From A Mistress Point Of View


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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I worked for this wholesale fragrence company. While working there i became friends with this guy. We were in training to open up our own office. We worked long hours mon-sat. And we also took business trips every week IF you wanted to go on them. Basically we started flirting and i thought it was innocent. I never thought that he would actually be interested in me. So we kept flirting and one day he asked me to take him home because his brother had his car. I agreed and on the way there we just talked about work. Innocent right? Well, when we got close to his house he asked for my number and i tried to ignore it, but he asked for it again so i gave it to him. At first we just talked about work. Then he called me on a saturday night and asked could i come see him at his aunts house and i went. We talked for hours about everything. And he was telling me how his wife wasnt supportive of the job because during our training we go paid on commission. She naggs him all the time and etc. So he asked me to get out of the car and i did. He was hugging me and i knew that he try to kiss me so before he did i asked him did he know what he was doing. He said yes so we kissed. and then i left. The following monday i went on my first business trip with the office and he went as well. We shared a room and beds and nothing happened we just cuddled and i enjoyed it. He admitted he liked me and he knew i already liked him. I thought i could handle being with him while he was married but i couldnt. ONe day his wife called my phone and asked did i know her husband. Turns out she got the cell phone bill and was wondering why my number was on it so much for calls and text messages. He told me to just tell her if she called back that we worked together and i did. I was upset but the next night is what took the cake. He called and put his wife on the phone to make it seem like somebody else was calling me from his phone. I told him that our relationship had to end because if it didnt he would never leave his wife like he told me he would. I also told him that i was no longer working in an office with him so he needed to find someone else. I tried to end on good terms but he never responed to my message. So i took it as its done and he's accepted it too. But then i got a text after a few days of non communication saying "whats up". I guess he doesnt take me serious because i have told him that i was done with him but this time im serious because the wife has began to call and how he put her on the phone was like a slap in my face. Why would he be calling me now? what do i do to get fully over this man? Can we really be just friends? What should i do? what does he want from me? he was really good with my baby and he always helped me out. I felt that he could have really been into me. I also felt like it wasnt my problem because im single and i can do what i want and he's married so its between the two of them. FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SMART REMARKS KEEP THEM. I KNOW I MADE A MISTAKE AND WE ALL MAKE THEM. WHAT MATTERS IS WHAT YOU DO AFTER YOU REALIZED IT WAS A MISTAKE. AND PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
You went to a married man's aunt's house on a Saturday night? He wanted a booty call and you want a relationship. He won't leave his wife and you won't give it up without something more in return. Sounds like a catch 22.

You shouldn't be illciting a married man. Don't give him any hope. Cut off all contact completely. Not cutting off contact can mean some serious bad feelings between yourself, him and his wife.

Find someone single.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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if you want, tape yourself ****ing that dude, then if he doesnt leave his wife, send her the tape, and she'll leave him ;)))

but on a serious note, get out asap... cut off ALL contact immediately... this seems like a bad situation...

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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yogurl2 said:
This was all coming from the heart.

only a chick would add a response like that right after her original thread... if this was a girl forum... we'd all understand what you mean "This was all coming from the heart."... we'd all AUTOMATICALLY feel bad for you without even having to think what you're talking about [if we were girls].

but this is a guys forum... all we know how to respond to that is with a "??? huh?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
everything a woman does comes from the heart.. that's what makes them unique creatures


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
to answer your post... the REAL question you have to ask yourself is.... why are you fawning over a guy with ovbious moral issues? What does that say about you?

It's one thing to fvck a married guy. But to act like he's the last guy on earth and that's the best you can do? Is that the best you can do? Married guys who use you for fvckholes?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Take this crap to some women's support forum. This DOES NOT belong at SoSuave.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
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I guess he doesnt take me serious because i have told him that i was done with him but this time im serious
well the only way to be truly done with him is to STICK with your decision, do not second guess yourself. Remind yourself of ALL the reasons WHY you would like to be done with him.

what do i do to get fully over this man?
well one way to get over some one is not having contact with them (or VERY little contact with them as possible).

what does he want from me?
um...I'm pretty sure it is not all those "meaningful" conversations you guys had..:eek:

Can we really be just friends?
how exactly would that work out, you him and his wife would go for sunday dinner??

I agree we all make mistakes, and we can either learn from them or make the same mistakes...the question becomes did you learn from yours??

Take this crap to some women's support forum. This DOES NOT belong at SoSuave.
dude she is not asking you to hold her hand. she is trying to figure out what the guys motive was for getting involve with her, was there actual feelings?, was he using her?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
so you're already a single mom and now you're going after married guys? why would he take you seriously?

turn your life around, or you will never amount to anything. Maybe it's not too late. And no, don't be "friends" with this guy. You sound even more clueless than the average woman. Letting your feelings control your life is somewhat normal, but you've totally gone off the deep end. I mean, get real, lady.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
don't end up like my grandmother. my grandmother is ha to be the poster child for how to not pick a man, because you think it's the best you can do.

My maternal grandfather, I have seen one time.. he's a white old white man (i'm black/african american) that has been arrested 5 times, and is in jail as we speak.

My grandmothers last husband is on death row

her BF after that is a crackhead who once tried to stab me because he was soo geeked out he thought I locked him out the house... he was at the worng house.

her current BF is above without trying to kill me. She lives in pity, and gravities towards men with issues, because she doesn't think she can do better. She has "woe is me" syndrome. you can't talk to her for 10 minutes without saying 'shut the fvck up already about your damn problems"


Jun 7, 2007
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Break this relationship completely off.

As time passes, it will become easier.

Immediately, get to work on the ongoing effort for your self esteem.

While you are a female, your problem is very similar to us guys here...self esteem, confidence, balance, a fulfilling life, etc.