From Non-Don... To Don Juan! [Part III]


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
From Non-Don… to Don Juan! [Part III]

“I can imagine, that right now you are feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?… Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there is something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is. But its there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me…” – Laurence Fishburn as Morpheus.
You are here, reading this article, because you know something. You know you could be someone else. Someone greater than what you have been told you could all your life. Someone greater than even you, yourself, can imagine. You know you can succeed, if only you had the tools. Your drive, your uncontrollable need for truth, your desire to become this someone, that is why you are here.

Lets recap. In Part I, you started the transformation from boy to MAN, from a laughed at tribesman, to a revered hunter. You changed your look and your mind. We fed the fire in Part II. You went from that man, to a LEADER, from that revered hunter, to a TRIBAL CHEIFTAN. Your face is a friendly one, a sight for sore eyes. Men and women alike look to you for guidance. You can taste it now, the new you, sitting there in your new cloths, with your new style, phone ringing off the hook, salivating. What now? Haha, get ready, get set, get some popcorn, because HERE - WE - GO!

This is it, fela’s. Lets take a gander at what you’ll be learning today. We’re going to look at all different kinds of ‘easy’ approaches. We’ll get those conversation skills up to par, as well as touch on all that good stuff like body language and kino. Hah, so that’s the ‘what’, and the ‘why’ is pretty obvious... what do you say we crack down on the how?

”Buckle you’re seatbelt, Dorothy… ‘cuz Kansas, is goin’ by-by.” – Cypher from The Matrix

----------General Techniques----------
Here are a few terms I will use in the approach models later in this article. You can modify all of these quite easily to fit who you are, but try them a few times as close to the formula as you can:
. . Pre - Approach - Everyone has those times at school, at the mall, or just plain out somewhere, when you fell like sitting down for a minute, and getting some R&R. But why stop there? You’re looking good, and you probably have SOMETHING to fake interest in, eh? So have a seat, or lean against a wall, or anything. Strike a pose that really flaunts your looks/DJ clothes. Now its time to open your body language in the direction you feel most of your targets will be coming form. Turn your torso in that direction. Sit up straight, but not rigid. Spread out your chest, and don’t be too busy. Every so often look up, and if there’s a HB on the loose.
. . Swagger - Swagger is like a moving pre-approach. Slow down your walking pace to ¾. Put a ½ smile [friendly] on your face. Put one hand in a pocket, or leave them both swinging. When your arms swing they should pass in front and behind your body slightly [on the forward and backward swing, respectively]. Take smooth, long breaths. Chest out, head up, and lightly bobbing, observe your surroundings. Refrain at all costs being stiff, and doing the ‘buff’ walk.
. . 1/2 Smile - The ½ smile is used before definite eye contact is established. It helps you maintain an unthreatening, friendly demeanor. Loosen your face muscles, and have your lips closed, but curving, like the face you make anticipating the punch line of a joke.
. . Friendly Smile - This smile is note like the debonair smile used while closing or teasing. It is the smile like you give an old lady [no matter how sexy], and it makes her day.
. . Debonair Smile - While closing, or teasing, use this smile. It is often called the ‘James Bond Smile’ and rightfully so, watch any 007 movie and you will see countless examples. It is a smile meant to show them you have ‘other’ intentions.
. . Salutations - This is your greeting towards her. The friendlier, more upbeat, confident, and unusual it is, the easier it will be to converse with your target. Make sure that your greeting is easily audible over all other environmental static. Too loud is better than too quiet in almost all situations. Some good examples are: Hey, Hey there, Howdy, Goo’day, How ya’ Doin’? [if your Italian].
. . Opening Line - This comes directly before, after, or in place of Salutations. It is a statement or question relating to your current situation, predicament, environment, or your target herself.
. . Introduction - The sooner she feel’s she ‘knows’ you, the sooner you have report, the sooner you and her ‘click’ the easier the conversation will be with your target. All that starts with her knowing your name. Either straight up, if you haven’t gotten into any real conversation yet, or ‘Oh ya’ style, if you’ve been conversing for a bit. Straight up, begin with “I’m Don Juan” in a confident, audible tone, extending your hand, palm facing the sky. She will reciprocate with a name, and place her hand in yours. This is where you do the ‘Female handshake.’ Her fingers will rest in your palm; squeeze her hand lightly with your thumb, pressing her knuckles against the ridge of your hand. It’s like a normal handshake, but your hand is turned towards the sky, and tilted so fingers rest on your hand. Jeeze, se is a cute girl, and nice too, offering her hand to yours, smiling, and all, we should let her know that! “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Don Juana.” In an ‘Oh ya’ introduction, start off with something along the lines of “Oh my, all this stimulating conversation, and I don’t believe I know your name. I’m Don Juan.” or, tie in a topic you’ve been talking about, [in this case, she was talking a bit about her job] “Oh jeeze, all these sales pitches, and I don’t even know your name! I’m Don Juan.”

-----Approach #1: both parties stationary-----
In class, you’re sitting next to each other. In the food court at the mall, she’s chewing on a salad, you’re unwrapping your slab of bovine. You just sat down for a bumpy ride on the Metro, next to a cutie. You’re both standing in the lunch line ready to pay money for an overly processed meat-replacement. What to do?
-Pre - Approach, open your body language towards your target, specifically. Throw on that ½ smile.
-After eye contact, throw her a friendly smile, and salutation.
-Opening line, make it situational. Here are a few examples: Did we have any homework?, Oh, that looks so good, what is that?, So where ya’ headed? The Fillet of Fish looks good, what do ya’ think?, What do you think of Mr. Teacher?, Is that from Subway?, This is my first time on a Metro, is there anything I should know?, Isn’t it a shame that we have to WAIT, so we can PAY, for SCHOOL food?.
*NOTE1 - all opening lines are questions, not statements.
*NOTE2 - These opening lines can be used without eye contact, friendly smile, and salutations
*NOTE - Your opening line should show some emotion, be up beet, and TRUELY inquire about her opinion on things, if you don’t REALLY care about what she thinks, she will sense it.
-Once the original topic has exhausted itself, introduce yourself!

You just made an approach... jolly good show!

-----Approach #2: You are moving, target is stationary-----
You are walking through the halls at school, and she is standing outside/in the doorway of her class. You have just entered your class, and see her already in her seat [far from yours]. Walking through the mall you see her standing outside a store, greeting people [as they often employ people to do at Victoria’s Secret, or TT of New York]. You’re strolling along in the mall and she’s parked on a bench/table. Oh dear!
-Swagger, swagger your ass off. You should be oozing confidence, and she should sense it, looking up.
-Greeting, friendly smile, salutations... just like last time.
-Opening line, again, situational. But make sure you tie in a reason for you to stop your movement and talk to her, or give a sarcastic/comical remark [thus minimizing the ‘creepy/stalker’ factor]. Some to try are: Pardon me, but, do you know where the Abercrombie Store is?, I was wondering, how many weirdo’s come and talk to you on an average day?, Did we have any homework?[<--- I like this one, if you hadn’t noticed], Shouldn’t you be in your class, learning?
*NOTE1 - You need a good greeting, in this case.
*NOTE2 - If she is sitting down/kneeling/whatever, get yourself down to her level as soon as possible. This will make you appear far less domineering, and much friendlier/safer.
-Once the original topic has exhausted itself, introduce yourself!

Damn, your good.

-----Approach #3: Target is Moving in the same direction you are-----
Walking in the halls, out of your class, or other countless situations that happen during the Don Juan heaven that is - School. Or maybe you’re in the mall, and she just veered out of Pennies, and is now walking in the same direction as you are, GROW!
-Swagger, but match her speed.
-Eye contact [if possible], then salutations. When you greet her, make sure she knows it’s her you are speaking to [because chances are you won’t have eye contact]. Turn your body slightly towards her, and be audible.
-Opening line, just like in #1. Your just going about your business, whatever you say, it will be hard for it to be misconstrued as some chauvinistic gesture. Just hammer it out like you say it to everyone you happen to walk by: Where ya’ headed? Is the Abercrombie store thataway<point> or thataway<point>?, You wouldn’t happen to know if Pennies is having a sale on Men’s clothing, would you?. Get creative, have fun!
-Once the original topic has exhausted itself, introduce yourself!

You dog, you!
-----Approach #4: Target is moving in the opposite direction as you are-----
This is it, the moment of truth! Your target, a HB [who just got her driver’s license], is strolling thought he mall. Its indoors, but somehow that fiery red hair is blowing across her face, like a runway model. Or maybe it’s in school? Or maybe you too are out walking in the park, during the perfect sunset [yeah, right]. Anyhow, lets get cracking!
-Swagger, baby, swagger! Women naturally swagger, those hips swaying back and forth, chest bouncing up and down ever so slightly [or not so slightly
], and who can forget the hair shake, where they flick their head so their hair goes perfectly into place, and she looks oh-so-sexy? Do I have your attention? Good. Time to bust out your own groove, baby! Go to ¾ her speed. Put the hand closer to her halfway in your pocket [so your thumb/watch are still showing]. Open your body language to her, just a tad.
-Greeting, its time to be debonair. She sees you, you see her, its time to flaunt, baby! Start with that ½ smile, when eye contact is returned, give her a friendly smile and a salutation, when that’s returned, throw that debonair, James Bond smile!
-Now, the tricky stuff. You need to give her a reason to stop and talk to you, besides being absolutely smoking. Your opening line could be funny, to the point, or just plain weird. No matter what, make sure your confident in your delivery. You should be about 3-5 feet away form her while saying it, and slowing down even further, hopefully she’ll get the hint. By the time your done saying it, be stationary. What should ‘It’ be? Good question: Pardon me, may I ask you a question?, Excuse me, I just have to tell you those shoes are really awesome!, Dear god, did you see the delivery guy take a spill over in the food court?. Ok, I see that you are a little lost on these, so we will take them into greater depth.

DJ - ”Pardon me, may I ask you a question?”
HB <a bit hesitant> - ”Sure, I guess.”
DJ - ”Are you single?”
HB <wondering where that came from, who does this guy think he is, why would he just open with that question... that takes some guts> - “er...[signifying hesitation]”
DJ <with a broad, friendly smile> - ”I’ll take that as a yes.”
DJ - ”Excuse me, I just have to tell you those shoes are really awesome!”
HB <wow, that was creative. And yeah, I do have a good sense of style, those are some smoking shoes> - “Well thanks.”
DJ - ”Don’t mention it, it’s nice to see a woman with style. But what do ya’ think about these <showing shoes>?”
-Keep on the topic of style, then introduce.
DJ <half laughing> - ”Dear god, did you see the delivery guy take a spill over in the food court?”
HB <what the hell is he talking about?> - “No...”
DJ <acting it out> - ”It was spectacular, funniest thing I’ve seen in ages! A delivery guy carrying god-knows-what was in a huge hurry, and he walked over one of those ‘Caution - Wet Floor’ area’s. His feet slipped, and he almost caught himself, looked like he was ice-skating, arms flailing all about, then went to take a step and fell flat on his face<cracking up>!”
HB <laughing half at you, half at the delivery guy... but having a good time none the less> - ”Oh dear!”
-Straighten your cloths out from the reenactment, and introduce yourself.

Congratulations! If you pulled this off, she’s as good as dead, err, yours! I got to hand it to you that was pretty smooth.

-----Conversation skills-----
So you’ve introduced yourself, and talked a tad about some random things. What now? During you’re approach she has given you many clues and hints as to what you too could converse about. Lets take a look at a few completely generic conversations:

Approach #1
DJ - ”Did we have any homework?”
HB - ”No, don’t think so.”
DJ - ”Oh thank god, I was out at soccer all night, didn’t get any homework done.”
HB - <hmmm>
DJ - ”Do you play any sports?”
HB - ”Ya, I do dance.”
DJ - ”Oh really? What kind of dance do you do?”
HB - ”Well, I take tap, ballet, and jazz.”
DJ - ”Your a machine! So, which do you like the best?”
HB - ”<giggle> jazz.”
DJ - ”Jazz!? Why do ya’ like jazz the best?”
HB -”Well blabla, blablabla, bla.”

Approach #2
DJ - ” Pardon me, but, do you know where the Abercrombie Store is?
HB - ”Ya, its over thataway<points>.”
DJ - ”Oh, thank you <friendly smile>. I don’t normally go there, but I heard they had a sale going on<shrug>. Do you go there often?”
HB - ” Nope.”
DJ - ”Oh, well, were do you go?”
HB - ”I go to Rainbow, Express, and American Eagle, you?”
DJ - ”Me, I go to structure mostly. But I go to pennies for my pants, sometimes.”
HB - ”Cool.”
DJ - ”So what kinds of stuff do ya’ have from Express?”
HB - ”Well blabla, blablabla, bla.”

Approach #3
DJ - ”Where ya’ headed?”
HB - ”Pennies.”
DJ - ”Oh, do you shop there often?”
HB - ”Not really, but I hear they have a big sale going on, you?”
DJ - ”Oh, all the time. I didn’t know there was a sale going on! Is it on lots of stuff, or just like, bra’s and panties?”
HB - ”Actually <giggle>, its a whole store 15% off sale.”
DJ - ”15%, eh? I might have to check that out. So where do you shop when Pennies isn’t having a sale?”
HB - ”Well blabla, blablabla, bla.”

Approach #4
DJ - ”Pardon me, may I ask you a question?”
HB <a bit hesitant> - ”Sure, I guess.”
DJ - ”Are you single?”
HB <wondering where that came from, who does this guy think he is, why would he just open with that question... that takes some guts> - “er...[signifying hesitation]”
DJ <with a broad, friendly smile> - ”I’ll take that as a yes.”
DJ - ”So, what brings you here, today?”
HB - ”You know, shopping!”
DJ - ”Where at, silly?”
HB - ”Well, blabla, blablabal, bla.”

In each example you make something of nothing, and once she starts talking, you simply guide her through the conversation, letting her talk about whatever she wants on that subject. Open-ended questions are used in each, and then follow up questions, and the like. They key to being an excellent talker, is being an excellent listener. Don’t think about what to say next, just really get into what she is saying. And, above all, when you’re in a bind, just ask ”Why?”.

Kino - non-intimidating touching of areas such as the arm, hair, face, etc. used to show interest, gain trust, and get laid... ie. Tickling.

So you’re talking, having a blast, but how do you really get her going? Touch her! Start off light, with that handshake during introduction. But, when else can you make light Kino?
-When she makes a point, and you agree. Lightly touch the outside of her upper arm with your fingertips.
-While she laughs, laugh along! Inch forward as you laugh, leaning forward, she’ll open her body language to you. Lightly put your hand on her love handle, and give a squeeze.
-While walking through a doorway, place your hand on the small of her back, and guide her through with your fingertips.
-While standing next to her, if she points something out [or while she is writing her #], or turns to talk to someone as they walk up, place your hand lightly on the small of her back.
-While walking with a girl you share great interest in, ‘crook’ your arm, like a Groom in a wedding. She will, in turn, take your arm. Rub your arm on her arm and side.
-A simple hug, yet slower, and more soothing. Use your fingertips to massage her waistline and back.

*NOTE - the most important aspect of Kino is that it should not be ‘noticed.’ She should be too engrossed in the moment, the conversation, to really THINK about/realize you are touching her. It should just go with the flow. Her body will subconsciously open up to you, and she will accept your further advances, and make some of her own. She will feel more comfortable with you, and feel a connection between you. She should be thinking, ‘Wow, this guy is really attractive’ never ‘this guy keeps touching me.’

Mirroring is when you mimic her body language, movements, and expressions. It is meant to generate a strong connection between you. It is quite simple, when she leans forward, lean forward. When she smiles, smile. When she runs her fingers thru her hair, brush the sides of your hair lightly with your fingers.
*NOTE1 - like Kino, this should not be ‘noticed.’ This has a subconscious effect.
*NOTE2 - Don’t follow her all the time. Break off, change your expression, especially during moments of ****y + Funny sassing.

-----****y + Funny-----
C+F is a way of presenting yourself. Lightheartedly mock your target. Do NOT mock her, specifically. Instead poke fun at an article of clothing or her accessories, or something she says or does. Don’t do it too often, but do it enough for her to crack a smile, and have some fun mock at you, back. Go with the flow, and have fun with it!

You pulled her out of that runway walk with a super-confident approach. Kept her talking and having fun. You touched her a bit <GASP!>, mirrored her, and teased the lil girl. She’s biting her lip and running her fingers through her hair, the woman wants you bad. How to seal the deal? Close on that sexy-thang! Here are some keys to closing:
-Be decisive. With enough conviction, she’ll feel obligated to give you her home #, her Cell #, her Address, and Email.
-Don’t ask. Demand, but be polite about it.
-Smile, be upbeat, and again, like always, have fun with it!
Some ways to do it are:
DJ - ”Hey, I gotta’ get going, gimi’ your number, and we can continue this conversation some other time.”
DJ - ”Hey, I should get back to work, but it was awesome talkin’ with ya’<genuine>.”
HB - Ya’, I had a good time.”
DJ - ”We should get together sometime.”
HB - ”Heh, sure!”
DJ - ”Well, then gimi’ your number, silly!”


Dear lord! You’re looking good, don’t ask me, go ask those HB’s having eyes at ya’. Your pretty popular, everyone loves your company, not because your the same, but because your you, a REAL MAN. And just now, you had a successful approach... if only your mother new! I think you’re ready for part IV!

MOD - Juan

The DJ Bible ~or~ The High School Don Juan Bible

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. . . |><|;;;;;;;;

"On any given Sunday you're either gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?" - Al Pachino
"... Any man's finest hour - his greatest fufillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2001
Reaction score
Baby, that was Amazing, you're my hero. I don't know what I'd do without you *sniffle*

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I get 2nd response on a Non-Don to Don Juan post. EAT IT AFCS. hehe.

i didnt read it, but i can guarntee you its amazing


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2001
Reaction score
Smooth As Amazing, this piece is a work of art. Anthony let me get a sneak preview at it and I went through a box of tissues JUST on the sneak preview.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah man. Your right. This is great.

You have done a deed to society.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
Great post as always lorenzo!

Im a DJ-in-training, and im still perfecting some of the earlier stuff in your series. But i was wondering about the Kino. Okay, thouching her arm lightly isnt that obvious, but when you laugh and reach over to her side and give it a squeeze? Isnt that kind of obvious?

Anyways, everything else is great, awesome, im eagerly awaitng Part 4

You take my breath away
with all the things you say
you take my words away
and now im left here standing all alone


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
Originally posted by sonick182:
Great post as always lorenzo!

Im a DJ-in-training, and im still perfecting some of the earlier stuff in your series. But i was wondering about the Kino. Okay, thouching her arm lightly isnt that obvious, but when you laugh and reach over to her side and give it a squeeze? Isnt that kind of obvious?

Anyways, everything else is great, awesome, im eagerly awaitng Part 4

She knows your squeezing [LIGHTLY, with your finger tips], but that knolege doesn't override her thinking of the original joke. Like I said, the trick is to make it so she doesn't think 'wow, he's squeezing my side'... she should be thinking 'wow, this guy is really hot!'

The further 'into' the topic at hand she is, the more interesting the joke, the better kino you can use, and still get the wanted effect.

MOD - Juan

The DJ Bible ~or~ The High School Don Juan Bible

. ':;;;;;;;; ;;;;;: . . . /} . .
. . `·¸:;;; ;;;;;'. . ._/OO\_ .
. . . .`·¸:; ;;;:´ . . . ) ( . .
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. ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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. . `·.;;;;;;;;;;;;
. . . |><|;;;;;;;;

"On any given Sunday you're either gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?" - Al Pachino
"... Any man's finest hour - his greatest fufillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
WoW doOd, nICe StUff. YOu geT a CoOkiE.

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there

AIM- oakraiderz2


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
AWESOME! This is one of the best posts I have ever read in this fourum. Your explanation of kino application is great. Thank You!


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2002
Reaction score
One thing you are missing is

Approach #5: you are stationary and target is moving.

This post is quite fine. Hope to see Part four. Nice job, Lorenzo.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
You don't even KNOW how much I wanted the third part of this! And you posted it on my birthday! Lorenzo, you're truly the greatest.

Your life is just a dream, you can't die. You'll only wake up...

This is my dream, my future, my world... Remember that


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2002
Reaction score
Mansfield woodhouse, nottinghamshire, england
lorenzo, These from non don to don juan threads are amazing, im still becoming a dj and this is amazing help for what im doing, cant wait for part 4, no doubt it will be great


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Although I was the first to read it, I didn't post. This is really quality, quality work. You (almost) blew my stuff outta the water.

My next info post I will do tonight, its good but nothing compared to this.

Im prouda you. keep it up. :-D

Whatsupwiddat - Master Don Juan
AIM: HangTen3000, HangTenHarrier

Burn Baby Burn
\/\/ \_/ \/\/ |_)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Good job man, you covered just about everything here! Keep it up.



Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Alo G

Don Juan
Oct 26, 2002
Reaction score
Southfield MI, USA
LoVe it, PlaYa!



Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, Virgnia
Sweeeet post!

you's the man lorenzo..this helped me out lots and i'm sure it'll do many others alot more than it did me!

two thumbs up, five stars..whatever

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
