Originally posted by CrotchSniffer
Tell me Pook, do you feel like we are doomed or something? Despite the optimistic messages of your posts, there is always an underlying thread of foreboding, especially on the subject of sexuality. Do you feel that the future will hold a narrower gap between the sexes? Or will we all eventually get tired of this unnatural state and completely revert?
A demigraphic explosion is occuring on our generation. It isn't *caused* by our generation, we're just caught in the wake of it. The *cause* is a bit uncertain, but it doesn't matter.
In Westernized countries, the birth rate is falling below replacement levels. From the government marriage numbers I have seen, the number of marriages has been falling steadily. And, of course, obese women seem to be increasing. In fact, there are many elements out there telling us that we ought to
love 'big' women.
Would you marry a girl like this? (
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/drugtest.html ) Heck, I wouldn't want ANYTHING to do with her. Notice how sad the DJs are at the end. It's depressing. But better a sour message board post now than someone using you like that.
For fun, I got out my copy of "1984", drew a line in it and put, "2005". Every mention of 'Big Brother' I replaced with 'Big Wife'. "BIG WIFE IS WATCHING YOU" haha. And somehow, the book worked much better than the original. 1984 is a book that revolves very much around sexuality. It has the old prostitute in the beginning, Winston saying how his wife felt children was the 'duty of the state' (and sheer coldness between them), and of course the 'freedom' with Julia. In that super controlled environment of 1984, your speech can get you in trouble (try saying publicly of the performance some of the female co-workers at your mega-corporation) (I remembered a book I loved when I was a kid and found it was out of print. The author, was extremely good, structured out works that didn't rely on plot or characterization [a rarity these days] but he made a book making fun of feminism type ideas and all his books got put out of print. Publishers and advertisers are very heavily influenced by such women.) Consider what happened to the President of Harvard for his comments.
But 1984's society is coalesced by hate. Mass movements may not have a savior but they always have a demon. The demon is not 'man' but rather sexuality. Not 'eroticism', but sexuality as in genders. Most guys are such wimps today it is sad, and the girls now all smoke, drink, screw, and go out more than the guys do. Some people say pornography is a cause of such climate. Rather, pornography seems to be an effect. If society was serious about shutting down pornography, women could start sleeping again with their husbands. No joke. (A sexless marriage is as offensive to me as defacating on the holy altar.)
The problem with marriage is that the law enforces the female privilages and male duties, but the law does not enforce male privilages and female duties. I don't *want* another law to fix this, I'm just pointing out how lopsided it has become.
I'm sensative to this today since I came from a wedding which I saw red flags coming from the bride (she is an 'in charge' woman, only child, never been raised or around men, never met her father, bitter bride's mother who is still single, and the bride wants lots of things like big house, new car, etc. etc).
I can deal with any 'distortions' outside influences may have had on my women. After all, every woman I meet today believes she is a 'strong woman' which means that 'you are going to do what she wants'. Why are women at war with their femininity? It is their best trait. And why is feminity defined as weak?
I think Men's Movements are judging Feminism all wrong in their blaming it as the cause. Feminism has its problems, but it was the vessel that has forever cloaked female deception. Many women hate feminism just because they think it is stupid ("Why should I go out and have a career when my husband can work for me?") Many girls who say they are 'traditional women', I've found, end up in the next breath declaring themselves 'strong women', and want to 'stay home'. Staying home is fine, but they tack on 'big house, many new cars, elaborate vacations around the world..." I'm like, "GEEZ!" Who is going to pay for all that? Oh yeah, me. The biggest disapointment was seeing girls use religion as a cloak. OK, ms. little lady, if you are as religious as you say, then let us fulfill the sacrament of marriage to the letter. It does include 'obeying the husband'. It is odd that religions are enforcing only the penalties that wound male pleasures, but not the ones that favor females (lying, deception, etc.) To most religious girls, the self imposed chastity and attendance to marriage is to shoot up their stock so they can get a 'better' man. To them, spirituality is not something to enrich life, it is a bargaining chip in their 'get a man' game.
I picked up Atlas Shrugged and drew a line through it, replacing it with 'Mars Shrugged'. Strangely enough, the story works quite well in that context as well (with the exception of Dagny). Civilization needs men to keep going. What I see now are more men being stuck being blue collar workers while women are taking the office jobs. Even the colleges are filling up with females (is it because females are smarter? No, college lacks the critical thinking which was its origin.)
Why is it when someone says, "Be a man" it is always to get me to do something that is not in my best interest?
Much of this can be cleaned up. It can be done by...
1) Man up! (stop walking on eggshells through life)
2)Stop being addicted to pu$$y (Stop throwing all your quarters of time in the slut machines, the house always win. It is one thing to play with the girl, it is another to think its a 'grand achievement'. This, however, is going to be the hardest step. We are pavlov's dog and we *are* addicted. Girls just wear something 'tight' and that is enough for guys to be their tools.)
3) Men ought to band together and start doing more fun things together (we ought to make our own society then live through women's society)
4) Change the Law to stop the blatant financial raping in divorce court. (Here is an easy fix: privatize marriage. Let the couple define the paremeters of their marriage, and only go to the courthouse for the 'name change'. If religious couples want to outlaw divorce from their marriage, hey, that's fine. If feminists want to define marriage as super-female dominated, that's fine as it applies only to their marriage, if an idiot male would agree to such proposal. The point of this is to get the state out of the marriage, and so take out the fangs and claws of divorce laws. This will be very hard to do because there is a divorce industry now who wants the system to continue.)
5) Embrace a culture that celebrates sexuality (which is not eroticism). This means celebrating the differences of gender. Girls ought to be cherished for being feminine and guys ought to be praised for being masculine. As you've noticed, both are under harsh assault.
See? Five things. Five simple to do that would change a lot. But it is going to get worse before it gets better. The state will change the definition of marriage to mean 'cohabitation'. They will say this is to 'protect couples, especially young men'. This is already underway in Britain and Australia. You will see more things in the media talking about how 'lonely and sad' unmarried men are (not true), and how married men make more (because many women rate the men by the paycheck, and direct his ambitions that way, nevermind if he hates his job). Laws may be put up to prevent men from leaving the country or marring foreign wives ("you will marry a woman the size of a pick up truck AND LIKE IT!!"). Oprah, of course, will tell the girls that it is the men's fault.
Now, we men do have our faults. But the turning point for me to really realize this problem was the legal issues (just sit in divorce court) and the collected gripes and comments of older men and married men.
Even this would be a good idea: