The Front Factor
Whereas clout is who you actually are (or what you have
accomplished), a front is what you portray yourself to be (or the
potential you hold). Front + Clout = Status in Society. A good front
is necessary to draw hoes out without any extra effort (i.e. sympin') on
your part. For the record, clout is much more important than a front,
because as the name implies, that's exactly what it is: a front. Every
front has a back, and that back is called clout. I will go more into
clout in the next article.
God has given each and everybody something that when used
correctly, will attract members of the opposite sex. Some peoples
'gifts' are more apparent than others, but everybody has something. For
women, God gave them the ultimate drawing card....'nana. Just imagine
if men were given 'nana and the women had our 'jimmy'. Things would be
a lot different. I wouldn't be writing this right now, because my life
would be easy. I would be getting chased down everyday, getting offers
to go to the movies, out to dinner, taken shopping, you know, all of
that good stuff.
Our cards aren't as blatantly apparent. If you are lucky, and
society considers you good looking, then your front is already halfway
established, whether you know it or not. Some of us have to dig and
search ourselves to find out what our 'card' is. For example, maybe
someone isn't good looking, but is smart as all hell (i.e. Bill Gates).
If you can turn those smarts into money, there's your front. Hoes jock
stability and what a man can offer more than looks anyway (as evidenced
by ugly famous people with bomb ass wives). The key is, that every man
has SOMETHING....nice physique, athletic ability, sense of humor, high
intellegence....SOMETHING. All you have to do is figure out what yours
is, then accentuate it to make it stand out. Better yet, do something
with it to make a lot of LOOT. LOOT attracts HOES. Here are some
Note: These are basic 'Front + Clout = Status in Society' equations.
Nothing hard.
Athletic ability in basketball + NBA contract ($$$) = NBA Player
High intelligence + P.H.D. in Medicine ($$$) = Doctor
Sense of humor + nationwide audience ($$$) = Comedian
Good acting ability + starring role in movie ($$$) = Actor
Good looking + contract with top modeling agency ($$$) = Supermodel
Of course, the higher your 'Status', the higher quality hoes will
approach you without provocation.
See the general pattern?
The bottom line here is: If you build it, they will come. Women
are naturally attracted to men who have something to show for
themselves. How many 'love-at-first-sight' stories have you heard where
the broad falls head over heels for a bum on the street? Not many.
It's always some 'dashing' dude who is loaded, or displays a whole lot
of potential. When a broad is all in your mouth, talking about how nice
you look and how funny you are, you best believe she has taken into
account certain criteria that implies that you are somebody of worth, or
have the potential to be. Sometimes this is a concious act, sometimes
it's not.
A common mistake a lot of men make is to go above and beyond the
call to get a woman (i.e sympin'). Calling her all the time, taking her
out, all that good stuff. Then she ends up ditching that dude for a
better prospect. If that dude would just realize for a minute that if
he spent all that money he had spent on her....on HIMSELF, eventually
someone would approach HIM.
As a guideline, remember: front attracts, clout keeps. In the
meantime, do what you can to better your appearance. Kinda flabby or
skinny? Get in the gym. Take your 'chase-a-hoe' money, get some
creatine, get your buff on, and let the hoes chase YOU for a change.
The amount of time it takes to build an effective front varies per
individual. Some dudes come with a ready-made front, where others have
to start from scratch. It all comes down to how bad you want it. Or,
how sick you are of running behind women. At any rate, take care of
yourself, and everything else will fall into place. The sooner you
start, the sooner you finish.
Front and clout vary on effectiveness depending on your
environment. For example, my '92 Honda Accord on 16" chromies is all
the rage in Tucson, AZ, but it ain't SQUAT here in Las Vegas, NV. I'll
get into environmental factors in another article.
In conclusion, as quiet as it's kept, we men have the same
capability as women to do things our way...if we are dealing with broads
who are jocking the CRAP out of us. The key is utilizing our redeming
trait(s) and to build a marketable front out of it.
Field Exercise #2: Take one weekends worth of 'treat-a-trick-good'
money, and get a new outfit or a watch that goes "gleam! gleam!". See
if you notice a difference. The nicer your gear is, the more confident
you will feel. The more confident you feel, the more confident you
look. The more confident you look, the more hoes will holla.
Read and learn boys.
Whereas clout is who you actually are (or what you have
accomplished), a front is what you portray yourself to be (or the
potential you hold). Front + Clout = Status in Society. A good front
is necessary to draw hoes out without any extra effort (i.e. sympin') on
your part. For the record, clout is much more important than a front,
because as the name implies, that's exactly what it is: a front. Every
front has a back, and that back is called clout. I will go more into
clout in the next article.
God has given each and everybody something that when used
correctly, will attract members of the opposite sex. Some peoples
'gifts' are more apparent than others, but everybody has something. For
women, God gave them the ultimate drawing card....'nana. Just imagine
if men were given 'nana and the women had our 'jimmy'. Things would be
a lot different. I wouldn't be writing this right now, because my life
would be easy. I would be getting chased down everyday, getting offers
to go to the movies, out to dinner, taken shopping, you know, all of
that good stuff.
Our cards aren't as blatantly apparent. If you are lucky, and
society considers you good looking, then your front is already halfway
established, whether you know it or not. Some of us have to dig and
search ourselves to find out what our 'card' is. For example, maybe
someone isn't good looking, but is smart as all hell (i.e. Bill Gates).
If you can turn those smarts into money, there's your front. Hoes jock
stability and what a man can offer more than looks anyway (as evidenced
by ugly famous people with bomb ass wives). The key is, that every man
has SOMETHING....nice physique, athletic ability, sense of humor, high
intellegence....SOMETHING. All you have to do is figure out what yours
is, then accentuate it to make it stand out. Better yet, do something
with it to make a lot of LOOT. LOOT attracts HOES. Here are some
Note: These are basic 'Front + Clout = Status in Society' equations.
Nothing hard.
Athletic ability in basketball + NBA contract ($$$) = NBA Player
High intelligence + P.H.D. in Medicine ($$$) = Doctor
Sense of humor + nationwide audience ($$$) = Comedian
Good acting ability + starring role in movie ($$$) = Actor
Good looking + contract with top modeling agency ($$$) = Supermodel
Of course, the higher your 'Status', the higher quality hoes will
approach you without provocation.
See the general pattern?
The bottom line here is: If you build it, they will come. Women
are naturally attracted to men who have something to show for
themselves. How many 'love-at-first-sight' stories have you heard where
the broad falls head over heels for a bum on the street? Not many.
It's always some 'dashing' dude who is loaded, or displays a whole lot
of potential. When a broad is all in your mouth, talking about how nice
you look and how funny you are, you best believe she has taken into
account certain criteria that implies that you are somebody of worth, or
have the potential to be. Sometimes this is a concious act, sometimes
it's not.
A common mistake a lot of men make is to go above and beyond the
call to get a woman (i.e sympin'). Calling her all the time, taking her
out, all that good stuff. Then she ends up ditching that dude for a
better prospect. If that dude would just realize for a minute that if
he spent all that money he had spent on her....on HIMSELF, eventually
someone would approach HIM.
As a guideline, remember: front attracts, clout keeps. In the
meantime, do what you can to better your appearance. Kinda flabby or
skinny? Get in the gym. Take your 'chase-a-hoe' money, get some
creatine, get your buff on, and let the hoes chase YOU for a change.
The amount of time it takes to build an effective front varies per
individual. Some dudes come with a ready-made front, where others have
to start from scratch. It all comes down to how bad you want it. Or,
how sick you are of running behind women. At any rate, take care of
yourself, and everything else will fall into place. The sooner you
start, the sooner you finish.
Front and clout vary on effectiveness depending on your
environment. For example, my '92 Honda Accord on 16" chromies is all
the rage in Tucson, AZ, but it ain't SQUAT here in Las Vegas, NV. I'll
get into environmental factors in another article.
In conclusion, as quiet as it's kept, we men have the same
capability as women to do things our way...if we are dealing with broads
who are jocking the CRAP out of us. The key is utilizing our redeming
trait(s) and to build a marketable front out of it.
Field Exercise #2: Take one weekends worth of 'treat-a-trick-good'
money, and get a new outfit or a watch that goes "gleam! gleam!". See
if you notice a difference. The nicer your gear is, the more confident
you will feel. The more confident you feel, the more confident you
look. The more confident you look, the more hoes will holla.
Read and learn boys.