There's a lot of info on this subject to search through.
Here's a quick tip:
Regardless of the website you frequent, you have to use your pictures to your advantage. On dating websites, looks are pretty much all important. If you look pissed, angry, dirty, sloppy, lonely, etc - have fun masterb*ting by yourself.
Picture tips:
Smile - Put up pictures where you show off that great smile. Smile genuinely. People are attracted to smiles.
Social Proof - Put up pictures of you dancing, eating, drinking, laughing with many cute/hot chicks. Give the impression that you are desired by women.
Dress nice - No pictures with grey socks and slacks. No pictures with white stained t shirts. Dress nice. Dress like you have style. Dress like you have game.
I'm sure there are more tips....but there you go for a few simple tid bits.