G/F posted pics of kissing guy on facebook


New Member
Nov 20, 2007
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I am 23 years old and have a girlfriend who is 19. I have seen her ever since she was 18. I didn't want anything out of her besides a lay at first, but it happened ot be a good lay and then it turned to two and then three, etc. Without knowing it soon enough I was dating her. She's a very beautiful girl and is always happy with a good attitude, and the guys love her (I don't mind), but what pissed me off was the other day she posted pics of her and some other guy at a club.

She went to a 21+ nightclub with some friends. I didn't go because I had other things to do that night. She posted pics of her and her "buddy" as she called him. In one they are kissing and she put down at the bottom caption "lol it's not what you think so don't ask". The next one has her pulled away and she put the caption "See, I got mad at him..just kidding lol". Then the last one has him kissing her on the side of the head while she has a stupid smile on her face with the caption "see we've made up". There are others were they are flirting and what not.

I was one pissed mofo when I saw this. At first I wanted to call her up and give her an earful, especially since she didn't even bother to hide it or anything (I am friends with her on her facebook so it's not like I wasn't going to see the photo album). I didn't call her on it but it has slowly eaten away at me since. I confess I fear breaking up with her because I may not find someone as good looking. I don't know why I think that way seeing as I have a lot going for myself and am successful (I work as a mechanical engineer). I guess i should've known what I was getting into when I saw that tribal tramp stamp near her ass.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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Dump. That. Bithc.

But then again, I'm the type of person who wouldn't tolerate that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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fffffffffff. Come out your Ivory tower.
I'm not going to address the issue of what she did here much, my concern is with you.

First, why are you stalking her facebook? Any time I have a girlfriend (as I have currently) I make a point of not visiting her myspace/facebook/whatever, as I know it'll only serve to make me uneasy about which guy is talking to her, who's telling her she's hot etc....Following her around, and checking up on her smacks to me of massive insecurity on your part.

Secondly, I see your point. You're pissed. She was wrong to kiss him, and you should tell her so. But this is what people do in clubs, with their friends. I've done it when I'm in a relationship, my g/f talks to her guy friends, kiss them hello/goodbye, I don't care, because I know at the end of the day, it'll be my headboard she'll be banging her head on. And come on now, if she was cheating, she's hardly going to make it clear for everyone on Facebook.

Third, who's in control here? You cite that "you may never find someone as beautiful", do you have any grapefruits? Damn, thats poncey talk.

Your posts speaks volumes in other ways than your post. You need to sort yourself out. If you want someone to lock up in a cage and have no contact with guys, buy a canary. Otherwise, man up.


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Nov 20, 2007
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WesCottII said:
fffffffffff. Come out your Ivory tower.
I'm not going to address the issue of what she did here much, my concern is with you.

First, why are you stalking her facebook? Any time I have a girlfriend (as I have currently) I make a point of not visiting her myspace/facebook/whatever, as I know it'll only serve to make me uneasy about which guy is talking to her, who's telling her she's hot etc....Following her around, and checking up on her smacks to me of massive insecurity on your part.

Secondly, I see your point. You're pissed. She was wrong to kiss him, and you should tell her so. But this is what people do in clubs, with their friends. I've done it when I'm in a relationship, my g/f talks to her guy friends, kiss them hello/goodbye, I don't care, because I know at the end of the day, it'll be my headboard she'll be banging her head on. And come on now, if she was cheating, she's hardly going to make it clear for everyone on Facebook.

Third, who's in control here? You cite that "you may never find someone as beautiful", do you have any grapefruits? Damn, thats poncey talk.

Your posts speaks volumes in other ways than your post. You need to sort yourself out. If you want someone to lock up in a cage and have no contact with guys, buy a canary. Otherwise, man up.
I respect your opinion, but actually, I don't and wouldn't want her to be locked up so I could control her 24/7. I don't know where you got that from, but I actually encourage her to go out and do things and not be so dependent on me like some girls are with guys. As far as stalking her on facebook...ha. She posted them, of course I am going to be curious and look, anyone would. It's not an insecurity thing and I certainly don't have issues with her having male friends. As I said above, she is very liked by a lot of guys and I don't mind that, who am I to say who she can't and can be friends with? But when she's kissing them and putting pictures up, that's crossing the line. And I don't mean a "kiss on the cheek, ha ha" type deal, I mean his tongue down her throat.

Mr Plow

Nov 6, 2007
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A small shack in the middle of nowhere.
WesCottII said:
fffffffffff. Come out your Ivory tower.
I'm not going to address the issue of what she did here much, my concern is with you.

First, why are you stalking her facebook? Any time I have a girlfriend (as I have currently) I make a point of not visiting her myspace/facebook/whatever, as I know it'll only serve to make me uneasy about which guy is talking to her, who's telling her she's hot etc....Following her around, and checking up on her smacks to me of massive insecurity on your part.

Secondly, I see your point. You're pissed. She was wrong to kiss him, and you should tell her so. But this is what people do in clubs, with their friends. I've done it when I'm in a relationship, my g/f talks to her guy friends, kiss them hello/goodbye, I don't care, because I know at the end of the day, it'll be my headboard she'll be banging her head on. And come on now, if she was cheating, she's hardly going to make it clear for everyone on Facebook.

Third, who's in control here? You cite that "you may never find someone as beautiful", do you have any grapefruits? Damn, thats poncey talk.

Your posts speaks volumes in other ways than your post. You need to sort yourself out. If you want someone to lock up in a cage and have no contact with guys, buy a canary. Otherwise, man up.
Agreed to the highest degree, I went to some girl's Myspace and she had loads of comments from this guy talking about how and when they were going to meet up and stuff and "go out", so me, believing it, sort of gave up on the idea of being with her. (I tend not to steal people's girls unless they deserve it), but then it turned out it was her cousin who was coming over from Australia to visit her and the family. True story...


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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Absinthe11 said:
I respect your opinion, but actually, I don't and wouldn't want her to be locked up so I could control her 24/7. I don't know where you got that from, but I actually encourage her to go out and do things and not be so dependent on me like some girls are with guys. As far as stalking her on facebook...ha. She posted them, of course I am going to be curious and look, anyone would. It's not an insecurity thing and I certainly don't have issues with her having male friends. As I said above, she is very liked by a lot of guys and I don't mind that, who am I to say who she can't and can be friends with? But when she's kissing them and putting pictures up, that's crossing the line. And I don't mean a "kiss on the check, ha ha" type deal, I mean his tongue down her throat.
Right, fair enough.

However, think about it. One picture is with his toungue down her throat, the next is of her pulling away? The next with a caption saying "we made up", implying they had a fight. Seems to me that she was pretty pissed about it.

If however, you're still pissed (which is fair enough), tell her you've seen the pictures, and if you want to still be with her, do a takeaway for a couple of days, just so she knows that she can't pull this type of behaviour on you, without some sort of punishment.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Also it alerts you on facebook when a friend posts up a new album of pictures. So he was probably *greeted* with pictures of his girlfriend locking lips with another guy right when he logged in.


New Member
Nov 20, 2007
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WesCottII said:
Right, fair enough.

However, think about it. One picture is with his toungue down her throat, the next is of her pulling away? The next with a caption saying "we made up", implying they had a fight. Seems to me that she was pretty pissed about it.

If however, you're still pissed (which is fair enough), tell her you've seen the pictures, and if you want to still be with her, do a takeaway for a couple of days, just so she knows that she can't pull this type of behaviour on you, without some sort of punishment.
Well, the thing is, even in the one she pulls away from him, the caption was a "I'm mad, lol j/k" thing...I have nothing against having fun and people are free to do what they want. I just believe there's a time and place for everything...if you are going to be in a relationship, act like it. That's my qualm pretty much.

LostAndConfused said:
Also it alerts you on facebook when a friend posts up a new album of pictures. So he was probably *greeted* with pictures of his girlfriend locking lips with another guy right when he logged in.
haha that's how it happened. It came up on the greeting board otherwise I wouldn't of known about it. I was like "It's very interesting there is a lot of photos of these two". Then I saw the one kissing her and I was like "I see...".


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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This is not what happens in a steady relationship. I would still date her for the pune but if you can find a way to do the break yet maintain the plate do that. But under no circumstances should you limit yourself anymore, be it either by cheating too or by coming to a new understanding. Clearly, she's not limiting herself to just you, so why would you do the same for her?

The 19 year old that told you that's normal in a relationship was probably the guy she was macking.


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Nov 20, 2007
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azanon said:
This is not what happens in a steady relationship. I would still date her for the pune but if you can find a way to do the break yet maintain the plate do that. But under no circumstances should you limit yourself anymore, be it either by cheating too or by coming to a new understanding. Clearly, she's not limiting herself to just you, so why would you do the same for her?

The 19 year old that told you that's normal in a relationship was probably the guy she was macking.
Agreed. I have some options, but none as good as her yet.

haha maybe I was about to say, although this guy looked older then 19. I dont' think there are too many 19 year olds with receeding hair lines.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Ummm... I'm not sure what the hell the other posters are trying to tell you. Most of it I don't agree with, but I won't even elaborate on the advice they're giving you.

There is absolutely no reason for your girl to be locking lips with any other guy. NONE!!! If the shoe was on the other foot, how would she feel about you slipping your tongue into another girls mouth? Pretty pissed off right? You'd be a dog amongst the other names she would call you. She would get all of her friends to see her side and they would turn on you also.

The next part. The fact that she locked lips with another guy is grounds for dismisal. Then to add insult to injury, she didn't hide it, but pretty much threw it in your face. "HA!! See what I've been doing behind your back!!?" Because you're all puzzy whipped, you're not even gonna say anything about it for fear of losing her puzzy?

Overall, you might hold the title of boyfriend, but it's obvious that this girl is seeing other guys. I believe that she has already broken up with you, but you're too closed minded to realize it. The minute you confront her about it, she's gonna blow up about the whole thing. All of these bones are gonna start flying out of the closet hitting you in the head and then she's gonna slam the door by hanging up the phone leaving you wondering what the hell you did wrong.

From here, you're gonna go through a self pitty phase where you start listening to depressing r&b/country love songs that reminds you of her. You're gonna start flipping through pictures of the way things were between the two of you. You will start to hate life. You will continue to check her myspace/facebook for any sign that she might be thinking of you, only to find that the guy you saw her in the picture with is leaving her comments of how he can't wait to see her tonight, which will lead to jealousy.

Then, you'll go into "I can win her back" phase. You'll check this site on advice on how to get her back. We'll tell you to forget about the bit#ch, but you won't listen. You'll go out and buy her flowers and cute crap which she will not even want and probably won't take. You'll start calling her, but she will never answer or return your calls. You'll begin emailing her and sending her comments on myspace/facebook, which will be deleted until she finally blocks all messages from you. Then you'll turn to anger.

You'll suddenly hate this girl. Leaving her hate voicemails and messages. Spreading rumors about her. Trying to get your friends to turn against her like her friends did to you, but they actually like her because she has a cooch and figure that one day they will be the one banging her since she cheated on you.

Eventually you'll find another girl to replace her and you'll wonder to yourself why you even did all those things you did. You'll wonder why you were even with her in the first place because this girl that you're with now is so much better. She treats you so much better than the last girl. Then you'll forget about her completely. It'll be another memory in the back of your head. You'll go on through life happy. One day you'll even find out through a friend that the guy she was with cheated on her and left her high and dry. You'll feel good about that because she would have gotten what she deserved.

Last part sounds good right? Well, how about you skip all that crap in between. Dump the girl. Forget about her completely and find another girl to pick up the pieces so you can skip the b/s and get on with your life. Trust me... you deserve better. Read the bible and start spinning some more plates


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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Don't even call her on it. Just leave....stop talking to her..she will start wondering why you won't talk to her anymore. Distance yourself.

Thats wrong for her to do, IMO.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
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South Carolina
Absinthe11 said:
I guess i should've known what I was getting into when I saw that tribal tramp stamp near her ass.

Yeah. You have to watch out for the girls with the lower back tattoos.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I'm having a really hard time understanding how some of you could possibly be alright with her behavior.

For one, he wasn't checking up on her. He was simply checking his facebook, like you all do when you have an account, and saw what he saw. Hardly stalking. Secondly, in a relationship, YOU DO NOT KISS OTHER PEOPLE, especially deep kissing and tongue down the throat. Gimme a break. If my gf did that, which she never would, or at least I hope not lol, there would be serious problems. Totally unacceptable behavior. And then to post pictures? Wow. And why wouldnt she warn Absinthe11 ahead of time what was on there (facebook)? Makes no sense.

I would for sure have a long talk with this girl, find out what was really going on that night, and tell her "ya know, I want to be in a trusting relationship, and after this, I just don't know if I ever can, so I'm gonna take a few days to think about all of this." Then I would ignore her, make her suffer for a while, and see where my thoughts lay.

But yeah. Wow. Such ballzzz on this chick to do that lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Dude, if you have any respect for yourself or your dignity you will dump that b1tch pronto. That kinda sh!t is unacceptable and you need to teach her a lesson the hard way. Don't give it a second thought.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
hahahaha priceless post kdnash82!! I agree also... I don't know what everyone else is talking about.

...The point is simple. Its bothering you right? You don't like it that she kissed a guy and much less posted the fvcking pictures publicly. So if something is bothering you put your foot down and do something about it. Plain and Simple... Don;t hold anything in, be true to yourself and feelings.... I don't care how you handle. talk with her, set her straight. Dump her... whatever just don't hold it in.

maybe she is looking for a break up and waiting for you to get mad about the pictures so she has an excuse to blame you for being a **** and break up. Either way, be true to your feelings.