Fvck It


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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It's been a long time coming but I'm starting a journal.

This will just be for me to jot down progression with the gym and the ladies. I've been slacking in both so if it's written down then it may motivate me more. Plus I'll feel peer pressured into taking action as people may be viewing my progression (or lack of).

So basically I have had a gym routine set out for about 2 months. Despite this I rarely do 3 days a week and regularly skip stuff. WELL NOT NO MORE. I will be recording just the days I attend the gym to make sure it's all 5!

I split up with my girlfriend of 18 months about a week ago and since then I have made absolutely no ground with any girls, but now I feel ready. I will be starting from scratch as I have no plates at all and no potential targets at the minute. I will also probably be a little rusty after my 18 months out of the game, but it will come with a little match practice :woo:

I'm also doing NO FAP as I really do struggle to take action sometimes, I'm not the most motivated of people and I need every bit of help I can get.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Gooid luck man, starting at the exact same time as me! haha


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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You gonna join us in the health and fitness section with a lift log then brahs?

Remember. The only person you should try to do better than - is the guy you were yesterday.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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Purefilth said:
You gonna join us in the health and fitness section with a lift log then brahs?

Remember. The only person you should try to do better than - is the guy you were yesterday.

Yeah, I think I will venture over there for the first time then. Cheers for the heads up! And very wise words :cool:

Cheers playa and willem, means a lot :up:

May be heading out tonight so if I do I'll get chatting to some laaadies. If not I'll be saving myself for next weekend, the big one, the bank holiday :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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Didn't go out last night, had a quiet night in.

Just after my last post I was looking through my contacts on my phone and decided to drop a friendly text to a 7 I hadn't spoken to in a while.

She used to be mad on me about 3 years ago. She is rather attractive but I just didn't feel any sort of connection there, I only saw her as a good friend. She's a fan of football (the proper football) like me so we used to talk about that. She made it clear she liked me though, was always flirty and even used to buy me little presents! In the end she just kind of gave up and we stopped speaking, then I got with my ex.

I did see this girl in a club about 5-6 months ago and we said hi. My friend tried to chat her up and she openly said I prefer MM92. Well now I'm single I want her too.

So anyway I just dropped a text asking how she was etc. We swapped texts for a while and I said we should do something soon and catch up. She agreed. All is well. Only thing that wasn't so well is she didn't reply to the last thing said when she could well have done. Didn't show eagerness to want to speak to me, unlike before.

Then at about 10 I saw that she had set a status about lies and being pissed off. So AGAIN I text her asking what was up. Turns out a lad she was seeing (she never mentioned that before) apparently already had a girlfriend and she'd only just found out. Swapped a few more texts and AGAIN she just randomly didn't reply. Maybe I'm overreacting but it just makes me feel uneasy. I think indifference may be working on me.

Anyway I'm just gonna go ghost for a while. Under no circumstances am I going to initiate another conversation. It will just come across as being too eager. I have to set up this "date" eventually but not until she contacts me first, whenever that's going to be.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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I went back on my word with that girl, whom I shall call CA.

Thought **** it, will drop one last text about the catch up we said we would have. Her reply will tell me whether or not to totally knock it on the head. Well I got no reply at all. Totally weird how someone can be interested in you for years and then all of a sudden not be. Maybe I seemed too interested and it put her off since I've never ever been like that before. Or more than likely she just has a better option at the minute. Still pretty weird nonetheless. But I have deleted her number to stop me from ever sending another text, although I doubt I would have anyway. Better to be safe than sorry!

Anyway been pretty busy and still a real lack of progress with the ladies. Gym has been good though. In fact I will be going straight after I've posted this.

The girl I lost my virginity to 7 years ago did add me on facebook though, which was strange. Got speaking to her and she's made it clear of her intentions and it seems an easy lay. She's nothing at all special, probably a 5 but success breeds success. It should be an easy enough lay, get my confidence going and push me on to bigger and better things! She's coming to mine early next week so I'll let everyone know how it goes. Not seen her in about 4 or 5 years so it may be a little strange.

Big weekend coming with a house party Friday, then heading out with my mates Saturday and Sunday. It's gonna be a rough weekend but hopefully I come with a story or two for you guys. :up:


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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MM92 said:
Totally weird how someone can be interested in you for years and then all of a sudden not be.
It is weird, but that's how it is/how they roll.

Good that you understand that now.

Just put her out of your mind...whatever it takes.

Once you meet a new interested girl you won't think of the ex.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Bank holiday mate!! It's a top weekend! I think with that 7 it can be anything! What I'm learning is to close to meet a girl ASAP and send barely any fluffy texts! Literally within a few texts! Cause interest through texts is the most fickle thing! It can be anything!


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
MM92 said:
It's been a long time coming but I'm starting a journal.

This will just be for me to jot down progression with the gym and the ladies. I've been slacking in both so if it's written down then it may motivate me more. Plus I'll feel peer pressured into taking action as people may be viewing my progression (or lack of).

So basically I have had a gym routine set out for about 2 months. Despite this I rarely do 3 days a week and regularly skip stuff. WELL NOT NO MORE. I will be recording just the days I attend the gym to make sure it's all 5!

I split up with my girlfriend of 18 months about a week ago and since then I have made absolutely no ground with any girls, but now I feel ready. I will be starting from scratch as I have no plates at all and no potential targets at the minute. I will also probably be a little rusty after my 18 months out of the game, but it will come with a little match practice :woo:

I'm also doing NO FAP as I really do struggle to take action sometimes, I'm not the most motivated of people and I need every bit of help I can get.

yup most cases are like yours the man sits along with nothing and the women is out Fing her life away..olol


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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Got a facebook message from her a few hours ago saying "sorrrry i havent replied to your texts! can do next week:)"

Not replied and not going to. One real flaw in my personality is I can be very stubborn and unforgiving. As much as I want to bone her she has no right to ignore my messages, especially since it wasn't too long ago she wouldn't leave me alone. NEXT

Thanks for the feedback guys. Yes playa something I'm definitely working on, always room for improvement. Can't wait for this weekend, lots of stuff to try out which I've learnt from here but haven't been able to use in a longgg time, if at all.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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Well last night was decent. Went to a house party first but it was a massive sausage fest. I did however get to see some old friends I hadn't spoke to in a while. Plus I owned Fifa despite being pretty drunk. Then I went into town. It was pretty late, around 1. Went to a place that I don't really like. The music is **** and it attracts the rough types but I had to meet some friends there. The place closes at 2 and people had already started to move on elsewhere so it was pretty dead. There was one girl on the dancefloor (6.5) and about 3 guys all dancing around her trying to get her attention. My mate said I bet you can't go get in there with her. I was pretty drunk so challenge accepted.

I hit the dance floor and straight away she just starts grinding up against me, I literally had to do nothing. Everyone was looking at me like I had some sort of superpowers, felt realll good. I just left her after about a minute as I just didn't feel like pursuing it further. It seemed she was the type that would give me aids just by breathing on me.

Anyway we went to another place and I was stood with my pint with my mates and I turn around and my ex ex was there with her mates. I heard them gossiping, didn't hear exactly what was being said but they were obviously saying stuff aimed at me as they we're speaking loudly. I didn't want another confrontation like the last time I saw her so we moved.


The girl that ignored my messages sent another message last night asking if I was out on Sunday. I shouldn't have replied at all but in my drunken state I just replied "might be". Nice that the boot is now on the other foot.

Anyway nothing else to report. I'm resting tonight as I don't feel too good. Watching the Champions League final followed by the boxing. Should be good.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
WHAT A NIGHT! Didn't roll in til 6:30. Gonna try keep this short as I feel like shiiit.

Brilliant night just hanging with mates with the drinks flowing. Anyway girls wise: Mate goes and chats to 3 girls 6 average. For some reason they didn't seem too into him so I joined him and helped him out talking to the other two while he could crack on with the one he liked. Turned out the other two had boyfriends, one was even engaged. The one my mate was trying it with was the fittest anyway. Their interaction didn't go to well and sensing it was a lost battle we made our excuses and left. We were stood by the bar and I saw them leaving later on so I thought FVCK IT. I'll see if I can do any better. As she walked past I literally grabbed her and pulled her close into by her lower back and asked her name. Of course I've forgot it now, I did the second she left but she gave me it and I introduced myself. The few times I've used this more aggressive confident technique it's worked very very well. I actually saw it first being used on Simple pickup, that youtube channel. Anyway her mates seemed impatient to leave and meet someone so in the end I had to let her go, real shame. Probably should have tried grabbing her number but life goes on.

Anyway we move somewhere else and I bump into more friends. One of which is a girl. I saw that girl (CA) from earlier posts that at first ignored my texts. She saw me also and I flat out blanked her. Carried on talking to my friend. She was constantly trying to get my attention but I gave her none. Eventually she just came over and threw herself at me. Not gonna complain! We were "making out" as you lot across the pond call it in the corner and she even said how badly she wanted to have sex with me! She's on her period at the minute, I know this because she told me :whistle: and she wasn't lying because she did a facebook status a few days ago about hating period pains or some bollocks.

SO I now have 2 guaranteed lays in the next week or so and I am picking up form and confidence. All is well. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Wow not updated this in a while. Been so busy recently, so busy that no progress has been made with any of them two girls except swapping a few texts with the 7.

I did however go out last night and I got laid. I was out with two of my mates, one of their girlfriends and her mate. I ended up nailing her mate. She made it clear early on her intentions and I didn't have to work for it at all. She had an average 5/10 face but a stunning body. Probably the best of the 11 girls I've nailed. The sex was very good to say we were both pretty wasted. She obviously had been round the block a bit and knew what she was doing.

What I learnt from this more than anything is I fvcking hate cuddling in bed and going to sleep after sex with someone I have no emotional attachment to. I kept waking up in the night and trying to somehow budge her off my chest but she'd just cling to me again and I didn't have the heart to tell her to get the **** off me haha.

If again I take a girl back from a night out she has to be 6.5 or above in both face and body. This even helped make my mind up that I would not be pursuing the 5 from earlier on who I lost my virginity to. Fvck that.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Forgot all about this. Gonna get it back up and running though.

Only had one more lay since the last post. I ended up sleeping with the girl from this thread below. There was resistance like before for a few minutes but in the end it happened. We're still in contact on and off and if I get a chance I will probably give her another go, may as well. She's a 7, really really good looking but overweight. If she lost the weight she would probably be out of my league though so **** it.


Went out last night and got chatting to a girl who was very receptive and seemed into me but I ran out of **** to say and was really drunk so I said I was off to found my friends. Turns out my friends girlfriend used to work with her so I got the girls name to facebook her and see if she was fit or it was just beer goggles. Everything was private so I had to send her a friend request to see her pictures, which I hate doing as I find it creepy. So chances are so does she. But I was just too curious. But yeah she's fit, solid 6.5.

Now since I already had to look creepy by adding her I may as well drop a message and try my luck. I literally don't know what to say as I can barely remember our conversation. I could have just asked if she had a good night but it's a bit late for that now. I'll probably drop a message in a few days.

EDIT: I just stopped talking to the 7 in previous posts (CA) because I got fed up with the mixed signals.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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I'm in a slump, a really big slump. Girls I wouldn't even usually be too bothered about are rejecting me and I feel like total shiit.

I tried thinking of better days to make myself feel better and then I remembered this thread. Logged into SS for the first time in forever to read it and it's certainly put a smile on my face after remembering these moments.

Time to put my big boy pants back on and get cracking!