Today friendship means d1ck. You call friends those you hang out when you were younger but those are the kind of friends you just share a few laughs over drink. Usually the best of friendship occurs when you watch each other's back like in war, because that is when the true friendship is being tested. My grandfather best friends were those he fought with in WWII, you cannot put a value on those who watched your back and you watched their's. Think in cavemen time, men befriend each other because it was a strategic, it was part of our survival to belong to a larger group that watched each other when they went hunting and kept us safe from others who wanted to kill us.
Today there is no danger, we hang out, drink in order to socialize and we never grow. Its no wonder we lose our friends because with no danger and more opportunities to succeed without the help of others we change in a different rate , we get bored and take things for granted and friendship ends up meaning squat. Our lifestyle today dictates our friendship requirement not the other way around.
Today there is no danger, we hang out, drink in order to socialize and we never grow. Its no wonder we lose our friends because with no danger and more opportunities to succeed without the help of others we change in a different rate , we get bored and take things for granted and friendship ends up meaning squat. Our lifestyle today dictates our friendship requirement not the other way around.