Gaming an import car model


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
So this is my first post in 13-14 years. I am a middle aged man now and I joined this forum in high school. I am finally back and I am posting about the most successful game I played for those who are interested.

I was walking down the street in san francisco when i saw an easy 9. I went up to her and spit my by now very experience old man game and got the number. Ends up this lady is a popular import car model. I saw a bunch of her slutty pictures online.

I brought her out and we had sex on the first night. I would say it definately helped that i drive a 80 thousand dollar sports car and she loved cars herself. I could not resist the 34dd on a 110 pound body. And then we had sex on another night. I feel like a dirty old man since she is only 21. Also, I was expecting some beat up wizard sleeve vagina, but to my suprise it was squeeze your **** out tight and only a slit like a barbie doll with no lips.

Anyways, within 3 days of first meeting her, she told me she was Inthe process in moving back to Los Angeles to live with her parents to save money. Then after she is going to Europe for 4 months for school. I drove her to the airport with her things and we said bye after only 3 days of knowing each other

What should I do? I havent called her. She hasn't called me. I was just going to hit it and quit it thinking she was a loose *****. But now the ***** was too good for me to ignore. I want to keep her as a side piece. How should I proceed? I never dated a female this hot in my entire life so I am acting like an afc all over again. I know for sure she will be getting **** in other places especially since she moved back to her home town and that is driving me into afc jealous mode. I know there are some players in here regularly dating 9s. someone here has to have some experience with this... how would I maintain any type of long distance sexual energy so I can hit it when she comes back to my area for school in about 6 months.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Let her go fam. Enjoy the hot model poon you got and let it become a fond memory and a great story to tell. That chick is 21, you're middle aged, what you two had she participated in just for shít & giggles, for some fun.

You won't get any type of relationship here.

I know its not what you want to hear, however, there is nothing you can do, she went away to school and will be gone for a while, she's going to fūck other guys and it will be likely she will forget about you. Any attempt, or plea will make you seem pathetic, and then she'll regret having fūcked you. So here's what you do:

1st, Take her off that pedastal, she's not the last 9 you'll ****. If you did it once (especially with cold approach) you can do it again.

2nd, Wish her luck on her trip and throw out a bone like 'Maybe we'll hang out again if your ever in town. Then leave it at that.

3rd, DO NOT CONTACT HER. Seriously, any chance you have at fūcking her again will evaporate if you do.

4th, Spin plates. Pursue another 9

5th, When she returns to town wait a few days to see if she contacts you. If not, shoot her a text asking her out from something casual, I would usually say 'Drinks at Benny's. 8 0'clock.'

6th, if she accepts, prosper. If she declines, cut your losses and move on.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
Hmm. Let me explain more. I treat women like ****. I annoy them, I don't listen, they punch me, yet they still like it. On the second night, i call her and she told me "im not going out with you. I had enough of you the other night. I dont want to see you again. You are annoying" I told her to get out and stop being a b!!!ch and guess what, she comes out. I come off as a bad boy because I act and look like an *******. She joked "don't think about me too much when I'm in LA" to which my response was fccc you. She got quite mad so she slammed my door as I dropped her off. At which point I called her name out like she was a dog and told her to get over here as i pointed at myself. She happily walked back to me and I made out with her one last time. To her she reallu thinks I'm never going to call her again and she expects that.

So smoovemooves, I understand the game like this. And correct me if I'm wrong. You do what a hb doesnt expect you to do. So For a typical hb, she EXPECTS the afc to call which is why when you ignore, you earn respect. Now with the way I treat women, especially this one, she DOES not expect me to call. Also I told her to fccc off and thar she was just going to be another page in my book.

Now if I called, it would be unexpected and would make her feel like I'm changing for her. You don't get props if you are a nice guy who turns to crime. Everyone would think you are a dummy. But if you started as a career criminal and reform to mentor kids and "try" to live a proper life. You get respect from everyone including celebrities and politicians. That's my angle.

Please refute my strategy.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
The_Mole said:
Hmm. Let me explain more. I treat women like ****. I annoy them, I don't listen, they punch me, yet they still like it. On the second night, i call her and she told me "im not going out with you. I had enough of you the other night. I dont want to see you again. You are annoying" I told her to get out and stop being a b!!!ch and guess what, she comes out. I come off as a bad boy because I act and look like an *******. She joked "don't think about me too much when I'm in LA" to which my response was fccc you. She got quite mad so she slammed my door as I dropped her off. At which point I called her name out like she was a dog and told her to get over here as i pointed at myself. She happily walked back to me and I made out with her one last time. To her she reallu thinks I'm never going to call her again and she expects that.

So smoovemooves, I understand the game like this. And correct me if I'm wrong. You do what a hb doesnt expect you to do. So For a typical hb, she EXPECTS the afc to call which is why when you ignore, you earn respect. Now with the way I treat women, especially this one, she DOES not expect me to call. Also I told her to fccc off and thar she was just going to be another page in my book.

Now if I called, it would be unexpected and would make her feel like I'm changing for her. You don't get props if you are a nice guy who turns to crime. Everyone would think you are a dummy. But if you started as a career criminal and reform to mentor kids and "try" to live a proper life. You get respect from everyone including celebrities and politicians. That's my angle.

Please refute my strategy.
Could you go in to more detail like when you first meet them etc , what sort of lines you say to them , how you simply just don't listen etc ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
who gives a fvck she is moving, no physical access to her and she isn't gonna date you.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I've always found that with girls who go away for a long time you get a free pass to not contact them for months. If you're the kind of guy you say you are, she'll understand that you have other girls on the scene and she probably won't care that much but when she comes back to town, ask her out, bring your A game and you'll be back to how it was before she left. It's like how you can not see an old friend for years and you just slot back into the roles that you were in before. You're not the guy trying to Skype her at 3am just to look at her face, that way she knows she has you. That's not interesting but a guy who comes back onto the scene after months of being off radar is. Also when she does come back and you contact her, she probably won't reply unless it's on. You have to trust that the girls will come good and they usually do.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
The champ I pm ed you my best advice.

Applegoo, if she was never coming back i like your answer. But she is coming back in August for a week then she's off too europe. And she 4 months later she's back in bay. I have to keep her on the line somehow. Maybe like smove moves said, let her know we will hang out when she is back.

Ruler, I had to have done something different which is why she gave me and not the other 20 guys her phone number. I would go get another but i dont run into any that are worth my time and effort to hide. I'm in a long term relationship with another hb but how do you pass up an import model. Yeah I'm a dbag. I know.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah... Mr wright. How would i even get there if i plan on no contacting her. If i no contact her completely, how will I know when she comes back? Shouldnt i have some contact with her? Like once every month? And I know she wont call me either since in the past I have always been the lead for our brief relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
The_Mole said:
Yeah... Mr wright. How would i even get there if i plan on no contacting her. If i no contact her completely, how will I know when she comes back? Shouldnt i have some contact with her? Like once every month? And I know she wont call me either since in the past I have always been the lead for our brief relationship.
Hi customer examples of what you say banter SMBs NowYou come off as *******. ?0


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
Mods. You can delete this thread. I briefly went back into afc mode, but i know what to do.