Gaming Styles!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Hey everyone. I was just sifting through some Speed seduction the other day when I noticed something. I Hate SS.

SS might help me approach girls more smoothly. It might help me get laid. But I hate it. Why?

It just isn't my style.

I use more of a "natural" game. But the point is, there are sooooo many different schools of seduction out there that many n00bs will be totally overwhelmed by the plethora of information available (I know I was). I remember trying to learn GM style and natural game at the same time. (results= 0 girls+ creepy looks). Anyways, I was hoping to document the major "games" available with a basic outline of what they're about, and a short list of their strengths and weaknesses. I'll need your help on this one guys. I've only tried 4-5 different styles and our opinions will all be different.;)

So here goes:

The natural game

Basically, the natural game is all about being who you really are and embracing your sexuality. There are few/no canned lines or patterns or any other psychology cr@p. It's all about being the uber confident, sexy, charming man you were born to be. The great thing about the natural game is that picking up girls is as simple as being yourself. Easy. Painless.
The downside though is that it takes quite a while to master this (it's surprisingly hard to "truly be yourself"). Most beginners will also dismiss the method as being "vague" and "impractical."
I have come to associate sosuave with this style (Pook comes to mind). So if you wanna learn more about this style, stick around here for a while and you might learn a thing or two about the natural game.

"NLP" related game

Things like ASF and SS fall under this category. Basically, psychological "tricks" and method are used to both attract the girl to you, and make yourself more confident/charming/sexy/etc. The good thing about this method is that it'll probably get you laid faster than the natural method. It is also more "solid" and "methodical" than the natural style. The downside though is that you'll have to remember loads of lines and patterns and loads of other stuff. This is probably a good starting place to get yourself meeting more women cuz you'll know what to do (due to the step-by-step nature of the method).

GM style

If you wanna get laid quick, this is the way to go. You basically put yourself in an extremely sexual mode. Sick sexual jokes dominate the conversation throughout the night. At the end of it all, the girl will be in such a sexual state of mind....her pvssy will practically be screaming for wiener. So whats the downside? You'll need to have LOTS of balls. And you also have to be EXTREMELY experienced and careful, or else you'll get a slap and a new home in prison. Go to ASF if you want more about the GM style.

The "C&F" style

Although it's called the ****y and funny style, theres actually more to it. Made famous by David Deangelo, this style involves busting on a girl and using neg-hits with humour. Add a dash of "hard to get" and you'll be in pvssy land. Advantages? Possibly one of the easiest styles to start off with (but it takes time and effort to perfect the amount of ****iness/neg-hits). It is also quite flexible, as you can work it into the the other games quite easily. Disadvantages? If you're not born to be ****y, it can be a problem. It was for me cuz I'm such a nice guy (I'm a nice guy, not a "nice-guy," if you know what I mean.) Some people also go overboard with the ****iness but that can be easily fixed. Check out DYD's mailbags or his CD's or DVD's if you wanna learn more (the book isn't worth it imo).

Thats it for now guys. Feel free to add more content about the different styles (as long as you feel it'll help n00bs).

-Pure Pwnage-


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
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birmingham, uk
mind seduction

mind seduction

not your average get layed quick style, mind seduction is all about the longer lasting effects you can have over someone, the deeper more powerfull psychological technique is in play here...
over a longer period of time, a month +.... you lead your victim into various mental traps, a seduction web.... your seduction has the most effect over her mind, long term how she desires you, her interest in you... you use everyones greates weakness to your advantage, our desire for pleasure...

women are the most notorious for this, they are natrual masters of seducing a mind, mind seduction is an in depth study of the deep games women dont realise they play...


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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True that. I stuck with SS for about a year now, and it really helped me discover my inner self. I now believe that the "just be yourself" advise could actually work, if you know what 'yourself' presumes. I tried quite a few styles and techniques. I tried memorising opening lines, jokes, and neghits, I tired being C+F, everything. But it just wasn't me.

I came across as not only fake, but needy. Not needy in the common sense, but desperate; I tried too hard, according to my mom's ex-boyfriend, who happened to be a shrink. And only because I thought I had to in order to stick with the 'gameplan'. It didn't lead me anywhere, except back to the beginning. But this beginning was new, more refined. I became myself again, but with the core principles ingrained deeply into my personality.

Principles like living my life by doing what I want, instead of what other people want of me. Being able to say no when I felt like it, offering no other excuse. Being able to take harsh criticism, and instead of thinking what a f*cker the other person is, actually realising that I deserved it.

I also learned to feel again. It's alright to experience emotions such as jealousy when your ltr partner gets hit on, or being a hothead with her and making stupid assumptions and mistakes. But now, instead of being pouty and passive-aggressive, I tell her what's on my mind with no fear of consequences that are dictated by sosuave. For example, if I sense she's attracted to a friend of mine who happens to be a 100 times richer than me, I call her on it, as opposed to playing it cool so as to show that I'm too confident to think he's got nothing on me. And if she decides to dump me, let the bìtch do so. I'll find many others.

It's all part of life, and being human is so far the best trait to have; no amount of confidence, CF, or memorised lines will replace this attribute.

So keep it real!


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Disconnect
True that. I stuck with SS for about a year now, and it really helped me discover my inner self. I now believe that the "just be yourself" advise could actually work, if you know what 'yourself' presumes. I tried quite a few styles and techniques. I tried memorising opening lines, jokes, and neghits, I tired being C+F, everything. But it just wasn't me.

I came across as not only fake, but needy. Not needy in the common sense, but desperate; I tried too hard, according to my mom's ex-boyfriend, who happened to be a shrink. And only because I thought I had to in order to stick with the 'gameplan'. It didn't lead me anywhere, except back to the beginning. But this beginning was new, more refined. I became myself again, but with the core principles ingrained deeply into my personality.

Principles like living my life by doing what I want, instead of what other people want of me. Being able to say no when I felt like it, offering no other excuse. Being able to take harsh criticism, and instead of thinking what a f*cker the other person is, actually realising that I deserved it.

I also learned to feel again. It's alright to experience emotions such as jealousy when your ltr partner gets hit on, or being a hothead with her and making stupid assumptions and mistakes. But now, instead of being pouty and passive-aggressive, I tell her what's on my mind with no fear of consequences that are dictated by sosuave. For example, if I sense she's attracted to a friend of mine who happens to be a 100 times richer than me, I call her on it, as opposed to playing it cool so as to show that I'm too confident to think he's got nothing on me. And if she decides to dump me, let the bìtch do so. I'll find many others.

It's all part of life, and being human is so far the best trait to have; no amount of confidence, CF, or memorised lines will replace this attribute.

So keep it real!
When keeping it real goes wrong.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Zod, I think Disconnect is doing fine. He's really trying to master the "Natural Game." "Being Human" is one of the most important part of natural gamers. Cuz if you are "perfect," you are by definition, not "natural."

Catch, nice thing on the mind seduction. I guess it is closely linked to NLP stuff, but in another way, it is entirely different. Where do you suggest we learn more about mind seduction?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
lol, spirit fingers, I TOTALLY 100% agree with you.

But I suspect thats only becuz we're on sosuave. If I were to put this on ASF, people there will fervently support the
"NLP game."

And different people have different goals. I'm not expecially worried about getting laid (ONS), so the natural game works for me. But if I was a horny lil' phuck, going down the GM or NLP path might be a better choice.

But I have to disagree with your point that natural game is easy to learn. It really depends on the person (how "natural" they were before they started). And it's so vague, that it takes a lot of field experiecnce to truly know what you're doing.

And guys, if you know about other styles, feel free to post em here!;)

-pure pwnage-


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
For me, it's either learning to fake it really well, so it comes off as natural, or changing myself so I don't have to fake anything. And that's basically what happened.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
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birmingham, uk
heres a book to start with mind seduction:

robert greene, ajoost elffers book.

get what you wantby manipulating everyones greatest weakness: the desire for pleasure.
seduction in the most subtle, elusive and effective form of power. its as evedent as john f kenedys hold over the masses as it in cleopatras hold over antony. now, the author of the bestselling the 48 laws of power has writen a hand book synthesizing the classic literature of seduction from freud to kierkegaard and ovid to casanova, with cunning strategies illustrated by the successes and failier of characters throughout history. and once again robert greene identifies the rules of a timeless and amoral game and explores how to cast a spell, break down resistance and, ultimatly compel a target to surrender. the art of seduction takes us through the characters and qualities of the ten archetypal figures of seduction( including the siren, the ideal lover, the dandy, the natrual, the charismatic, and the star) and twenty four manoeuvres by which anyone can overcome a victims futile resistence to the practice of this devestating and timeless art form. it is an indespensable primer of persuasion that reveals one of historys greates weapons and ultimate form of power.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Originally posted by catch
heres a book to start with mind seduction:

robert greene, ajoost elffers book.

get what you wantby manipulating everyones greatest weakness: the desire for pleasure.
seduction in the most subtle, elusive and effective form of power. its as evedent as john f kenedys hold over the masses as it in cleopatras hold over antony. now, the author of the bestselling the 48 laws of power has writen a hand book synthesizing the classic literature of seduction from freud to kierkegaard and ovid to casanova, with cunning strategies illustrated by the successes and failier of characters throughout history. and once again robert greene identifies the rules of a timeless and amoral game and explores how to cast a spell, break down resistance and, ultimatly compel a target to surrender. the art of seduction takes us through the characters and qualities of the ten archetypal figures of seduction( including the siren, the ideal lover, the dandy, the natrual, the charismatic, and the star) and twenty four manoeuvres by which anyone can overcome a victims futile resistence to the practice of this devestating and timeless art form. it is an indespensable primer of persuasion that reveals one of historys greates weapons and ultimate form of power.
That's a great book and I'm reading it right now. But make sure you take notes!! Twice I had to go back and re-read sections to remember important points that I noted in my head and then forgot.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Indiana US
Good thread.
"If I were to put this on ASF, people there will fervently support the "NLP game.""
I spend more time there than here and they criticize the NLP stuff pretty harshly. Over there many of them push "direct game" and being a natural. The problem is none of them has convinced me that you can teach someone how to be a natural.

I've observed several naturals in person. These guys can't teach it because they don't know how to describe it, except as "being yourself". Since I've learned many methods, I do see all these naturals I've studied, using what is described under another method. My brother is a natural and lays women in numbers that even the top gurus would respect. He is unknowingly using indirect openers similar to the canned stuff, push/pull and sexual innuendo through joking.

I started with SS, then C&F, neg hits, then direct openers, then push/pull. I never memorized material or scripted my approaches. I studied it until I had an understanding, then saw incredible results as it came out naturally in my own words.

Before, I was never ****y and my humor was too sarcastic, but now, C&F flows naturally from me. Neg hits have worked great for me on hot women. I just started push/pull and it's so fun and effective. I've not had much success with being direct.

SS is powerful stuff, but difficult to use if there are distractions. I use it for turning ONS into MLTR's by establishing strong connections.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Perhaps someday there will be a Bruce Lee of macking... combines the best elements of all the different styles to design a poon-fu for the new millennium.

Heh. Poon-Fu.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Tboner, realli??? I always thought ASF was a NLP/SS type site. Anyways, I don't visit that site anymore so it might've changed.

I think the best way to learn the natural game is to WATCH a Natural. It is generally extremely hard to put the natural game into words.

Lol, nosexbox, I doubt there will ever been a bruce lee style seduction technique, cause' most/many of them are opposite (Try to be Natural AND use NLP at the same time).

Here another style I thought of recently

The "No Game" Game
Also known as "The non-plan plan." Basically, you go in there without any intention of picking up a chick. You go in, have fun, being TOTALLY natural (as if all the females were men). Although closely linked to the natural game, it isn't exactly the same. Basically, you make NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER. It sounds wierd and is hard to explain, but this works wonders. In bars where all the men are horny and/or shy, a non-plan man is really fresh and interesting to a woman. Disadvantages? You actually have to be totally 100% commited to NOT LOOKING TO GET GIRLS. Where to learn this skill? Yourelf! This is one of the most "un-teachable" games there is!

well, thats it for now. Please feel free to add more styles.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
the numbers game

i love this one, the law of averages is one in ten, that could be 10 in if you talk to and vibe with ten girls and ask them for a further date, 1 of them should say yes... not quite so simple though!!!!!!

you need to display the three most attractive things women find about men in order for the law of averages to kick in, they are;

women will find you attractive if your comfortable with yourself, if you believe in your own ability, if you act and talk with a sure meaning to what you say and your able to stand up for your self and what you say and do... if your a loose wimp then women will not even respect your presence.. if you CARRY YOURSELF WITH PRIDE AND LOOK HER IN THE EYE, then she will respect and admire you.

women will find you attractive if you can have fun, and show them a fun time, "look on the bright side of things".... instead of having fears and insecurities, you should have goals and ambitions, ALWAYS SMILE and be posotive, charismatic and have a posotive glow around you... women will enjoy being around you and assosiate you with with her posotive emotions.

women will find you attractive if others do to, if your social and talk to people then you will make friends, introduce yourself to different groups of people and make a habbit of building friendly relationships with people, make a small bond with every one you meet, have a laugh with everyone you meet, CREATE SOCIAL PROOF... you display your ability in the art of conversing, you have great friends, then she will desire your reputation, everyone hase a desire for people to like and admire them, if your a miserable loner that sits in on satuday night on his jack then she will not desire your attention, if your a great sociable guy then she will...

if you can master these three things then your numbers game will become 1 in 10...

1 in ten girls will want you to take them out, or go to bed with them, or go on a date....

it s just a numbers game and as a dj, your in controle of the rules not the lady.....


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
I've studied all the styles. Some more closely than others and I implement something from almost EVERY style.

I think each one has their upsides and downsides.

To me it's like a UFC cage fight. You can go in there with one style and have success but sooner or later you will have to mix it up or you'll get trounced.

My base is ****y and Funny. It always have been. It's been that since I could always remember. I've always been funny. ALWAYS. And I've always been confident in myself. So I try to mix in some RSD stuff and some mystery method. Occasionally I'll drop some GM and even a little SS. It all depends upon the situation.

Each girl responds differently to these methods. In my early days of seduction i tried C&F exclusively and it got me results but when a chick wasn't responding I was in trouble. Now when they aren't responding I go to another style and work that angle.

Just run with it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Very nice summary which I'd like to see stickied somewhere.

I've been through the different styles, but now I'm 100% down with my natural game. It's true that it's hard to master, but I think it can strike out of the blue as a revelation.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fender
The "No Game" Game
Also known as "The non-plan plan." Basically, you go in there without any intention of picking up a chick. You go in, have fun, being TOTALLY natural (as if all the females were men). Although closely linked to the natural game, it isn't exactly the same. Basically, you make NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER. It sounds wierd and is hard to explain, but this works wonders. In bars where all the men are horny and/or shy, a non-plan man is really fresh and interesting to a woman. Disadvantages? You actually have to be totally 100% commited to NOT LOOKING TO GET GIRLS. Where to learn this skill? Yourelf! This is one of the most "un-teachable" games there is![/B]
Ah yes! I'm familiar with this one too and it works like a charm. It's actually quite freaky how well it does work. However, it's kind of impossible to carry through because as soon as you start reaping the rewards, you drop your game. :)

However, it's a good first step to take towards developing your natural game.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Jariel, I truly think that the natural game is the ultimate gift for all Dj's, Seducers, Pimps and (essentially) every man on earth. All the GM, NLP, C&F stuff are just stepping stones for the ultimate destination- the ability to attract/seduce whilst being yourself.

But the different games really help build confidence and will give you truck loads of experience which will help you on your path to natural game-ism.

Anyways, heres a game for the adventurous and daring:

The Gay Game

Very little is written about this, but I think it deserves a mention. Basically you tell the girl that you are "unsure about your sexual orientation" (or something to that effect). This is "hard to get" to the highest degree (because you're basically saying you have no interest in her- you like men!). You may think I'm joking, but this one works pretty well! For this game to work, you must dress extremely well, be in pretty good shape and exude a few AFC-like qualities such as understanding of emotions and romanticism. The trick is to be charming and romantic, and not actually be GAY (fab 5 style). After a while, she'll actually want to "convince" you to like women! If you play the cards right, she'll let u experience some feminine goodness!

p.s feminine goodness= p*ssy

Feel free to contribute more styles for the list!



Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
ha ha ha, fender your a fcuking genius..

ime gonna master that game it looks good, definatly one to try on a night out, looks fun, daring, and a challenge.. definatly something to try just for the crack.