Friendzone - I mucked up massively, Is this salvageable?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Every post on here is accurate. She's not confused or afraid - she's not that attracted to you, but still wants to keep you around just in case - or for whatever voids you are filling in her life. The only one confused is you, but only because she's feeding you crap, and sending mixed signals - which is always the result of low interest.

I dont think guys understand the lengths some women will go to to keep their back-up plans, options, and doormats around. But the means and excuses and behaviors are always the same. Remember that interest can be lost at any time. It doesnt matter how things used to be - only how they are right now. Dont believe, assume, excuse, or justify anything, and dont put yourself in a waiting / analyzing / being controlled position. Dont be a *****. Focus on the facts only.

I also wouldnt sympathize with her complaining about jerks - because she is one herself. This is EXACTLY the kind of person who dates and complains about jerks. She's trying to USE you for her SELFISH gain, because the only feelings she cares about are HERS. She's also not being honest about her intentions, but doesnt want to lose you for her own interest. You mean nothing to her, but she will keep wanting to be friends, and wont want you to lose interest in her. Just you wait and see. A lot of the typical signs are there already.

Also remember: like attracts like. Jerks complain about other jerks all the time. This kind of person always ends up dating jerks - while using everyone else. Like, say, you. Definitely not a victim or nice girl - contrary to her claims, lies, and excuses. Take away all the fluff and BS, and youre left with a jerk. Simple as.

Also: stop dating trash. Kthx.
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Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yeh I have been thinking about it alot and can see that the majority of the time it was me that instigated contact whilst we were seeing each other. I guess I did come across a bit too available whereas the other guy probably wasn't, hence the increased interest for him.

I really wish i had found this site before I started seeing her then i wouldn't have come across as such as wuss, and sent her stupid messages before i instigated No Contact. I would have been able to disappear when i saw the signs earlier. Now she knows she got to me! Oh well i know now, thanks very much for all the posts guys, your advice has been invaluable.
I highly doubt she was the long term type anyway so I'm sure even if there hadn't of been another fella on the scene it would have burnt out quickly anyway. It's just no one likes being second best! Hopefully she'll get lost now and leave me alone.

I'm getting back out there onto some more dates, cheers fellas.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
At the time she really did seem into it though, she was playing the part well when we went out on dates, but was just an absolute pain to get on them. Anyway anyone who was really that much work that early on definitely was just going to get worse, thanks guys.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I sent her a final message after her message yesterday, that I knew that she wasn't interested and I have no problem with that now, and good luck with everything, and that I'm always smiling, after she asked.

That's the end of it now I hope, not gonna play anymore games with this one and hopefully she's not gonna contact again!


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I shouldn't have sent her that final message.
Just got another message off her, deleted it but it was a typical one telling me all about what she had been up to on her holiday recently and then the usual saying I hope you're OK at the end. She's obviously just trying to keep me around for a bit.

Not going to reply anymore, made myself look like such a chump with this one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
at least you get it now :), you should also delete her number, or better yet block it