A very interesting read.
Game Tight
The objective:
A lot of men in the dark sea of intimate encounters are lost in the rocky currents of dealing with the day-to-day situations, and circumstances that come with dealing with their partners and significant other’s (present, past, and future).
Game tight is the lighthouse that guides them through the rough currents and brings them safely to the shores of understanding these people and their complicated nature. You can use this as a navigational tool in understanding the women of the world and their sometimes-complicated nature, which most men find so hard to understand. This book will shed light on the fact that although you won’t always get dealt the perfect hand, a man at the top of his game can work with the hand he’s dealt. To all the men out there who claim to have all the game in the world, I bring you this to add an edge to your already sharpened swords.
However, I must also warn that if your homeboys, or male associate tell you they’ve never had bad relationships with a woman, be careful of his advice. There is no diamond that starts out flawless. They all have to be polished to perfection. And experience is the best tool for polishing a man’s game. Even if the experience doesn’t belong to you. Every man’s weakness could be your strength.
So, enjoy these gems.
1. Treat the woman with the potential to be a star as though she already is one. As for the woman who is already a star, in order to bring her back down to earth, make her aware of the fact that she’s not the only star in the solar system. She is one among many and, for the time being, she is yours…
This is the first key to the game — “attraction!” The idea is that every so-called player or playerette with pimpjuice gets anywhere without this vital element of silent persuasion.
In most cases, there are two basic attributes involved in achieving the above.
* Physical attractiveness.
* Style.
Ok, let’s start with the easiest of the two — “physical attractiveness.” Usually, the first thing that attracts you to another person is their physical features. For one, it’s the first thing that you notice about a person, and secondly there’s an old saying that goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So, basically, just look the part of someone impressive.
All a man has to do is keep his appearance up and he’s halfway there. The other half of the puzzle is that he must acquire his own style. Style and appearance go hand in hand. A handsome guy could have no style at all and, by the same token, a man with style could lack a strong physical appearance.
Your style is what sets you apart from everybody else, and in this case separates you from every other man out there. With it comes uniqueness. Without it, you’re in trouble.
For those who lack style here’s the one and only necessary tip for you. Confidence. Having confidence in your ability to attract a person will provide the foundation for style, which you lack. Confidence will make up for any lack of style, guaranteed.
When someone is attracted to you, one dead giveaway is eye contact. This is what usually happens; you notice a guy or a girl, then you try and make eye contact. Stop! Hold that image and ask yourself one question: “What’s the purpose of me establishing eye contact?” To pick up on the other person’s vibes if any even exist between the two of you. People say, “The eyes are the windows to a person’s soul.” Women are masters of keeping these windows closed. A lot of women are like fugitives on the run from the law when it comes to making eye contact. The thing is, most women don’t know if they even fit the description of the suspect you’re after in the first place. The first time she notices you are in pursuit of her, she may grow afraid of being cornered by all the elements of your attraction and will immediately destroy any physical evidence that her eyes may reveal.
However, if your style and physical appearance are working as a team, you’ll know … she’ll notice you more than once to confirm it. What happens in most cases is that a guy doesn’t know whether to pursue the invitation or just pass it off as a woman simply taking notice of him.
Here’s the key; everybody deep down inside has a goal of one day achieving true happiness, but believe for the meantime that laughter is the way to a woman’s heart. The thing is that any man can put a smile on a woman’s face. The secret of a man whose game is tight is that he can put a smile in a woman’s eyes before one forms on her lips. Still, not convinced? Think back to a time when you were out with your girlfriend or spouse and she caught you staring at another woman. Does that slap in the face refresh your memory? See I believe women knew this theory way before men, and that is what caused the slap in the face so, next time the two of you are out, keep this in mind: “she’s not stupid.”
Now, I’m going to go back to something I mentioned in the beginning of the chapter about confidence.
Women want a man with confidence, a man who knows what he wants and makes definite decisions. Rule #1, don’t get caught up in making statements with terms such as “I guess so” or making general statements about things of little importance. If this is how you deal with a woman or anybody on a day-to-day basis my guess is that a lot of people walk away from you feeling as though you were no help to them at all, especially if the questions or issues dealt with directions. See, all people who have no goal or aim in life subconsciously seek direction on a daily basis. The reason this happens is that it is human nature to seek a path in life and to try and follow it. Most people wait all their life for a sign or something to show them the light of that direction. What is interesting is that this theory relates to men and women’s interactions and encounters in its own way.
A woman seeks a man who is confident and knows what he wants in life. However, in this situation we’ll substitute his overall goal in life for confidence. Some women figure that if he is confident in what he wants for now, he must have a bright future ahead of him. And this is why you must avoid making statements such as “I think” or “I might” especially when you first meet a person.
After all, if you don’t fully grasp an idea or decision made by you, then why should or would she? She wants to feel safe knowing that the guy she’s with tonight or for the rest of her future can be “the man” and make decisions when situations may or might call for them. She wants to know she’s with a winner, not a looser. Confidence is like mama’s fried chicken — as soon as you walk in the house, you smell it. As soon as you enter a room, a woman with good senses can almost smell the confidence of a man with or without a swagger. Remember, confidence can make up for any lack of style. Just be careful not to be too confident in your ability. It could come back to haunt you later, as I will explain further on in this chapter.
Game Tight
The objective:
A lot of men in the dark sea of intimate encounters are lost in the rocky currents of dealing with the day-to-day situations, and circumstances that come with dealing with their partners and significant other’s (present, past, and future).
Game tight is the lighthouse that guides them through the rough currents and brings them safely to the shores of understanding these people and their complicated nature. You can use this as a navigational tool in understanding the women of the world and their sometimes-complicated nature, which most men find so hard to understand. This book will shed light on the fact that although you won’t always get dealt the perfect hand, a man at the top of his game can work with the hand he’s dealt. To all the men out there who claim to have all the game in the world, I bring you this to add an edge to your already sharpened swords.
However, I must also warn that if your homeboys, or male associate tell you they’ve never had bad relationships with a woman, be careful of his advice. There is no diamond that starts out flawless. They all have to be polished to perfection. And experience is the best tool for polishing a man’s game. Even if the experience doesn’t belong to you. Every man’s weakness could be your strength.
So, enjoy these gems.
1. Treat the woman with the potential to be a star as though she already is one. As for the woman who is already a star, in order to bring her back down to earth, make her aware of the fact that she’s not the only star in the solar system. She is one among many and, for the time being, she is yours…
This is the first key to the game — “attraction!” The idea is that every so-called player or playerette with pimpjuice gets anywhere without this vital element of silent persuasion.
In most cases, there are two basic attributes involved in achieving the above.
* Physical attractiveness.
* Style.
Ok, let’s start with the easiest of the two — “physical attractiveness.” Usually, the first thing that attracts you to another person is their physical features. For one, it’s the first thing that you notice about a person, and secondly there’s an old saying that goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So, basically, just look the part of someone impressive.
All a man has to do is keep his appearance up and he’s halfway there. The other half of the puzzle is that he must acquire his own style. Style and appearance go hand in hand. A handsome guy could have no style at all and, by the same token, a man with style could lack a strong physical appearance.
Your style is what sets you apart from everybody else, and in this case separates you from every other man out there. With it comes uniqueness. Without it, you’re in trouble.
For those who lack style here’s the one and only necessary tip for you. Confidence. Having confidence in your ability to attract a person will provide the foundation for style, which you lack. Confidence will make up for any lack of style, guaranteed.
When someone is attracted to you, one dead giveaway is eye contact. This is what usually happens; you notice a guy or a girl, then you try and make eye contact. Stop! Hold that image and ask yourself one question: “What’s the purpose of me establishing eye contact?” To pick up on the other person’s vibes if any even exist between the two of you. People say, “The eyes are the windows to a person’s soul.” Women are masters of keeping these windows closed. A lot of women are like fugitives on the run from the law when it comes to making eye contact. The thing is, most women don’t know if they even fit the description of the suspect you’re after in the first place. The first time she notices you are in pursuit of her, she may grow afraid of being cornered by all the elements of your attraction and will immediately destroy any physical evidence that her eyes may reveal.
However, if your style and physical appearance are working as a team, you’ll know … she’ll notice you more than once to confirm it. What happens in most cases is that a guy doesn’t know whether to pursue the invitation or just pass it off as a woman simply taking notice of him.
Here’s the key; everybody deep down inside has a goal of one day achieving true happiness, but believe for the meantime that laughter is the way to a woman’s heart. The thing is that any man can put a smile on a woman’s face. The secret of a man whose game is tight is that he can put a smile in a woman’s eyes before one forms on her lips. Still, not convinced? Think back to a time when you were out with your girlfriend or spouse and she caught you staring at another woman. Does that slap in the face refresh your memory? See I believe women knew this theory way before men, and that is what caused the slap in the face so, next time the two of you are out, keep this in mind: “she’s not stupid.”
Now, I’m going to go back to something I mentioned in the beginning of the chapter about confidence.
Women want a man with confidence, a man who knows what he wants and makes definite decisions. Rule #1, don’t get caught up in making statements with terms such as “I guess so” or making general statements about things of little importance. If this is how you deal with a woman or anybody on a day-to-day basis my guess is that a lot of people walk away from you feeling as though you were no help to them at all, especially if the questions or issues dealt with directions. See, all people who have no goal or aim in life subconsciously seek direction on a daily basis. The reason this happens is that it is human nature to seek a path in life and to try and follow it. Most people wait all their life for a sign or something to show them the light of that direction. What is interesting is that this theory relates to men and women’s interactions and encounters in its own way.
A woman seeks a man who is confident and knows what he wants in life. However, in this situation we’ll substitute his overall goal in life for confidence. Some women figure that if he is confident in what he wants for now, he must have a bright future ahead of him. And this is why you must avoid making statements such as “I think” or “I might” especially when you first meet a person.
After all, if you don’t fully grasp an idea or decision made by you, then why should or would she? She wants to feel safe knowing that the guy she’s with tonight or for the rest of her future can be “the man” and make decisions when situations may or might call for them. She wants to know she’s with a winner, not a looser. Confidence is like mama’s fried chicken — as soon as you walk in the house, you smell it. As soon as you enter a room, a woman with good senses can almost smell the confidence of a man with or without a swagger. Remember, confidence can make up for any lack of style. Just be careful not to be too confident in your ability. It could come back to haunt you later, as I will explain further on in this chapter.