From Valentine's Day Fornication to LJBF in No time Flat


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Nov 2, 2012
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From Valentine's Day Fun to LJBF in No time Flat

Met this girl two years ago. Things were progressing then she just disappeared. On Valentine's Day 2014 she begged my friend for my number. He called me up and I relented. That night things went well, very well. She was calling me for days trying to get me to repeat the performance.

We ended up just talking and texting for a week and a few days. She was telling me she really wanted it to go somewhere. I made the mistake of telling her I was feeling it too. After that she went cold. Not really texting and making excuses for why she could not spend time with me.

My phone went down and I ended up creating a Facebook profile to let her know I was having phone issues. I told her I was going to be in town for the weekend. She told me she worked all weekend and was just going to be sleeping most of it.

I joked about showing up with my Superman PJs and Bunny slippers. Then I made the mistake of saying:

"I want to apologize. I have had a lot going on lately and the only positive thing was spending time with you. I guess I just wanted to hold on to that."

She said:

"Ive had a lot too and what i need more than anything right now is a friend"

I replied:

"I could use a friend too. Though I seriously doubt we ever see each other again. I need a friend = get lost creep, I no longer view you as a romantic potential."

She replied:

"No that is not what i meant"

To Which I said:

"I had this job once. The boss didn't like me. One day I came in one minute late and he fired me. He told me I could work the rest of the day, but no matter what I did or how much money I made for them I was still fired.

I really needed the money, but I am not going to work a job I have already been fired from. I went home"

I didn't say anything else and she didn't reply. I have no clue what is up with the chick, but she moved her ex out the day after we hooked up.

I am thinking it was crazy emotional rebound sex on Valentine's Day with her jumping into something too soon and realizing this is not where she wanted to go right now, if ever.

She then went into a "Let's slow down while I continue to pine away for and possibly bone my ex" routine.

Sadly, I am unsure of what to do. I won't see her anywhere but Facebook and my only friends on there are her best and friend and her. I am contemplating just deleting it and calling it a day, but I don't know if I should say anything to her at all.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Mckinise said:
She then went into a "Let's slow down while I continue to pine away for and possibly bone my ex" routine.

Sadly, I am unsure of what to do. I won't see her anywhere but Facebook and my only friends on there are her best and friend and her. I am contemplating just deleting it and calling it a day, but I don't know if I should say anything to her at all.

She went into "this new guy is not more of a high value man than my ex". You were way too clingy and took forever to make moves. Youve said need to say anything more. Let this one go...

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Lost cause, buddy. I've been through the same thing albeit slightly different.

We hooked up a few times and had mad sex each time. She wouldn't stop texting me in the following days. One weekend, she asked to come over. I said sure. She never came. It was a bit strange of her. I texted asking if she was still coming. No response.

I didn't bother texting again after that because I already knew what was happening. She didn't text me the next day either or even for a whole week.

The next week, I got a text from her saying hi. I didn't respond. She blew up my phone with texts and calls but no response from me. I just deleted her number and blocked her.

I could see the dropping IL coming from a mile and wanted to be the one to do the dumping before she got to me.


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Nov 2, 2012
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TheException said:

She went into "this new guy is not more of a high value man than my ex". You were way too clingy and took forever to make moves. Youve said need to say anything more. Let this one go...
I agree. Snow and ice made travel unsafe. During the time away I was engaging in idiot games with mushy texts.

How much of a whining crybaby will I appear to be if I just delete the whole account? I'm not a social media guy and it was for one reason. A reason that has since expired.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Beta backslid before the second date...

Always make sure or appear that she is more interested than you. A simple delayed "we'll see if you play your cards right" after her confessing she likes you would have done wonders for her attraction, your value, and your frame from there on out. Instead you shot it dead by plateauing the conversation with a rapport Hail Mary In the first quarter.

Once a girl is interested - playful ****y banter and letting her chase is not only what she wants, but is half the battle in assuring she comes back for more for a while.


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Nov 2, 2012
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She hit me back with a she just got out of a LTR and wants to take some time before she got into another one.

I countered with: "Honestly, we just need to take a step back and get to know each other. I'd like to start fresh and find out who you really are. No expectations."

She agreed and I'm backing off.

If she wants to hang out or whatever fine. I will leave that up to her contacting me. I have 3 other dates lined up this weekend. I won't be making the same mistake again.


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
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Thanks, and you are right about the fun. That is where I muck it up at times. Have to keep it light.


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
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I ended up just deleting the account and moving on. I would rather spend time with people that value me than to torture myself trying maintain whatever silliness this was becoming.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Mckinise said:
Thanks, and you are right about the fun. That is where I muck it up at times. Have to keep it light.
I used to do that and still slip up every once in a while. I like to think it just means that you're a serious man, which will benefit you in other ways. You're probably a creative type, as well.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Mckinise said:
I ended up just deleting the account and moving on. I would rather spend time with people that value me than to torture myself trying maintain whatever silliness this was becoming.

Wise decision. You DO know where you screwed up at here,though...right? I think it's already been covered,but just to MAKE SURE you don't do it with the next girl,the answer is found in your OWN post,in the orginal. At first you were doing fine....

We ended up just talking and texting for a week and a few days. She was telling me she really wanted it to go somewhere.
As you notice,everything was cool,you were talking and texting with no problems at all. But then you did this.....

I made the mistake of telling her I was feeling it too......After that she went cold. Not really texting and making excuses for why she could not spend time with me.

You see that,don't you? The VERY SECOND you started talking about your "feelings",it all went to sh1t. And everything she said to you afterwards.........

"She told me she worked all weekend and was just going to be sleeping most of it. "

"Ive had a lot too and what i need more than anything right now is a friend"

"She hit me back with a she just got out of a LTR and wants to take some time before she got into another one."

Everything she said AFTER you spoke to her about "how you felt".....all bullsh1t.

Amazing,isn't it? You started off this thread talking about how this girl was "BEGGING" your friend for your number,and how she was calling you FOR DAYS.....talking about how she wanted things to go somewhere between you two.

You told her how you "felt",then bam.....all of the sudden she wants to "slow down",starts talking about how she just got out of a relationship and needed more time,and how right now she just needs "a friend".

All bullsh1t.....At least you decided to move on,you get props for that. One thing though.....

If you move on,and I mean calling her,texting her or anything,there's a good chance that after a while,she may contact you. don't be fooled's not cause she's suddenly interested,it'll be cause she MISSES you and probably cause her ego needs a boost.

"Missing" someone and being attracted to them are two DIFFERENT things. Don't suddenly think she's interested in you if she calls or texts you,it's likely just her ego.

I'm just curious to hear the BS story she cooks for your friend,the one she got your number from.....if they happen to ask why you two are no longer seeing each other.