So your a hypocrite then.... . You are ok with gay people yet have something against people living a religious life....weird. I cant wait till you try to justify what you said when your "Pro Acceptance."
I'm ok with gay people since they dont choose to like the same sex. I'm ok with people who 'believe in some kind of a god', I'm NOT ok with religions, in my eyes ANY religion is retarded, but people who exercise any religion may not be retarded. To put it even more simple: religion is retarded, people who believe DO have a choice, if they choose to believe, I find their choice unfortunate, but I do respect anyone who believes as long as he is a decent person.
All major religions are against homosexuality, and that's one of the reasons why I think religions are idiotic.
This is the problem I have with the whole gay agenda....they all ask for is acceptance and equality yet when one person doesnt care well then society spear heads that person and calls them "Intolerant," "Cold," "Homophobic," "Nazi," and this one cracks me up a "Latent Homosexual."
They should not ask for 'acceptance' and 'equality', it should be given to them authomatically, as to ANYONE who is born and who follows the basic rules of like (dont kill, dont rape, dont steal etc).
The society HAS the right to call any ACTIVE anti gay person "intolerant", since not having respect for someone who is different due to a natural cause is stupid.
If you look down on homosexuals, retarded people or any other groum who has not chosen to be what they are, then yes, you are retarded, unintelligent and so on. Its common sense, dont u think ?
Why does everyone in the world have to care about the sex of someone? I mean the only persons sex I care about is mine I dont need to see all these videos and PSA announcements to be ok with gays. Then they blow crap out of proportion....
in that case, all the hetero videos, announcemens etc should also be made illegal.
A gay kid gets bullied and kills himself......the entire world is now in solace its so sad this was the first ever time a kid was bullied and to top it off he was gay..what has the world come too!
if that happens then its indeed unfortunate.
Straight kids were being bullied since the education system was established yet noone cares about those kids or at the very least noone gives that majority the vast exposure that gay people get.
minorities always need protection from people like YOU. From people who dont understand that everyone is different, that nature has given us different genes and ONE world to live on.
You can call me a homophobe or a gay basher or whatever because personally I'm never going to care about homosexuals but the gay crowd needs to stop taking everything up the a5S.
most homosexuals are not accepted for what they are, they feel undeserving and unwanted by the society, not always, but in many cases, and this is wrong, its wrong to treat a part of the society as less valueable and deserving for something they did not CHOOSE.