Don Juan
Amen... however, there is a time and place for everything. The only good wardrobe is a diverse one. I own some pink shirts, and then again I'm getting into some R+B **** [just started rockin the basics, big jeans and all], I own some 'western' stuff [new line @ express], I own some silk dress shirts.Originally posted by Mr. Latte
It depends where you live and the crowd you're in. Wearing FUBU or Enyce in Miami in any CLASSY crowd only gaurantees that you won't be getting into any clubs that night. There's a certain dresscode expected, and IMO, a jersey is NEVER appropriate to go out in. I don't wear flippers and swimming goggles to go out, why should you wear a football jersey?
You need to dress for the moment, and as a rule of thumb, overdressed is sexy... you can alwase take stuff off as the night goes on