Re: Re: Re: F*ck the Middle East and the Gas Companies
Originally posted by MVPlaya
Wear a bullet proof vest when you go out tomorrow.
Or don't be a ****ing moron. There is no "its us or them."
O really?! How about you go and do some reading/studying on why the middle east hates America. Go read some of it in the History books. I don't have time to talk to a dumb a$$, ignorant Democrat who wants to b*tch about everything. Here is a little about what's you'll find:
The Middle East are thought to take their lives as long as they bring down AMERICANS with them. They are taught that if they do this then they will go to heaven, or their equivalent of it. I can't remember the names of these leaders but there are many that teach this principle to them.
Ever since Middle Eastern babies are born they are taught to HATE AMERICA.
All this hatred starts from the beginning of Americas rise as a "superpower". Look up the "barbie doll" and the "sara doll". The core reason why AMERICA is hated so much is because of America's power in the world. Because America has so much influence in everything, American values were spreading across the world. (look up the dolls, you (insert profanity) democrat) There was a theory, the "domino theory" (another fact you should look up before you open up your mouth)(or maybe you like opening your mouth to put in a nice juicy ****) Anyway back on track. The domino theory is that if one country goes one way the ones next to them will do the same, hence "domino theory". If America started spreading American values then eventually they would reach the Middle East. American values were seen as corrupt, and everything opposite from their own values. This is why they hate Americans so much. Because we have the power to spread our values, which they hate and they know that if we spread them enough times it will corrupt their values and their way of life.
Conclusion: They HATE American values. They HATE America's power. They HATE America's influence in the world. They are thought to destroy and take out AMERICANS at any cost. They will not stop until AMERICA IS DESTROYED!
So before you make a bad name for yourself and the rest of your DEMOCRATIC boyfriends. Try doing some research. That is if your not to busy sucking........well that's none of my business.