time to change.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
No offense, guy, but you're basically asking us, "How can I get women without being interesting at all?"

And the answer is you can't. You have to be willing to lighten up a little so that they'll have a good time with you. Otherwise, you'll bore them, and you'll be spending many nights alone.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
How old are you? What have those attributes above gotten you so far? Perhaps YOU simply stink. Time to change.
then ill just have to ****ing rape a woman.

I also follow the same rules except i do use humor, cmon you have to give something in return for pu55y, what do you want here man, charity.
yeah as if them having sex and physical pleasure deserves 'payment', i don't owe them ****, yeah they don't owe me either(apart from one i specifically know), but if i don't get it ill just ****ing take it won't i, after all its just a game u win u lose and nothing matters, right mr. wolf?

Sh1t Ive had women ask, "why are you so mysterious, did you kill someone?", seriously for some reason if you dont tell a woman much they assume that your a killer and whats more the idea that you could have killed a man seems to turn them on and im not even joking.
Anyhow I didnt kill anyone haha but its true women make assumptions when you stay mysterious and it is a turn on. So you can use that to your advantage...
if that happened i would simply say i have not killed anyone yet and make that clear. the ***** should not be rewarding murderers.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Nexus Polaris said:
No offense, guy, but you're basically asking us, "How can I get women without being interesting at all?"

And the answer is you can't. You have to be willing to lighten up a little so that they'll have a good time with you. Otherwise, you'll bore them, and you'll be spending many nights alone.
I don't agree with that, you can be boring as hell but if you have social value (in their eyes anyway) then you can still get women. There are lots of boring guys with girls. Even if it's temporarily until an exciting smooth talker takes her away from him.


eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
I don't agree with that, you can be boring as hell but if you have social value (in their eyes anyway) then you can still get women. There are lots of boring guys with girls. Even if it's temporarily until an exciting smooth talker takes her away from him.

ok the first answer so far could u please tell me more?

as for social value, well i have no friends does this mean no social value


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
whoa, this guy is saying how can i attract women by being totally unattractive in every possible way and not correct myself.

catch 22

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
remotecontrol said:
You have some serious problems. If I were you I'd castrate myself.
if i castrate myself i have no penis to put into a woman, the thrad is a bout getting laid, idiot
Why ar you even on this board?
Did you-
A/want advice on how to get laid ?
B/ did you want to spew out your sexual frustration on everyone.?

Well if its B /then we dont care and we dont feel sorry for you, you do enough of that for yourself already.

And in awnser to A/Feeling sorry for yourself shows through in everything you say and do, women find that repulsive and unmasculine, so theres your awnser.

Come back with a better attitude and i might help you more.
realy that is the most retarded thing ive ever heard. as if women have some ****en psychic power whre they can look into a guys brain, if that is ture then i guess women wer like 'omg hes going to sadistically rape and torture and kill me!!!! i cant wait' whe nthey met ted bundy. after all, being a sadistic killer of women must have 'showed through in everything he said and did", right? u obviously pulled that illogical **** straight out of ur ass and for the recod, i dont spend time felign sorry for myself, i just hold others inc. women to the same standrads they hold me, and if needs be i will simply take what i want but of course theat is undesirable and i woudl prefer that not to happen.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
remotecontrol said:
Seeing as your obsessed with rape....its good to know you will probably wind up having your obsession fulfilled on a daily basis by your cell mate and his donkey penis.
lol thats the most cliched and tired **** ive heard in a while, hell theres even a fukin song made about this, such a bad attempt at 'wit' i almost cried, because u didnt even come up ith it urself. plus you didnt even say it right, u should have been connecting the two in with cosmic irony like the song 'date rape' did so well(i.e. he raped and then got raped) but u just made a massive fail instead, directly connecting an "obsession" with raping(as i never mentioned getting raped, and dont bs me about my example of ted bundy, because u should have picked the points i made apart if thats what u were talking about, but i guess u are to retarded) with an obsession with being raped, even though there is none, basically your post made no sense whatsoever, and was not funny at all, it has to be either one to count. in sumary, if u cant ****ing argue don't bother, u failed badly talking about women's psychic power and failed just as bad here, idiot.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
remotecontrol said:
did I hit a nerve...I didnt realise you cared so much to awnser my sentence with a book.
Remember to bring plenty of lube to the joint with you.
lol this reminds me when i play cs and get acuse of hacking, i explain how this is totally illogical and they just say 'yeah sure w/e u win' and quit the argument, feigning disinterest, a common tactic when someone is clearlty pwned and proven wrong and something they never seem to do when they are smarter than the other. basically bullying, start **** but back down immediately when beaten. care so much about what anyway?

i am sorry but dont bother trying if u have no ****ing brains. if ur going to make a bs assertion about women's supposedly fantastic ability to see through people and how ****ing special they are, at least back it up, whats the point in pulling something out of your ass like that anyway? and why the sudden change, first u write a long post giving me advice, then you give a pissed off post with a bunch of armchair psychology, but then when i destroy your post u suddenly have a change of heart adn quit and now suddenly ur talking about how long my post is and trying to be the cool guy who dosnt care. and dont say some bull**** like u dont have time, because if that was true u wouldnt have started it and made that **** up in the first place.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
gn anyway, and btw i bet my mothers life u got ur name by looking at random things around u and picking the first thing that came into ur head, u lazy mother****er. no wonder u quit.