From "Oneitis" to "Oneitis With Benefits"


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Well an interesting turn of events happened during this last week. It all started with my oneitis and I going on a road trip and ended a few days later on her bed.

Basically we went on this awesome road trip.. it rocked! We both ended up having an incredible time together (sightseeing, dining out, shopping, etc.) After the trip, I could tell that she was starting to develop feelings for me. She was constantly calling me to hang out and whenever we were together she was far more physical and close then usual. She was also very adament about the idea of just her and I hanging out, no one else.

So by this time I knew that I had to strike while the iron was hot. Her and I decided to meet up the next night for drinks at a restaurant. I was reading up on eye contact the night before and decided to apply it heavy tonight. Well from the start of the night I knew things were going well. I was applying like 75% more eye contact than usual, and her reactions were amazing. She had this look of love in her eyes and after we left the restaurant she couldn't keep her hands off of me.

When we arrived at her house, we kicked it downstairs to her bedroom and she closed and locked the door behind me. We were both drunk at this point and she decided that she just wanted to lay down on her bed and relax with the lights off. She was wearing a tube top shirt, so I started to massage her back and kiss her gently in certain spots of her back. I eventually worked my way up to her neck and from there it was all over. I went in for the kill and let me tell you don juans, that first
'forbidden' kiss between you and your oneitis is absolutely incredible!

I decided to split that morning and leave her thinking about the incredible time we just had together. That next evening she called my cellular 5 times and when I called her back she wanted just the two of us to hang out. But I figured that it's probably better not to get too tied up right away, so I told her that I had plans. The next night she ended up crashing at my place, and we had round two.

I've noticed that her behavior has changed incredibly. We've been best friends for 2+ years and there is a huge difference in the way she acts. She's always touching me, staring at me, holding my hand, talks in a sexier tone, and whenever we make eye contact she has a completely different look in her eyes. It's exactly how Mr. Finger's described it in his post about Leaving the Friends Zone.

Overall I'm liking the change of events between the two of us, but Im unsure of what will happen in the next few weeks. I have this gut feeling that I will lose interest all of a sudden. It's one of those "If you can't have it, you want it more, but if you get it, you want it less." sort of deals.

Has anyone else broken past the friends only zone with a oneitis? If so what happened after all of this?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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I had kindof the same experience one time and we are still friends. As long as you play it off good, you should have no problem just staying friends if you lose interest. But it all depends on how the girl takes it.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Damn man. It sounds like youre doing everything good. Just remember to keep her interest and youll do fine! Way to pimp!


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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I see one of two things happening.

1) You will lose her as a friend, for the reason you mentioned (you tasted the 'forbidden fruit' and you're ready to move on). She will be upset that you fvcked her and left, but this never was a real friendship to begin with (let me put it this way... would you have hung around her if she was an ugly girl?).

2) You will decide to stick with her. She will romanticize to no end ("Oh I just wanted us to be friends, but one day I just saw something special about him... I guess it was meant to be, blah... blah...."), but the fact is that after you porked this girl who you had been scheming to bone for years, you decided not to tell her about your schemin'. She thinks you're in love, but you're just in lust.


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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True, it does all depend on how the girl takes it.. but from hanging out tonight with her, i've come to the conclusion that we are practically dating. On an unofficial basis. The hand holding, kissing, jealousy that she has is blatantly obvious... we'll have to see where it leads.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
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you are being greedy now...
you need to take a step back everyday and value what you have......
stop being a greedy bastard you super pimp! :)
you pimped your make sure you have loads of fun...
keep her going for a few months at least! me...or you'll regret it


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Good idea on waiting it out for a bit. However now the idea of me being with other girls is killing her. She doesn't like this idea at all.. now she knows how i've felt for 2 long years.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Maybe she had feelings for you already but was waiting for you. She probably had relationships and so did you during this one-itis.. friends but... hoping for more kinda relationship you both had.

The key to getting out of one-itis is what happened to Hercules. Both of you spent one day totally together. From that one day alone as a road trip she has determined you to be boyfriend-worthy because you showed your fine self.

For this to work of course is that you know the girl is interested in you in some way while you are interested in her in some way.

This will not work if you act AFCish around her.