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Gauging High interest which turns to low IL do you still follow course of action as if she was high IL?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
I know with fundamentals to only meet with HB's who have high IL from the off, give phone number immediately etc

But if her IL drops inexplicably over something so little do you then just categorise her in the low IL bin and move on?

For example on dating app i got a very hot HB, everything seemed going well convo wise allbeit she didn't comment on some of the stuff i said kind of ignored it (compliments essentially maybe creeped her out i dont know)

When i told her we should talk on whatsapp and arrange the first daye she gave the number immediately no questions asked.

Normally i immediately message them on whatsapp my number (and tell them on the dating app as my last message that I'll message them my number now so they are aware in advance -strike while the iron is hot so to speak)

I decided to try a diff tactic this time and delayed messaging her it till hours later and did not send a final message on the app

She proceeds to respond 18 mins later on whatsapp after i sent her the initial this is my number message with a 'Hi'

I wasn't sure whether to continue the convo there or just leave it to the next day.

I decided to follow up complimenting her profile pic

She did not reply and it has been 2 days i saw this an immediate sign of low IL

Is it because what i said may have given her the ick? All i said was i liked her profile pic on here + of her stunning dress. Nothing too risky

So a complete 180 has me baffled

I have another HB from it im meeting next week who seems to have high IL despite responding like 2 days later always - to me that seems like low IL but again i have no idea how long is reasonable these days.

Long story short, regardless of the reason the original HB who had high IL suddenly bot responding i have to treat her as a low IL plate even if she does indeed responds and i meet up with her?

I proceeded to follow up today telling her I've decided where we will go for a first date no response yet I should just move on.

It always f*cks me off how they suddenly change hot and cold over such tiny indiscretions no wonder so many of us get oneitis the silence makes us obsess over what we did wrong to the point im petrified when i initiate convos to set up the dates in fear I'll say something that'll put them off as it happens so many times it can't be a coincidence

I suspect they can sense the nerves or it comes across as me trying too hard im constantly second guessing myself. But reading over what i said i am shocked she has been put off by what i said.

Should i even bother next week following up trying to change the flow of the convo to get the IL back up?

If she engages in convo i feel i could get it back up as she prob misjudges me as we haven't talked enough to really gauge compatibility.

All of this just feels desperate tbh
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Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Could be a test but if you have abundance it doesnt matter, you play it cool and/or you find a better girl.
I dont have an abundance i need to keep my focus on increasing plate numbers and never looking back

It bothers me most when they are really hot like i feel as someone older the time to get younger HB's esp online on apps is long gone anyone 40+ is instantly disregarded unless they are exceptionally good looking or in their pics living a lavish lifestyle.

Like i dont care much when i lose average HB's i cant be bothered to meet them waste time and money so if they are DTF it is only worth my while meeting otherwise the downside is you sometimes meet them and get rejected and feel even worse cos you weren't that interested in them in the first place yet wasted time meeting them and money and still didnt get anything so leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

So now i just dont bother meeting them unless they are hot or unless they are DTF which i am up front about it is win win for me, if they are interested in hooking up then it is what i want if they aren't saves me time and hassle money etc

Just losing my frame and cool with the high HB's is what bothers me the most i am sure they can sense the nerves on my side.

I decided to delete the messages in whatsapp with this one and unmatched on hinge, not sure if that looks butt hurt but i dont care now i wasnt going to wait till next week for a small chance i might be able to get a second chance.

I want it now or not at all.

I need to focus my energies on finding new plates new options

Likewise with the other one I'm supposed to meet next week i dont like how she takes 24 hours to reply to me that does not sound like someone who has high IL in you regardless how busy she is..

Clearly she has other options on dating apps she prob wants more and just treating me as an option.

At what point is it fair to pass judgement? Like should i meet her try to escalate and see if she still is like this afterwards?

I just assume you can gauge beforehand how high her IL is even if you are complete strangers who haven't met yet.. surely she is replying to others she likes more more quickly.

Either way im just looking forward trying ro accumulate more plates and never resting on my laurels


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
No. It means you either aren't her first choice, someone else has entered the picture she is more interested in(possibly an ex), she doesn't view you as a person with long-term potential or you have done things to cause this drop.

If she has suddenly changed why would you continue to do the things that may have caused this change in the first place?

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Don't psych yourself out. You probably did a better job than you think attracting and connecting during the opening phase.

Due of always-on, always connected technology, the perceived mate value of male suitors has gone down. In the past, a new suitor on her scene held a certain intrigue & unavailability, which can be manufactured through game, but is ultimately ineffective due to so many other guys willing to give her attention when she wants it, and on her terms.

Along comes a guy with good game. Someone like the OG founding fathers of this forum. You make a great first impression, she's interested, you make future plans, and exchange contact information. In the moment, she's looking forward to it. It makes sense for her.

But fast forward to a later date, and you leave a voice message or send a follow up text. You're keen to meet, but she's no longer in state. It's not that she doesn't remember you. She does. But she's not in the mood now. To meet up, she has to be emotionally prepared. Now here's an invitation to meet up with an attractive guy, with good game, who stands a good chance of getting into her pants now? No, that would way to easy she thinks. Plus she's not in the mood for sex.

She also figures her notch count certainly doesn't need to be any higher. It's not like she's some ratchet slut. Not like those other girls that no doubt gave it up to you easily. No, better to show you she's “different”. Better to hold out. Better to just let you text her some more. If he really wants it, he'll keep trying. Besides, each funny text she got from you have been a virtual bubble of just-as-fun. And she doesn't even need to get dressed, put on makeup, or be interesting.

In an effort to salvage your wasted night, you run your funniest, best text game, but it's too late. She's already in her PJ's. You finally send "no worries. some other time", and concede defeat.
The drip feed of text stimulation provided by you stops. "That was fun" she thinks. Now bored, she checks her social media ego booster profiles, and fields texts from a half dozen other potential suitors, friends & orbiters while settling in with netflix for the night.

She has a slight headache from tilting her head just so for the last 15 minutes to get just the right amount of cleavage and filtering for a couch selfie to upload for a quick bait instagram story. Better cancel plans with another one of her suitors for tomorrow night now. His 3rd flake of the week, he gets aggressive over text, and tells her how disappointed he is. Disqualified. What a desperate butthurt guy she thinks. I’m worth so much more. If he really cared, he would be more patient. She thinks. Like that cool guy from earlier. Persistent, he's still in the running...

Women are emotional and hormonal creatures^^. And they need to be handled as such.

Persistence is important but she has to show interest during the "chase". If she doesn't answer my last text, she is immediately unsubscribed and deleted.

When girls "flake", they are doing you a favor.

They are "screening" themselves for you. They are letting you know that they don't want to fvck you, at the moment.

Her flaking gives you the freedom to go out and game other girls. Her flaking gives you the feedback you need to make improvements and adjustments in your game. Her flaking lets you know that you must talk to more girls and find girls that you have better "genetic chemistry" with.

She doesn't want to hang out with you. She is being honest with you.

Be honest with yourself -- go talk to some more girls

"Flaking" makes my pursuit of sex more efficient because I know who is interested and who isn't.

"Flaking" = girls "screening" themselves.

Just move on

don't put a lot of stock in messages of any kind nowadays, at least not in the smartphone afflicted parts of the world. It’s like selling used cars - if you can't spot deliver a sale right then and there, just move on to the next prospect. Maybe the first one will come back, maybe not.

Abundance mentality.
Women that are disinterested in you are unavailable. Women that are interested in you will make themselves available. It’s called interest level. Self respect before pvssy.
We gotta keep burning this into our frontal cortex.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
It always f*cks me off how they suddenly change hot and cold over such tiny indiscretions no wonder so many of us get oneitis the silence makes us obsess over what we did wrong to the point im petrified when i initiate convos to set up the dates in fear I'll say something that'll put them off as it happens so many times it can't be a coincidence

I suspect they can sense the nerves or it comes across as me trying too hard im constantly second guessing myself. But reading over what i said i am shocked she has been put off by what i said.

Should i even bother next week following up trying to change the flow of the convo to get the IL back up?

If she engages in convo i feel i could get it back up as she prob misjudges me as we haven't talked enough to really gauge compatibility.

All of this just feels desperate tbh
Happens to me a lot too and I know a lot of other guys its happening to aswell

theres something much stranger going on than simple bad luck or coincidence

Women know dam well they have the upper hand in the current dating market , so a lot of them tend to treat men with contempt especially on dating apps because its such low effort

How do you value something when it's so abundant !?! women treat male attention like water essential yet easily replinishable

The biggest problem ive found is that you need to make effort to make a conversation flow yet by making effort they know your on the hook

Jealousy is the easiest way too beat women at their own game , once she sees you or even perceives you to be with other women she will associate you with being in demand if she has any interest in you this will always spike her emotions make her want you more

Orchestrating this isn't simple but carefully done you can engineer it on social media

Womens psychology towards dating is far from linear , men approach it too rationally and always end up getting burned by either over or under investing

You need to learn to be very random , unpredictable yet calculating

I advocate actually trying to get into the freindzone first show little romantic or sexual interest and when there start using her own emotions against her

Love is war


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
online dating is only good for chads and those that are good at manipulation (i.e., lying).

if I threw away my ethics and was only there for sex (a lot of guys onlining are only in it for the sex), I would get more dates and more sex. however, it would not be good for finding long term relationships. also, it is not a good use of my time.

think about it. if you are being truthful and honest, how can you compete with the Chad's and the liars? you can't. online dating encourages lying and making people only date. ask any girl and she will tell horror stories of guys lying on dating apps when they actually got to know the guy.

having so many "attractive choices" on online dating apps, women will be finicky. but most of the time, these women are being used.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Unless you really did something wrong.

Don’t question anything you do. It takes practice but you need to be plowing through. It’s a numbers game. Low or high interest is just analytics. If she ghost or says no move on quickly with out thought.

Because the flood gates have been opened (poster above explains it) people who where normally crazy and would be on the fringes of dating have normalized dating to there advantage.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
online dating is only good for chads and those that are good at manipulation (i.e., lying).

if I threw away my ethics and was only there for sex (a lot of guys onlining are only in it for the sex), I would get more dates and more sex. however, it would not be good for finding long term relationships. also, it is not a good use of my time.

think about it. if you are being truthful and honest, how can you compete with the Chad's and the liars? you can't. online dating encourages lying and making people only date. ask any girl and she will tell horror stories of guys lying on dating apps when they actually got to know the guy.

having so many "attractive choices" on online dating apps, women will be finicky. but most of the time, these women are being used.
How do you turn it into a sexual thing when their mindset is LTR?

Like the skills is being able to change someone set on a LTR mode by escalating into a oh it just happened type thing

Having looks matters obviously as makes it easier but im unsure what to talk about or what to say on dates to initiate these things

What topics do you talk about to move it into the direction you want?


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
Reaction score
How do you turn it into a sexual thing when their mindset is LTR?

Like the skills is being able to change someone set on a LTR mode by escalating into a oh it just happened type thing

Having looks matters obviously as makes it easier but im unsure what to talk about or what to say on dates to initiate these things

What topics do you talk about to move it into the direction you want?
the people who are good at dating are those that are good at being a salesmen. most salesmen lie. sooooo, if we use those standards you need to find out what she likes in a man and lie to her about it.