Future Long distance relationship


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hey everyone, I'd just like to get your opinion on a couple of things. I've been dating this girl for 7 months now, and we've been serious for 3. She's an HB8-9, a hot Chinese girl who always gets hit on by other guys even when I'm WITH her :rolleyes: The relationship has been great so far, she's very moral, a complete giver, easy to talk with, and she gets along great with my friends and parents. She's also droped the L-word on me constantly since the past couple of weeks. I responded back to her and told her I felt the same, but I've also been keeping myself in check and not becoming an AFC.

I just recenly got accepted into medical school out in california for next year (2006)! :woo: I am completely psyched, but at the same time a little bummed out. I'm currently working in Boston, where she is going to college. She is going to have another year of college after I leave for medical school, and she then wants to apply for law school. (she's been hinting possibly out in CA). Last night while I was out with friends she SMS'd me saying "I kinda want some time alone this wk babe, ttyl about it. I'm so proud of you u by the way, I know you would get in." I talked with her about it and she basicly said her feelings for me haven't change (if anything have gotten stronger) however she's confused about her future career path and concerned that the reason she would be going to CA would be just for me. Which to me sounds completely logical to question. I told her that I was willing to try a long distance relationship for a year, so long as she wanted to as well. She also had a big fight at home. We then talked a bit more and she was hinting about cooking dinner together and checking out a movie later on in the week. (which i guess is a good sign) I'm planning on letting her have her space and waiting for her to call me this week.

I would like some advice on how I should approch this relationship for the next couple of months because I have a feeling there will be more fights and discussions about this. :confused: I'm also concerned if this future long distance relationship will work out becuase I know I will be busy with med school and she will be busy with college (and eventually law school.) Thanks.


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
it's gonna take some high friggin IL to get her to move across the country. If she starts backing off there's really nothing you can do but let her decide what she wants. She's getting hit with a big decision very quickly, so things will probably get weird. If she's ready to commit to you, she'll stay with you. I know this is probably just reiterating what you already know, but there's really no easy way to go about it.

If i were you, i'd be as excited as i could about your opportunity, and let her see how happy you are. The choice to stay together is ultimately hers, so just be happy about the choices that YOU can control...


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
by the way, you're gonna be a doctor in california.....you won't have problems finding girls.....


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Lol :crackup: thanks speedo. I'm trying not to expect anything, but I'm hoping for the best a little.

"The Doogie line always works on the strippers. Laaaaaaaap daaaaaance!" -Harold and Kumar go to White castle


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Indiana US
Just do what you want to do. Let her have as much time as she needs, she'll contact you. You're the man (leader), she's the woman (follower). Her moving to CA is for the relationship and if she's extremely connected to you, she will follow. Women in love will completely disrupt their lives and do anything to stay with the man of their desire.

Do you want her to follow you to CA, want her to stay or do you really not care?


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'd like her to come with me, but I don't want to force it one her in any way.

She came over to pick me up from work yesterday eventhough she said she wanted some time apart. (most likely due to the fact that I didn't act all broken up over her wanting some time alone) I talked with her last night and she seems very receptive to the idea and said she was willing to try the long distance thing. So everything is looking up. :woo:

Thanks for the advice guys :D