I'm living in a "later version" of the same scenario.
This chick of mine is a hustler. And, she's thrown every flag there is.
But, she's young.
Her only mistake was letting me know about the mistakes she's made.
There comes a time in people's lives where they remove themselves from the party mode and get real. Lucky for me, this chick was attempting that sooner than later.
Boy, I thought I had this chick pegged. Slvt, liar, stupid, game playing, manipulative, superficial, blah blah blah, not gf material.
Then it turns out she's a bartender. Well, big deal you say at first, but step back and realize that bartenders are professional fakers. Actors, comedians, and rockstars: they put on a show. Some people know to leave work at work, others become their job. Well, this chick was a phony.
She's all "bi-slut, tatoos and bad attitude" on the outside, soft and feminine on the inside. She's a charmer, she lavishes me with gifts, supplicates, yells when she's angry, wants me to f her in the a more, doesn't triffle, doesn't watch TV, loves the outdoors... the list of positive attributes goes on an on. However, her history is known, so I hold her suspect while enjoying her day-to-day.
She understands, and paraphrases back to me often: "I fux up, I'm gone."
The thing is, and I'll summarize, she just didn't know how to act. She didn't realize that, although it's popular to act like Paris Hilton, it's not lady-like nor attractive nor desirable to men. She never made that connection that it's hot for a bartender to seem to be a slvt, but not hot for a gf to seem to be a slvt. And so, her fuxups were overflow from her occupation, essentially.
Sure, I'm justifying, in a sense, my remaining with her. But the thing is, I get a lot from being with her. First and foremost, she's paying half the rent. Also, she buys sh!t for me. Then, of course, is the sex. And last but not least, a pal. She's cool as fux and we get along very well - the chemistry is excellent.
I'm "training her to be with me", in as many words. She tells me "I'm trying to catch on to your lifestyle" and shiz, and she is making the effort to "learn my ways".
I can't overlook her effort, and it's quite flattering.
But, ultimately, her name isn't on the lease.
She knows that she'll be out on her azz in a flash if I'm not pleased with her. I've walked once for her crap, and it blew her Barbie world apart:
"WTF? Where'd my puzzy power go?"
Since then, she's very managable, and very eager to please.
Women are lost, just as AFC's are lost. Typically, they are wrapped up in the "impress your friends and peers" lifestyle and just don't realize how retarded they act until they are shown, or made to see.
My advice, jbbrain, is to walk. If she's a barbie girl, in a barbie world, just leave. Break her heart - smash it to tiny bits - but be a DJ gentleman about it and leave. Make sure to tell her it's because she's shady. Make sure she understands that her behavior leaves her untrustworthy, and thus undesirable for anything substancial, and cut her azz loose.
Maybe she'll wonder, maybe she'll catch a glimpse of reality, or maybe she'll blow it off and continue her ways. The saying is true: "You can't turn a ho into a housewife." The ho must want to become the housewife, then actually make the change all on her own. So LMS's advice, "Just say no to hors", is sound.
Cut her loose and get on with your business. Perhaps she'll be a puntangerang: a puzzy you throw away but comes back again. And if she comes back again, (a couple months later after she's with someone else and that someone pales in comparison, and she devotes some serious thought to how/why she fuxed up with you) she'll likely leave her barbie world and try to get into your world.
It sux, leaving all that good stuff, but it has to be done.
If she wants to be shady, then she doesn't get to be with you, right? Don't be her dildo.