Next time - when its just a couple of the guys - and your in a some what secluded area, if they are really making fun of you and fvcking with you alot (like your example).... you should get hostile kindof and tell them to stop, and if they keep on, stop what your doing, look the main one in the eyes, and say something to the effect of "you better FVCUKING QUIT, im not fvcking playing with you" be hostile and give him your most pissed off look, and clench your fists. be ready to fight. if you think he is about to try and fight - or hit you again - or if he says anything disrespectful at all to you in that moment, then (quickly) hit him as hard as you can - as many times as you can - and fukin go crazy on him - and make the other guys pull you off him. Even if your little or you cant fight well, if you give him one good hit in the face, or whatever - even if you get your ass beat, i would be willing to bet that theyll quit fvcking with you. after you get in a fight - or whatever happens - try to make up with him - tell him you were in a real bad mood. If they keep doing this sht, then keep getting hostile with them and fighting. They wont like getting in fights, even if they can kick ur ass, so they will either stop making fun of you, or theyll just stop being friends with you. Just keep making up afterwords. This should get you some respect.