Game is 90% BALLS

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
They say you should never judge a book by its cover. There is no better example of this old proverb than my friend Max.

At 5' 4", with a receding hairline, big nose and sunken eyes, Max doesn't exactly fit the profile of ladykiller. So you can imagine what people think when they see him out on dates with strippers and model types.

"He must be rich!"

Actually, Max works at Foot Locker and makes minimum wage. So scratch that assumption...

"He must be famous then"

Although he tried to get into acting, none of his auditions were successful and his only fame can be attributed to his presitigious "Employee of the Month" Foot Locker

"It has to be his personality!

Max is a laidback guy and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't like him. But in my honest opinion, the guy is a bore. All he does is get laid and the rest of his life has suffered for it. I can only handle his company in small doses and for the longest time, I also wondered how in the hell he scored all these girls who would barely give me a second look.

It all started to become clear as we hung out more and more that behind Max's success was a lot of failure!

I will never forget the night I saw his game in full swing. He approached this one girl on the floor who was dancing all raunchy grinding on her girlfriend. The bastard didnt hesitate to sandwich himself in the middle and start grinding them both. They entertained him for a few minutes for a laugh, but eventually they pushed him to the side where he slipped on a patch of booze and fell on his ass. Everyone was pointing and laughing at him, but nobody in the club laughed louder than Max himself...

And so it was the whole night. I watched him get shot down, BADLY I might add, over and over again. It was embarassing to watch, but it never ruined his state and each time I saw a rejection, he saw himself as one step closer to his goal. He must have tried 20 different chicks before he found his target, a cute blonde who he met at the bar and opened by asking her to buy him a drink. The interaction was priceless.

MAX: Hey sweetie, would you be so kind as to buy me a gin and tonic on the rocks? I am havin a hell of a night.

HB: I am not your sweetie and you can get your own drink, creep! (proceeds to talk to her friend)

At this stage of the game I would have bailed. But not Max...

MAX: (interrupting) How about a beer then? I realize that ****tails are a bit more pricey and you may want to get to know me before you make such a commitment.

HB: Are you for real? I said I am not interested, which means GO AWAY!

You would think this would be the final straw, but balls defy logic every time...

MAX: Okay, now that was mean, but I understand where you are coming from. If you just get me a Ginger Ale, I may consider forgiving you for being so cruel and bitter. But please, make sure they put 3 ice cubes instead of the usual 5. I hate it when my drink gets all watered down and..

HB: (Talking to friend) Can you believe this guy?

MAX: Look, I am sorry to waste your time. I realize now that you must be poor and those DKNY shoes are fakes. Forgive my interruption, wrong girl. (turns away)

HB: (grabs arm) Fakes? I will have you know that I work at DK and these babies are for real.

MAX: (To friend) Let me guess. She is the bad girl in this friendship?

Friend: Huh?

MAX: Everyone knows that best friends are like the fuzz...theres the good cop and bad cop. You are obviously the good cop, so I would like to make a gesture. (reaches into pocket) I am going to buy you a drink for being so sweet and taking your friend out to get laid... You are a good friend!

They both stood there in shock for a minute before the started laughing. Unfortunately, I didnt get to hear the rest of the interaction, as a bunch of my friends showed up and I got caught up. But every time I looked at Max, he had the girls either laughing or giving him the "I can't believe you just said that" look.

The best part of all this? Max LJBFed them both and I tell you, no two girls have helped a man get laid as much as they helped Max. A few weeks later he enjoyed his first threesome with a couple of their friends. I didn't hear from him for months afterwards. Last time I spoke to him, he had met a great girl through them and officially declared that his gaming days were over. We will see how true this holds up... once a horndog always a horndog.

However it pans out, I have great respect for Max. He is living proof that while looks, status and power are influential, they are not everything when it comes to macking. In the end, without balls there is no game in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
LOL. Nice story. So in the end he does a neg hit on the girl's shoes and then does a cold read by calling her a "bad girl." Dude, that's textbook stuff. If he had whipped that out on approach 2, maybe he wouldn't have had to persist to approach 20. Again good story :cool:

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duke
So in the end he does a neg hit on the girl's shoes and then does a cold read by calling her a "bad girl." Dude, that's textbook stuff.
What really struck me was not the negs or cold-reads, but the delicate balance of persistance tempered by a willingness to walk away without a care in the world.

I mean you can pick apart anyone's game to textbook levels...but you can't explain to somebody how to have a big set of nuts. It's something we all learn from our own experiences and the level of discipline we are willing to invest in progress.

I posted this here because I see a lot of excusers on this forum. People think that looks and money are everything and they really are nothing compared to a rock-solid sense of self and the drive to get what you want. This is because a lot of you are lazy bastards. It is much easier to blame your failures on your looks, money problems, or even women in general, than to handle yourself like a man and really deal with your own weaknesses.

I think we should all burn the fukking textbook, personally. Your most defining moments are on the field doing, not in your head thinking.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
This is a great thread, and Max obviously knows that the TRUE secret to being a DJ is confidence. Women love a confident man, and Max doesnt care about getting shot down, just keeps on asking, and eventually, recieves. Laidback and likeable are great traits as well.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
When you have good amount of reason's to have a certain belief, then your beliefs will stand the test.

If you have 10 reason for having this belief, its likely that you will persist, 15 or 20 reason then you maybe unstoppable.

If you let any negative beliefs in, you will have a weak spot those tests will take advantage of.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by bbestar
When you have good amount of reason's to have a certain belief, then your beliefs will stand the test.

If you have 10 reason for having this belief, its likely that you will persist, 15 or 20 reason then you maybe unstoppable.

If you let any negative beliefs in, you will have a weak spot those tests will take advantage of.
That's like the smartest thing you ever said. Jesus would be proud.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
don ronny,

sounds like someone whose read this forum before..


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
I'd laugh if he was a DJ... so many approaches for nothing


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
I thought this thread was a review of that Michael Douglas movie.

Of course confidence is very important, but it will only get you so far. Hype a product and you might sell plenty in the short term but sustained sales come from meeting the real needs of a loyal client base.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
I'd laugh if he was a DJ... so many approaches for nothing
If you call a threesome and later on an LTR with a Christian Dior model "nothing", then I guess you must have some serious game to share with us. For starters, you could tell us all about the approaches you did this week. I think everyone on the forum could benefit from the input of a master such as yourself.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nighthawk
Of course confidence is very important, but it will only get you so far. Hype a product and you might sell plenty in the short term but sustained sales come from meeting the real needs of a loyal client base.
That's BS and you know it. You can be a total fraud and make off like a bandit in sales. I worked in real estate for six months and I just couldnt stand how greedy and sneaky the work ethic was. You would think these aszholes wouldnt stand a chance in business, but they are driving sportscars and going to Fiji for the weekend while rest of us suckers worry about things like integrity and yes, loyalty.

I am not saying that I agree with Max's lifestyle or that everyone here should be like him. I just have to admire his courage and ability to see "failure" as experimentation, and ultimately a fun activity.


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
It's a numbers' game...

Take my last saturday night, as an example:

1st girl: had her boyfriend right beside her - next!

2nd girl: her boyfriend was with her too - next!

3rd girl: absolute lack of interest, b*tch shields like there's no tomorrow - next!

4th girl: drunk, ugly - not interesting... - next!

5th girl: drunk, sociable, suddenly cold and distant - next!

6th girl: absolute b*tch: "you should stick near the wall, that's the place for you." - me: "thank you dear, are you having your pms or you're just a natural b*tch?"

7th girl: not so beautiful - very friendly nonetheless, but with a boyfriend...

8th girl: absolutely stunning, very nice lips, went for the kiss 200 seconds after first introducing me to her, we did every kind of 'make out' game, including swapping ****tails and such things... didn't go for the f-close because of her ****blocking friend (the 7th one)

You see... it's all about persistance. :cool:

I would have bailed out at the 2nd one, maybe at the 3rd one in my AFC days. Now I just know they're just nameless people, on a seemingly endless strike of different faces. It's a numbers' game. Just learn to be patient. And enjoy it... :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by Don Ronny
If you call a threesome and later on an LTR with a Christian Dior model "nothing", then I guess you must have some serious game to share with us. For starters, you could tell us all about the approaches you did this week. I think everyone on the forum could benefit from the input of a master such as yourself.
LOL, well I should have quoted Nighthawk, he started it:p

Well one thing you said, "this guy has no personality", right there you lied. He's got one helluva personality, it just rubs yours around in the mud so you get scared.

second if he is a DJ, he is either hella good at sucking ass at describing himself, or can't write worth shiz, or doesn't write at all.

My game is comletely different than the rest of yours. You would **** your pants at some of my approaches. The sad thing is, I am a pansy ass b!tch. I have no real game, I have inner game, social game, and indirect game. I can't tell you guys anything I do without coming off as a tryhard. I've pulled the shezzler's 10,000 approach challenge. I didn't use canned lines, nor any techniques, I pulled natural me, and got blown away thousands of times.

Just like your pal.

I never laughed at his game. I laughed at the fact that somebody said he must be a DJ.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...

ok a numbers game meaning that u have to spit game a # of different females. But getting girls should not depend on luck for the most part. (if shes single) it should mostly depend on ur game, ur look (like the way u dress and body language. ok and about persistance: ur a total stranger to the girl, unless shes drunk or something, if she says go away shes not playing hard to get, she really doesnt wanna talk to u. looks do matter but ur game is what keeps her interest piqued in u. im not really sure about those parties people talk about where people meet someone and they kiss. im seeing that more here in college but back at home girls went to parties to dance only, and party is too loud and crowded to hold convo but yeah, u have to know when to persist and when to let go. n usually u dont wanna feel urself persisting 1 girl, even if shes a 10. Persist in the way of talking to more females. Unlimited uncontrolled persist power will f*** up and make u come across as thirsty and needy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist

I never laughed at his game. I laughed at the fact that somebody said he must be a DJ.
Quick question 'cause I'm curious. How do you feel about people that use the gunwitch method? If they perfect that, will that person not be a DJ in your eyes?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by \O/
Quick question 'cause I'm curious. How do you feel about people that use the gunwitch method? If they perfect that, will that person not be a DJ in your eyes?
Doesn't sound like you understood what I said. Somebody else mentioned their indignance of his possibility of being a DJ. I laughed because the thought is outrageous. "Max" has tight game, but his methods are too childish. He was not using GWM, he was using cavemanning.

There's more to the gunwitch method than I know of. I know that much, I haven't done any research on him at all except what bits I read from the DJ Bible. I'm sure you want me to elaborate though, the tacky feeling of mental masturbation in knowing somebody might, just MIGHT be wrong is a driving force for many. I appreciate seeing different drives in people, it spurs me in different directions.

I'm sure max was smelly and poorly dressed that night as well. It was amazing how being so socially inept he still managed to pull off seriously 'textbook' moves, they are right there, page 4, heading, intorduction.

Now to get to your questions.

1: I believe males who use GWM are sexual beings, they desire sex at the top of their wants list. At times, sex and the desire for sex rises above the desire for sleep and food. Safety is secondary, life supporting actions are sent to the back of their mind. Definitely SS material, useful, gets the job done, but it is sleazy. On to question 2.

2: Great seducers in my mind, not DJ's though. A DJ is what has been said before. They are a man of the people. They do their own thing, they are sexual beings by nature, and the women flock to them. Gunwitch will be part of them. Not an action that they puruse conciously, it will just be a sidebar of options to tweak their environemt.
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