gaming freshman nursing students strategy


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
Alright guys, MR.LPC here!
I'm taking this summer nursing course at my college to get my CNA. (Certified Nursing Assistant) I just started 2 days ago! I'm at my university Mon-Fri from 9-3, so as you can see I'm spending a lot of my time doing this all summer. This is the career path I want to pursue so I'm obviously not doing this just to get women. (It's a plus though!)
Now, the demographics. This is a class of 19. There are 15 girls :cheer: , and 4 guys including me. I find about 5 of those girls sexually attractive. As far as competition goes, there's a shy asian kid named Daejin (no game), a wrestler named George who I made good friends with (trys to hard IMO), and this quiet dude named Ken (dont know much about him yet). What I do know however, is that me and George are the most Alpha, and most outgoing of our group.
My strategy so far has been to not hit on these girls, and hold back my desire for a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm acting shy, I'm just totally indifferent. So far, girls have been supplicating me and my ****y & Funny game is on point. I'm doing good so far. I'm surrounded by girls, and I can already tell that a few of them like me. I'm sitting next to the hottest girl in my class. I haven't talked too much with her, and I don't plan to. I don't want to be AFC, and I don't want to try too hard. Right now, I think my percieved value is high AF! I'm just playing it cool.
I might make advances on the girls I like in the future but right now, I ain't gon sweat em'. I'm gon' let em' come to me. Considering my situation, what's the best strategy in your guys' opinion??? FEEDBACK APPRECIATED!!:D


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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you want to fvck the girls, ask them to hang out in your dorm to smoke or drink and a movie and smash...just talking to them and being ****y and not making a move is not gonna get you laid...they are not just gonna hop on on your c0ck
May 25, 2015
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Instead, I'd go to the Phills, marry one that's ALREADY graduated, and whom can pass the CA nursing exam (the toughest of all the US state exams). Bring her here, and put her into a master's program, for anethecist. She'll be making 120k per year, in about 3 years. google this, I aint wrong. You can take your pick of 100's of beautiful girls who are that sharp, and very desirous of coming to the US and making that kind of money. They will give you their student loans, since they need not repay them (if they make a career of nursing). They will give you half of their take-home salary for a year or 2, too. (CASH).


May 23, 2013
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Show an amount of vulnerability that will get her feeling like she needs to spend quality time with you and "nurse" you back to health. Don't overdue the Vulnerability tho, as we all know what that leads to…


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
billtx49 said:
Show an amount of vulnerability that will get her feeling like she needs to spend quality time with you and "nurse" you back to health. Don't overdue the Vulnerability tho, as we all know what that leads to…
man what IN the ****?


apelgoo is rite. just say hi and a couple words before asking them and youre good. bust their balls if they try to resist. ignore them and keep leading the conversation to the same thing. its always on. thats your mindset :)

if shes too resistant shut down, revert to super dooper friend mode and ignore for the most part except for polite smiles while moving onto the other 4 'sexually attractive females'


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
I asked one girl for her number today. She was acting wierd. She said, "It might be a fake number." I plan on texting her later just to find out. I really don't care if she pulls that one on me I'll just curve her so hard!


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
Texted her. The number was real. I verified by asking her name. We talked for a little, I suggested that we become study buddies ;). Told her I had to go. We'll see what happens in class tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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MR.LPC said:
Texted her. The number was real. I verified by asking her name. We talked for a little, I suggested that we become study buddies ;). Told her I had to go. We'll see what happens in class tomorrow.

ive seen that study buddy routine fail so many times...where you gonna study with her in the school library or in your dorm?

if it's the library you dont have a clue what you're doing, you're getting yourself friendzoned


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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1) Lead the boys
2) Engage the girls


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
study buddy routine fails?

applegoo said:
ive seen that study buddy routine fail so many times...where you gonna study with her in the school library or in your dorm?

if it's the library you dont have a clue what you're doing, you're getting yourself friendzoned
what's my alternative?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
MR.LPC said:
what's my alternative?
get a hookah and invite girls who might be interested in you to your dorm to smoke with you, if you can, try getting some alcohol, try getting touchy, go for a kiss, try making out, try escalating

after you study with this girl, I guess, ask her to come over to your dorm or apartment or wherever you live to smoke hookah/chill then you try to escalate

the more you study with her as a "study buddy," the less and less likely you are gonna be able to smash quick


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
I don't have a dorm room!

I don't have a dorm room guys! If I did I would just invite these chicks to come thru. It's not gonna be that easy for me. I think I have to set up dates.... Any insight? I am commuting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
On another note...

The girl I'm macking so far (got the digits) is giving me an attitude when we speak. She has all this talk about how she needs her personal space when I'm not even encroaching. She has this 'leave me alone' complex that I can barely tolerate.
Today I sat down at her lunch table... She was all by herself. She told me not to sit there. I sat anyway to make a point. She wasn't furious but she does this thing to show that she's not in the mood to talk. I ate my lunch there just to show IDGAF and when I was done I left and sat with my bros. I ignored her after that because I won't put up with that type of B.S. I continued to talk to other girls later on in the classroom and almost everything I said out loud was pure comedic gold. That's social proof IMO.
Anyways, when I get home, I see a text from the same girl... She says, "Hey I just want to let you know that I don't mean to come off as rude, standoffish or having an attitude, I'm just really sarcastic & it's perceived differently by different people. I honestly don't mean a good 90% of what I say, so please don't take anything I say to heart" I basically said via text that I don't appreciate that type of attitude and that I'll give her one more chance
My curve game is strong so any behavior from her I don't like leads to her being ignored. Guys, WTF is up with this girl? What does this tell you about her? I won't see her again until Monday, until then, IDGAF. Thoughts???

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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My advice would be to leave that last chick alone. She's giving you an ultimatium where she's pretending to be doing YOU the "favor" and wants you to give up all the power. If you do she'll eventually reject you again, and her ego will be inflated since she got the last word.

Honestly I wouldn't be worried about any of the girls in this program. I've had my dealings with women learning to be nurses, and most of them have been snobbish, attention seeking, phony, bi*ches. The types that are pretty much impossible no matter what you do, that act like a guy is lucky if they so much as look at them. That sounds like the type in your program given the examples you've listed.

They may laugh at your jokes and flirt a little, but it doesn't sound like any of them are legitimately interested. Once this program is over they'll forget about you. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm just saying women like this forget about guys in a second no matter who they are.

Focus on your studies, enjoy whats left of summer, and persue other women from other places.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
She texted me again yesterday. She asked me, "how did the party go?" we had a short conversation... going to class tomorrow. i'll just play it cool and gauge her interest. i might ask for a date if things are feeling right. we'll see.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Making progress with this chick

So, considering that she hit me up twice, I take that as a sign of interest. She came off as stuck-up but the truth is she's less stuck up than other girls I've tried to deal with in the past. My game is strong in class. I have plenty of social proof going for me, I'm funny, and I just don't give a fukk.
Recent developments:
After class today, she waited up for me when I was at the water fountain. We walked out of school together. My attitude was indifferent throughout the whole conversation. Then when we headed out to the parking lot, I asked what her plans were for the week, she said she's mostly free. I said, "Maybe we should chill." and she said, "Maybe we should."
I told her we would figure this out later.
Now, I haven't gotten any dates by asking girls via text yet. I decided I would try something different. I called her tonight, and made some plans (piece of cake). As it stands now, I'm gonna scoop her up after school Wednesday and we'll get empanadas by my place. I didn't call this a date or anything like that when speaking to her but the truth is I've never been on a date before... I'm not nervous, it's just a new experience... I might have to cancel though, I'm taking my car into the shop tomorrow. Might not be able to drive.
I will keep my game strong AF in school and see what happens. Not worried about this girl. :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
the summer course is over and my exam is tomorrow. if i pass, I will be certified to work. things are good. i need to study and go into the testing area with a strong mindset. the testers are going to select us randomly and have us perform 3 random skills as well as a written test on the computer. all i can do is be prepared.

all i can say is that its kinda funny looking back from when the program started. i had so much less experience. in these past few weeks, I've gone on my first date, sucked some titties, fingered, at out, got handjobs, head, all that for the first time. i've gotten with 3 of the girls from my class. one girl is in love with me.

looking back at your old posts is like a trip through a time machine. things have changed. my old mindsets are being shedded and i'm growing thicker skin.

most importantly, life is getting better, and i'm having more fun with it. i don't take girls as seriously anymore...


Aug 23, 2015
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MGTOW's will call you a faggot for having a hot nursing student as a girlfriend after they "have gone their own way" whining about the women they hate and can't get on SS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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prison/ said:
Instead, I'd go to the Phills, marry one that's ALREADY graduated, and whom can pass the CA nursing exam (the toughest of all the US state exams). Bring her here, and put her into a master's program, for anethecist. She'll be making 120k per year, in about 3 years. google this, I aint wrong. You can take your pick of 100's of beautiful girls who are that sharp, and very desirous of coming to the US and making that kind of money. They will give you their student loans, since they need not repay them (if they make a career of nursing). They will give you half of their take-home salary for a year or 2, too. (CASH).
Dude shut the fvck up already