From slutty to relationship


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
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how do u handle a girl who used to be very sexual and slutty..who used to take slutty pictures with a lot of guys and her friends and only liked to randomly hook up and have fun...

but now is in a relationship(with me) and says shes done being slutty and just wants to be with one man and take things slow and writes DEEP notes and talks about how much i make her happy and changed her life for the better..but still lightly flirts with SOME guys..

how do u handle this type of women?(and dont say find another chick please)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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says shes done being slutty and just wants to be with one man

No she isn't. :nono:

how do u handle this type of women?(and dont say find another chick please)

You've just answered your own question. I had many past ex gf's before exactly like the one you're describing and things will never work out. Keep this one for a while if you wish but always make sure to have other girls at hand so when the inevitable does happen (which it will) you still have other girls on the side. Doing this you won't be attatched to her and wonder about every little thing she's doing and then posting these types of questions on here.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
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Ham lake,MN
To start with i would say you have to take baby steps to really know that is done with that phase of her life. How old is she? you obviously must have shown her that there is something better then all sorts of random hook ups. Flirting is probably a part of her personality.. Is she a very like touchy feel type of girl? She sounds like she would be. The factor here is time. She went through a big change as a person or she says she did and you a change in knowing who she was and what she stood for. Simply time will allow her and you to see that this change is for real. Ask yourself if this is the type of girl you have really seen yourself with and like based on the experiences you have liked or disliked with girlfriends Does that help a little?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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And I almost forgot to mention that besides finding another chick you DON'T try to "handle" this type of women. Let her do whatever she wants. If she fvcks up and you manage to find out then you have an excuse to break it off with her.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ham lake,MN
Well Spoken she is more likely to make a mistake and has something to work for and it will be quite clear how much she wants what your saying. If you don't put all your effort into it you won't as confused about her ways. Definitely let her do what she wants be cool.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Obviously, she likes sex and attention. So, if you are going to in a relationship with this girl, you are going to HAVE to make sure you put out, and not give stupid excuses. Seems like she is okay with quickies, with some long sex times, too. Change it up, f*ck her down when she isn't expecting it, treat her like a slut from time to time, but in the middle of it, say, "I love you, baby." (That's if you love her). You might say something like, "Hey, why don't you send me some sexy pictures so that I can think about you today." Something like that. You are GOING to have to make sure that you stay on top of her attention and sexual needs. If that's too much for you, let some other guy on test do it or something.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
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yea it helps...i think she was just insecure and immature back then..ive known her for a bout a year and a half but never wanted to get close with her becaue she was so immature/slutty...but over the summer i havent talked to her and she seems so much more mature and happy

she introduces me to all of her family too..something that shes neverdoen with past boyfriends


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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Another thing, she probably has low self-esteem, which most girls do, but she has found a way to pacify her insecurities by hooking up with random guys or being a flirt, feeling like she is needed by someone. More than likely, the way she recieves or interpretes love is through "physical touch" or "quality time".

I think, just my opinon, but I'm a girl, so I don't know much, but guys want to find a "good girl", but then, after they marry them, the girls don't ever want to put out, get fat, or some bullsh*t. Bad girls that are attention *****s, will more than likely keep up their good looks, because they feed off that stuff, and they will always be up for sex, because it's good.

You can turn a slut around, it's just if you're up for the challenge, but the return is so worth it. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Until she restores her broken relationship with her biological father...she will keep being a slutty AW.

How did I know she has a distant daddy? Because those are just symptoms of that deeper problem (or possibly a similar one - but generally that one). And until the deeper problem gets fixed, those symptoms will keep recurring. No matter what she says.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
illmatic1005 said:
how do u handle a girl who used to be very sexual and slutty..who used to take slutty pictures with a lot of guys and her friends and only liked to randomly hook up and have fun...

but now is in a relationship(with me) and says shes done being slutty and just wants to be with one man and take things slow and writes DEEP notes and talks about how much i make her happy and changed her life for the better..but still lightly flirts with SOME guys..

how do u handle this type of women?(and dont say find another chick please)

i dont see an issue here at all... why are you "handling' this woman any different from any other??

if you are in a relationship with this girl, then her past means absolutely nothing at this point. whether she banged 2 guys or 52. if there is something that you cant handle that she does .."like flirt with guys" , then speak your mind. if she continues and not really care about what you have expressed, then yes....NEXT.

however i dont see what the issue is as far as her past is concerned, think positive, atleast she is a bit experienced in the sack hopefully :up:


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
DavenJuan said:
if you are in a relationship with this girl, then her past means absolutely nothing at this point. whether she banged 2 guys or 52. if there is something that you cant handle that she does .."like flirt with guys" , then speak your mind. if she continues and not really care about what you have expressed, then yes....NEXT.

however i dont see what the issue is as far as her past is concerned, think positive, atleast she is a bit experienced in the sack hopefully :up:
Yeah, don't expect her to be perfectly good at it. She might screw up from time to time, like be too flirty with a guy or whatever, but just keep her dic#ed down, you'll be aight. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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remotecontrol said:
Ive also known girls like this a long time ago....They act like they finally found "mr right" because you behave like mr right, because thats how you think men behave who get women.
Actually, you'll notice the same thing with nice girls and bad boys too.

Oh, those girls feel so flattered and special when THEY become the ONES to CHANGE and finally tame the bad boy. And he puts up a temporary show (act) as if he has now finally "changed his spots" as well.

But unfortunately, he eventually reverts to his old ways just as a tiger can't change its stripes, can it? And it takes quite the fool to think they can.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
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remotecontrol said:
Ive also known girls like this a long time ago....They act like they finally found "mr right" because you behave like mr right, because thats how you think men behave who get women.
But then the women doesnt get slvtty with you because they think a real relationship is white picket fences an all.
They think mr right expects his woman is be pure and innocent, with him. This is the reality of women who want a LTR.
They have their party years of being total slvts then they think the right thing to do is be a born again virgin, well not exactly a virgin but definatley not a slvt.
Im afraid you need to wize up should have took advantage of her when she was a slvt and kept her as your slvt.
She is now treating you like an AFC because this is the nice guy image you put out there.
Why would you not want a slvt? Your a man.
Trust me a slvt who puts her slvtty side in the closet is holding out on you and disrespecting you, especially as youve seen her slvtty pictures ect, I mean she didnt hide anything.....
.She has beasically told you...I am a slvt but Im not going to be a slvt for you...
Your going to be her AFC mr right and she is going to turn you into her b1tch. Sorry but thats exactly how this senario works. Your only hope is to turn her back into the slvt she is before its tooo late and you wind up with boring sex with a girl who only fvckes when she wants to.
that is so true...she use to give out handj0bs and occasionally a blowj0b like candy on halloween..but with me the most we've ever done was feel each other up with clothes on and make out!..its been 2 could i get her to advance with me sexually without her saying 'all u want is sex''


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
remotecontrol said: made a mistake of being too nice...this is how women treat nice guys because nice guys dont express to the woman that they want a slvt.

Once you give the nice guy impression out to a woman its going to be difficult to make her respond differently to you but not impossible...I know as Ive also turned situations around, just like this one.

Get stuff into conversations, of course you need to act like you said this because the topic of sex came up without you bringing it up.
As sex is in the media so much you can bring these sentences in alomost any time, just make sure she or the tv or the raido had brought the topic up first.

Make your responses sound really casual and not forceful, just like you were talking about what you ate for your dinner..

Youll have her back to doing what she does best before you know it...

If you come off like a nice guy you will end up marrying the wh0re who quits wh0ring, Just for you. Married men are such suckers.
Come off like a man fromthe begging and you can have the LTR and still have your woman be your slvt.
once again this is soo true...we talked about each others past experiences once..and we always make out, even if we are at her familys house we try to sneak it in at some point...we both even turn a simpl word into sounding like something dirty, and we both kno it...but then she always says..'na im a good girl now' and i never kno how to respond to that...

she told me once 'i want to advance things physically with u but i am scared and i want to wait a little longer because i dont think im good at it and i dont want u to leave me because im not good at it" and "promise u wont leave me because im not giving u everything u want.. i just want to wait a lil longer'..

i never kno how to respond to those words either

o and by the way...everyone(including her) tells me i look so innocent and nice..but everyone knows im a crazy guy who likes to take risks and stuff...maybe i just need to let her kno its ok to advance things now..but how?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Cant turn a ho into a housewife...

raps contribution to society


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

You can't do ANYTHING about how she will act. Just realize that she's not likely to REALLY change, ESPECIALLY for a man (i.e., you.) She is who she is. She's most likely to continue to be who she is. I'm not judging her, just laying out what's most likely to happen in the future. Accept her as she is. Expect her ways to go on as before. Whether you can deal with her acting this way in the future or not, I don't know. But be advised that she ISN'T likely to "change."

"Past behavior is the most reliable indicator of future behavior."


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
She is young and likes to have fun. She has had lots of fun.

Now she wants to "settle down" because she's bored with her fun.

However, she will get bored with "settling down" even quicker. When that happens, its back to the VIP room for some random sex.

Don't put a lot of effort into this relationship. If she's as vapid as I think she is, she'll probably like you a lot better if you treat her as a backburner option.

P.S. Does she have any kids?


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Just do what you've been doing, it works right? why come on here to ask for opinions on how to "handle" this girl when you're already doing fine.

if she cheats, end it, what more can be said, a girl doesn't need a slutty past to be able to cheat on you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Kev07 said:
if she cheats, end it, what more can be said, a girl doesn't need a slutty past to be able to cheat on you.
Very true. Just go with your guts. I just ended my relationship today. :yes:


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
California USA
Ah the old Captain save-a-ho.

I once was a hopeful idiot who thought i could change a **** into something special. But now i've grown up and realized the truth.

"Once a ****, always a ****"

Right now she is probably using you as a "morality figure", someone she could be "with" so everyone she knows (her family) will think she's a good girl with a good guy.

"Good girls dont need to tell themselves that they are good girls."

Its time to wake up and smell that coffee Mr. Captain-save-a-hoe. If you really believe she's changed, you're blind and in denial. I promise you, she has not changed.

You think I'm wrong? Dont be a fool.