Game is for women


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Just because you learnt a few seduction tips does not mean basics things like genuine connection, similar interests/values, and appearing normal and approachable go out of the window…

Y’all too focused on impregnating her rather than creating a little vibe/story between the two of you…something she can’t find on the internet
Isn’t that the entire point of this site? To impregnate the hot fertile girl as soon as possible. If a man wants to do anything other than that he is wasting his time.

seduction is what women worry about, not men.
Women seduce men…whilst men build and conquer
U don’t need advice on ‘how to act like an alpha male’ when you ARE an alpha male and women can sense your life success and confidence
I don’t think “women seduce men.” Men seduce women.

90%of the men on this site are normal, functioning, everyday members of society who do everything correct. Yet they have these women tell them to go to hell when they try to *connect* with them. Then they wonder what they do wrong, they realize they don’t have genetics, they have to have game.

If women seduce men, every man would complaining every women is in love with him and he can’t get sex. I know we want to pretend we are major stars and women beg us for sex, but it’s not the case in 2021.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Isn’t that the entire point of this site? To impregnate the hot fertile girl as soon as possible. If a man wants to do anything other than that he is wasting his time.

I don’t think “women seduce men.” Men seduce women.

90%of the men on this site are normal, functioning, everyday members of society who do everything correct. Yet they have these women tell them to go to hell when they try to *connect* with them. Then they wonder what they do wrong, they realize they don’t have genetics, they have to have game.

If women seduce men, every man would complaining every women is in love with him and he can’t get sex. I know we want to pretend we are major stars and women beg us for sex, but it’s not the case in 2021.
No, women seduce men. Men just need to make the first move because women are afraid of rejection. From there, seduction is her domain.
It comes naturally to her, that’s why women don’t need pick up lines, they just need to act energetic and vulnerable.
if girls aren’t seducing you, you don’t need game, u need money/status, a nicer car, better style/clothes, better social circle with high value men that like you and to hit the gym


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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u need money/status, a nicer car, better style/clothes, better social circle with high value men that like you and to hit the gym
I dunno man, this money/status thing without game and understanding of women is dangerous. you could waste your life and end up divorced at 50 with nothing.

If she likes you for those material/status things I wudnt feel too comfortable. She just wants a 'high value guy' to boost her ego and her vision of herself, unfortunately once you are no longer needed you will be discarded with no mercy or second thought.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Great post @SmoothSmooth.
All these theatrics and routines use up a lot of energy.

Do men on a mission, say climbing a mountain have time for such trivialities?

Are CEOs of fortune 500s, learning stupid "comebacks" to appear cool?

Are the best artists in world, obsessed with their craft expending hours everyday on how to get laid?

Granted folks might not be any of the above, but having a mindset of a king has a self fulfilling prophecy and it reflects in our body language and conversation.

Keeping ROI high is key.

I liked the bit where you talked about indifference.

As @DEEZEDBRAH says step up or step aside, keep things clear, direct and go for what you want.

I'm here moving towards my goals in life. Keeping my health, wealth and skills in check so I can have the freedom I want

Wish more folks post useful stuff like this on the boards.
I've beat to death the importance of health and testosterone like some broken record. Health is everything. I've called the game sport. You got to make it fun. Must find the humor in it. Approaching is like pulling teeth for most fellas. Imagine Jordan, Gretzky, Messi, Ali, etc approached their sport that way?

@darksprezzatura big ups to you focus that which truly matters. Hope gains, lifts, diet, lifestyle, and new job is all going well. Getting girls is great. Purpose is king. Been guilty of putting the cart before the horse.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Awesome thread. A lot to digest there.

I’ve noted this before and will again…It’s very curious/telling that women generally don’t recommend “game” to guys. And it’s not because they don’t want you to “figure them out” so you gain an advantage.

Even legit female friends (not friendzone) who are genuinely trying to help you typically won’t suggest that you “learn game.”

Because they know the truth about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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game and manipulation is the realm of female behaviour

it’s the same type of thing as filters and makeup… women use it to enhance their perceived value, but men shouldn’t do the same thing

same with late replies, acting flirty, attempting to ‘seduce’ etc these things don’t make u look masculine. Women have seen it all before because they invented it! U stand out by being normal and straightforward in your dealings

this will drive her crazy and she’ll work hard to figure what makes you so calm and normal around her (most guys treat her like she is ‘high status’ …trying to game her signals you want her bad)

in this era of social media deception, gender politics and dating apps a lot of women are completely disillusioned with dating and all the games. they are low-key desperate to just get a bit of normality and security from men.
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