Ask yourself this. Who do the most desirable men on the planet pursue? Lots of famous men, athletes, actors....the epitome of DJ...use escorts, pursue ****tail waitresses and strippers. I know for fact because I know a lot of pro athletes personally. You reach a certain point in your life where banging hot women no longer gives you the same validation that it used to. I used to bang a 9 and put it as a notch under my belt. Im a well endowed guy, Im a competitive bodybuilder....Im 6'0 and would prefer to be 6'2 but thats life. I have nothing to prove to myself anymore. There is nothing any woman can do to make me not think I'm not worthy of her.
Ever bang a 9 in the real world? Half the time she's a ****ty person or not even worth the effort of being around. A lot of guys don't get this...and that's ok. Two years ago I wouldn't. Until a guy has actually had some real success with normal attractive women for a few years he will always view strippers and escorts as bottom of the barrel. I'm glad I spent the time I did pursuing hot women because it made me the man I am today and built my confidence but I will say this. If I would of put that energy into my career, and strictly used call girls for the past 2-3 years of my life I would of probably been sitting on an extra 100 grand right now. And in the end, the sex was almost never worth it. Strippers, regular chicks...if she's hot and from a big city, she's probably **** and on someones pay roll anyways. And will most definitely leave you if a man with enough money comes along.
I'm not saying blow off dating completely, keep your eyes open for the right girl always. But don't believe in unicorns either. Chasing women can and will consume you, and being a player absolutely will get in the way of your life goals if you let it. In the end the sex is almost never worth it..her bull**** is almost never worth it.....especially if your in a big city like Miami or LA. Your literally in the toys r us of p u s s y.