I think that with girls who are insecure and have low self esteem, you treating her like crap reinforces how she believes she should be treated, and it causes drama, and that drama stimulates her. She may not "like it" but she'll still be drawn to a situation because all those emotions are making her feel alive.KarmaSutra said:Classic AFC mentality here boys. You seriously are in need of help if you believe this crap.
Problem is guys who do this are the EXACT SAME WAY as the girls that are responding to being treated like crap. They are BOTH getting off on the drama and are both insecure and immature.
Does a healthy mature man treat a girl like "crap"? No. He just has boundaries and in a calm way leads the woman. To "nice guys" that sounds like being a jerk because it's worlds apart from what they would do. Anything that is not supplicating or involves putting her on the pedestal is being a jerk.
For myself I am learning to be more mature, masculine, and to set my personal boundaries. I know that as I continue to do this it will draw towards me women who respond to those healthy qualities. And if she's responding to those healthy qualities, then she clearly has those same healthy qualities in herself. And if it appears she DOESN'T have those qualites ANYWAY, then it's my repsonsibility to decide if I'm comfortable being with a woman who doesn't like herself. If she doesn't like herself how the hell is she supposed to like me?
A man who has his shyt together... I don't see how he would treat a girl like crap or have a girl in his life that literally responds to being demeaned, insulted, humiliated, abused, whatever. The two don't go together.