It's actually not as easy as people are making it out to be. More often then not LDR are developed out of a last resort to stay connected with someone they truly love (or think they love.) I mean, you wouldn't decide to be in a LDR with a girl you've only known for 2 months right? These are usually men they dated all through high school, with YEARS together in their review mirror.
These girls can sometimes be tough to shake because they are completely blind sighted by what they think is "love". It is not impossible however, but don't think it's going to be easy.
Unless you already know how to override woman's logic through emotions with consistency I wouldn't even try. That is the key here. You must rise her emotions enough to the point where in that moment it just "feels right." Because trust me, the window of opportunity won't be open for too long. If you give her time to think she is going to be reminded of her boyfriend and it's game over. Until you find yourself in the situation again, but this time she might be smart enough to not even ALLOW herself into a tempting situation again. So you pretty much only have one opportunity and it you must seize it at that very moment.
It will also be a slow process. She isn't going to cheat on her boyfriend with a stranger. It's possible, but unlikely. Girls cheat with guys they know already. Usually a good friend, or a crush that has slowly developed over a period of time.
My recommendation is to come strong, but not too strong. Remember to use the word "friends" a lot. Pretty much you are using the principle of "actions speak louder than words" to your advantage. You say one thing, but your actions show another. Many guys are deathly afraid to even say the "friend" word around a girl of interest, but it doesn't really matter what you say. It's what you do. You continuesly flirt with her. And she will continuesly remind you that she has a boyfriend. You slowly break through these defenses. Be clever about outlining her boyfriends flaws, but don't make it obvious or attack him directly. There's a technique to this that you just have to learn to develop yourself. Don't ever be MAD that she has a boyfriend. Just simply act like you are better. Don't TELL it to her. Just prove it to her. If she gets upset because her boyfriend is always jealous, then you casually let her know you aren't the jealous type. You prove this through stories or a "if it was me.." kind of thing. But don't be too obvious about it. If you can tell her boyfriend is a beta male just by simply hearing how she talks about him, then show her the alphaness in you. You pretty much find the boyfriends flaw and then emphasize that you do not have this problem. Still with me?
So you will always be casually flirting with her. Light and playful kino, just don't do anything extreme or creepy until "that moment" comes. (Which I will explain later.) It doesn't hurt to talk about sex, or sexual topics. It shows her you are not afraid of your sexuality. You have to make her feel comfortable around you like a friend, but she knows you are also sexual and have interest in her. Some might say, gee Scars how would this work? You are simply just a male satellite.. In a way yes, but what differentiates you from the beta males is your SEXUALITY. You have proven that you are not afraid to make a move or be sexual with her. If you keep saying the word "friend" and "friends" a lot, in her mind she will actually BELIEVE it. To her you are a friend, but she has sexual attraction towards you. If her boyfriend asks about you she will even say you are "just a friend" because you have completely brainwashed her. If her boyfriend starts getting jealous of you, then it's pretty much smooth sailing from there. Just keep doing your thing until..
"That moment" comes.
The moment will come when everything feels right. You both know you want it, you're just waiting for someone to make the first move. You've been beating around the bush about it for several minutes now. You just have a strong intuition that you have her. Trust it.
Go in for the kiss.
If she doesn't hold back you need to take it as far as it can go. Remember, your window of opportunity is very limited.
You will also most likely run into an anti-slvt defense. The key here is absolutely reassure that she is NOT a slvt. It was simply a "passionate moment", "it felt right", this is all girl lingo.. but they eat it up. You need to get her emotions back into that state of wanting you. If she starts talking to much you could even tell her "shhh!" and then shut her up by kissing her even more. Chicks dig sh!t like that.
If you've made it this far, then I'm going to assume you have enough experience to safely evade an anti-slvt defense anyway.. So after that loop it should be smooth sailing to pink hole!
Good luck my man.