Gaming Asian Chicks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Rex Man said:
Well if you're a caucasian US male, you're in the money. Asian women love white guys. Hell even their cartoons (anime) usually look white. Blond hair blu eyes and all. Hotther!
Umm all minority women love white males (some secretly some openly)... FACT! And we all know why..

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
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Meh, I believe white males have a slight edge in the U.S. but It varies greatly by region and race. I'm not sure what reason you're alluding to but just flip through cable channels and you'll see that the vast majority of leading men are white. Videogames and other media are the same way. Also, I believe the two groups with the highest single rates in the States is black women and asian men. The absence of black men and asian women could implicate black men and asian women being more willing to date a different race(s).


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Rex Man said:
Meh, I believe white males have a slight edge in the U.S. but It varies greatly by region and race. I'm not sure what reason you're alluding to but just flip through cable channels and you'll see that the vast majority of leading men are white. Videogames and other media are the same way. Also, I believe the two groups with the highest single rates in the States is black women and asian men. The absence of black men and asian women could implicate black men and asian women being more willing to date a different race(s).
White males are the financial alpha males of the earth at present so minority women whos males are below these white males will tend to be carnally instinctively attracted to the white males over their own men who on average earn less.. BUT in 2008 this does not matter as much cause most women will be with multiple men for multiple reasons...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Rook said:
"Gaming" Asian Chicks? Are you serious? They are still girls! There is no difference between how you act to them and say... "Gaming" White Chicks.
that just goes to show you ve never gamed a certain kind of Asian chicks, namely chicks who are just off the boat (not the westernized version).

Sure, you can say that gaming westernized asians is the same as with white chicks. But as far as Asians who just moved in, for study or other reasons, it s a whole lot easier. I ve had my fair share of East Asians and Southeast Asians ( i have yellow fever).

From my experience, it s way harder to use your "verbal" game as they will not understand even the most basic wordplays (same for other non-english speakers i guess), and explaining it to them just takes the fun out of it. However, no matter what you do or say they won't shut you down, or make fun of ya. they are way more respectful than american girls and a lot less *****y.

I think the reason why i have such success with Asian girls is because I am a blue-eyed, light haired, 6'1 white guy. Not to be racist, but most asian girls who have never been with a white guy are curious, so you have good chances.

one last piece of advice: straight-off-the-boat Asian girls make the best girlfriends by far! The ones i was with, i told them that i wasn't being exclusive and they never complained once. Never had a fight, never had to hear them bytch. I could go on and on, but they have most of the qualities you should be looking for in a girl.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I basically just want to date more HB8+ asian women. I am not very confident that I can do that, so that is one of the reason's I made this thread.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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escaleraroyal said:
Anyone can talk about Korean chicks?
With koreans, it is necessary to take extreme care. It is generally not said out loud but a lot of Koreans are quite the xenophobes, a concerning tendency in their homeland especially. Unfortunately it is especially fierce toward bruthas and latinos(and less so toward whites) so we gotta be very careful around them


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
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I wish I could date more yellow but where I live its very hard finding them and the fact that I dont feel like moving.

I noticed though on 2 dates I went out with 2 different asians I took them to a chinese restraunt. I live in states.

I busted them about going to the restraunt and they ate it up....they taught me how to eat with chopsticks and how "Fries," Are NOT real asian food haha.

Let's Get Real

Don Juan
Jan 26, 2011
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Los Angeles
This is a legit thread. Different ethnicities DO go for different things.

Growing up near L.A. I've been able to see how women of different ethnicities respond to different things.

If it's true that most women want to date a guy similar to their father, then this makes sense. Asian women aren't as attracted to muscles and tattoos as latina women. Latina women aren't as attracted to intelligence and degrees as much as asian women. This is very stereotypical but from my experience almost every asian woman I have dated opened up noticeably when I told her that I studied finance in college. The latina women I dated didn't give a crap. Latinas were turned on when I told them I did MMA. And from my tattoos. The asians liked that I did MMA but didn't open up any more when they found out I had tattoos. Whites and asians liked when I told them I did commercial banking and latinas did not move. Latinas have responded more to me as I get bigger and get tatts. They don't care that I skateboard but whites and asians open up more when they find that out.
I've dated around 100 latina women, 30 white women, and 10 asians.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Cry For Love said:
With koreans, it is necessary to take extreme care. It is generally not said out loud but a lot of Koreans are quite the xenophobes, a concerning tendency in their homeland especially. Unfortunately it is especially fierce toward bruthas and latinos(and less so toward whites) so we gotta be very careful around them
Can you explain what you mean by this? I dated a Korean girl before and the main reason that I bedded her was because I argued with her and practically accused her of being a lesibian.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Fvcked a tall Japanese woman in her early 30s last night (obvious kids - stretch marks). It was dark at the club, but back to her place I saw how ugly she was. She also had bruises on her arm and leg (abusive boyfriend? I think so..a cut on her hand bandaided I'd already seen when I first saw her). Guys this was probably the 2nd or 3rd worst lay I've ever had. She was thin, yes, but the look and shape of her pvssy and A-hole (slopping downward) was just unattractive. I tried not to hurt her feelings but I had to cut our sex together short. She was from LA, and you know how loose a lot of LA chicks are. She spoke like a Hispanic, it was bizarre. I know a little Japanese and spoke some with her but she didn't seem to care about where she about her heritage. All in all, I don't think I'll be seeing any asians for some time. Sticking to my own from now on. I could have banged a couple of fat chicks for a 3-some last night too, but I texted them that I could not make it (they were high on weed or something). I should have went with them :( All in all, I'm not feeling good and should have stayed home, but YOU NEVER KNOW what could be good and what could be bad, until you try. At least I have yet another reference now for how bad sex can be, to contrast the good ones. It IS like night and day, from woman to woman. You can judge a book by it's cover sometimes and sometimes you cannot. I was Soooo fortunate to land a hottie little 18 yr old last August and October. SHE is the reference point for the cream of the crop in my mind (not bc she was the best sexually, but because she was the firmest to hold (her breasts heavenly, her eyes, voice, cheeks..none better), then there are all those ones who fall in the middle.