Gaming Styles!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
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Haha i tried that once, NEVER again. The girl tried to hook me up with her male friend who happened to be in the club that night, then i ran into her a few months later at a girl's birthday party and got fvcked over again.

I believe in natural game through self improvement, i'm working on my body/confidence/image (clothes +hair) and college work without really caring about women. Funny thing is i'm getting more girls by not caring about it than i was before. Once i'v achieved my attraction goals (Febuaryish) i'll start up some cold approaches. - If i find that i'm still short of my desired level i'll dabble into some other styles maybe.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Ahhh, been a while since I've posted in this thread. Reason being that I was busy trying out another style...:D

I present to you the pinnacle of my DJ journey:

The Juggler Method
Not really a method in the sense that it has no structure, rules or lines. It's just a general framework for having GREAT convo with women. Looking back at it, it's really just teaching basic social skills so you can have fun interactions with women.

Anyways, the whole purpose of his method is to combine it with the natural game. Here's a summary of his method from Juggler himself:

"Think about what you would want an interaction with a girl to be like if there was no need to get sex. Let's say that sex was a given. You did not need to do anything tricky or run 'game' to score. How would you like that interaction to be? Myself I want it to be fun, exciting, relaxed, playful and sharing with each other willingly. Now think about how you can make that happen. Would you use tricks or be sneaky to get a girl to be that with you? No, that would be counter productive and/or unnecessary work. You would instead lead her by being fun, relaxed, sharing, or whatever you want the interaction to be like yourself and learn to allow and encourage her to be that as well." -Juggler

Basically, YOU don't want to be the most interesting person in the convo. You want HER to be the most interesting person. And we can achieve this by firstly, sharing some information about ourselves, then asking her big questions and shut-up :D

The rapport doesn't have to be DEEP, it has to be Wide (having the feeling that you can talk about ANYTHING).

Another important part of his method is the SOI (Statement of intent). Basically a statement of intent is to let her know tht you are sexually interested in her and it's not just going to be a "friends" relationship between you two.

"Wow, not only are you incredibly sexy, but you're a great conversationalist too"

The trick is to do this at her highpoints in the interaction. When she says something especially enlightening or she makes an effort to kino you, you drop the SOI. This way, it feels to her that she has "earned" the SOI.

So often, we compliment a girl, but she hasn't even done anything to deserve the compliment. She hasn't really "put her real self out" in the conversation.

And the final (and for me, the most important) part is "always take the route of less proving." Some of us are constantly trying to qualify ourselves to girls, telling them how big our house/c0ck is and how many girls we've laid.

Well, its stupid, and counterproductive. The best way to pass her "qualifications" is to be genuine about them (even if it means "failing" them).

"Are you hitting on me?"
"Of course I am."

"What car do you drive?"
"I ride the bus"

By being genuine, she'll realised you are "above" the crowd and your not trying to please anyone. And ironically, this will make her more attracted to you.

Theres WAYWAYWAY more stuff to the juggler method than this (it's mostly a combination of a couple of small things rather than one HUGE concept). I suggest you check out his podcasts on his site:

And downloads his e-book if you can.

I'm gonna try and make a "Juggler dedication post" later to really summarise in greater depth about his method. But until then, check out his podcasts. They are simply excellent.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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I'm a bit unsure about this. You're saying that you must dress extremely well and be in good shape. Due that would put you ahead of 80% of guys before you even opened your mouth! She probably fancied you before you started gaming her. What I mean is that you didn't need the gay game to get her interested in you.

Originally posted by Fender
Jariel, I truly think that the natural game is the ultimate gift for all Dj's, Seducers, Pimps and (essentially) every man on earth. All the GM, NLP, C&F stuff are just stepping stones for the ultimate destination- the ability to attract/seduce whilst being yourself.

But the different games really help build confidence and will give you truck loads of experience which will help you on your path to natural game-ism.

Anyways, heres a game for the adventurous and daring:

The Gay Game

Very little is written about this, but I think it deserves a mention. Basically you tell the girl that you are "unsure about your sexual orientation" (or something to that effect). This is "hard to get" to the highest degree (because you're basically saying you have no interest in her- you like men!). You may think I'm joking, but this one works pretty well! For this game to work, you must dress extremely well, be in pretty good shape and exude a few AFC-like qualities such as understanding of emotions and romanticism. The trick is to be charming and romantic, and not actually be GAY (fab 5 style). After a while, she'll actually want to "convince" you to like women! If you play the cards right, she'll let u experience some feminine goodness!

p.s feminine goodness= p*ssy

Feel free to contribute more styles for the list!
