Originally posted by BrotherAP
When a girl says 'All the cute guys are gay' what she means is 'If they don't want to **** ME, they must be gay' when really she's just pissed off that they're not noticing her. That, and there's that stereotype about gay guys working out and being built.
I've known a few girls who have told me exactly why they like having gay guy friends - and it's pretty much the same reason that they like having AFC guy friends. Heck, I'm not sure the girls really differentiate between the gay friend and the friend that they'd never sleep with, except girl actually fall in love with the gay guy occasionally where as the AFC always gets the short end of the stick. Back on point, according to these girls, they like gay guys because they don't feel any sexual tension. They like having 'guy friends' that they know aren't trying to sleep with them.
Great point.