Look... no matter WHO the girl is, you will HAVE to become friendly with her before anything.... Now the key here is the vibes that you give her and the amount of time that u take....
Let me explain...
Lets say you and your buddies are at the mall and you see this very attractive girl... so you approach her, start talking and introdusing yourself etc, and then afer a brief conversation ( u must make it brief) you get her number and walk away. Now the following day/night u phone her and ask her is she wants to do something with you, and she SHOULD say yes and then u make arrangements, you meet up, and you get to know eachother etc... Now when u are with her u need to flirt and use body language and kino (touching) to seperate it from being a "friendly" date to a "romantic" date. trust me... its not hard at al to seperate the "friend" zone and the "romantic" zone.
Now if this is a girl lets say in your school.... then things work practically the same... You go up to her, get to know her abit, get her number, make arrangements with her, and do the same as you would do with a girl that u have JUST met.
And if you just have on eof those personalities where you give the girl the impression that all you want is her friendship, then i suggest u read the bible and some articles on the
sosuave and learn how do "seduce" women. You need to be in touch with your romantic side, and not be scared of doing romantic things with a girl, and flirting is what i think your problem is, so u need to learn how to flirt properly.
You might think that its something that is just too hard, and u might think that you just dont have the confidence to flirt with a girl and be open and in touch with your romantic side, but i garantee you that the more you practice at it, the easiyer it will become, till it will become second nature for you. I'll use myself as en example here... I am in a LTR ( Long Term Relationship) at the moment and when i go places with my girl and we meet new people (girls) and i talk to htem i tend to flirt with them withoiut even trying to, and this emmediatlly creates sexual desire in her for me... and let me tell you, my chick sometimes gets REALLY annoyed with this, but what i am trying to say here, is that i have had so much practice that its become 2nd nature for me, as it will to you with practice.
Well thats about all i have to say for now... so goodluck for the future, and i hope to hear of positive feedback from you in the NEAR future