It's best to let women come to you, but know the signs she's en route.
1) Eye contact - If she likes you she will hold eye contact almost indefinitely, often at first glance. This can be used to measure the relationship throughout. Often they will stare a little too long and will then say "what?" to tease you into maintaining the connection.
2) Touch - If she likes you she will find some reason (any reason) to touch you. For this reason, it's best to refrain from ANY touch until she initiates it. Only then can you try massaging her, etc. Please don't say the K word in this thread.
3) Pickup Line Receptiveness - If she likes you she will fall for your line. I prefer "Are you single?" but use something that is short and direct. Remember, when you cut to the chase (scene) you are giving her permission to reject you. If you try to avoid that, you will seem wimpy to her. Just do it. You are saying "Ok, ok, I want you. Do I have a chance, yes or no?" But not verbatim.
4) Electronic Contact Eagerness - If she likes you she will always reply to your texts, even if only one word.
5) Actual Contact Eagerness - If she likes you then you will NOT need to send a date reminder. Rather, you will get a text that reads "How are you? I'm looking forward to (tomorrow, etc)" within 24 hours of the plans. Or she will say "You blew me off" when you barely alluded to seeing her at all.
6) Thank you texts - If she likes you she will send a thoughtful, well punctuated thank-you letter telling you what a wonderful time she had (i.e., she wants to spend more time together). Better yet, she will call you and be gushing on the phone.
7) Reading between the lines - If she likes you and you write "I bought some free range chicken today at Whole Foods because it's your favorite. Did I hypnotise you the other night? I will be making dinner tomorrow at 6pm", she will reply "I love chicken!", "I will be there at 6pm", and (20 minutes later) "I think you did." in 3 separate messages.
(Add your sure signs here)
1) Eye contact - If she likes you she will hold eye contact almost indefinitely, often at first glance. This can be used to measure the relationship throughout. Often they will stare a little too long and will then say "what?" to tease you into maintaining the connection.
2) Touch - If she likes you she will find some reason (any reason) to touch you. For this reason, it's best to refrain from ANY touch until she initiates it. Only then can you try massaging her, etc. Please don't say the K word in this thread.
3) Pickup Line Receptiveness - If she likes you she will fall for your line. I prefer "Are you single?" but use something that is short and direct. Remember, when you cut to the chase (scene) you are giving her permission to reject you. If you try to avoid that, you will seem wimpy to her. Just do it. You are saying "Ok, ok, I want you. Do I have a chance, yes or no?" But not verbatim.
4) Electronic Contact Eagerness - If she likes you she will always reply to your texts, even if only one word.
5) Actual Contact Eagerness - If she likes you then you will NOT need to send a date reminder. Rather, you will get a text that reads "How are you? I'm looking forward to (tomorrow, etc)" within 24 hours of the plans. Or she will say "You blew me off" when you barely alluded to seeing her at all.
6) Thank you texts - If she likes you she will send a thoughtful, well punctuated thank-you letter telling you what a wonderful time she had (i.e., she wants to spend more time together). Better yet, she will call you and be gushing on the phone.
7) Reading between the lines - If she likes you and you write "I bought some free range chicken today at Whole Foods because it's your favorite. Did I hypnotise you the other night? I will be making dinner tomorrow at 6pm", she will reply "I love chicken!", "I will be there at 6pm", and (20 minutes later) "I think you did." in 3 separate messages.
(Add your sure signs here)
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