Friends into relationships?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
I was interested in a girl who I actually found to be a very nice person and not a scene girl or show off, she found out I was interested in her and immediatly said she really ONLY liked me as a friend but I was just curious is it possible to possibly try and get into a relationship w/ her or did she like basically cut it off?


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Dude read the bible, you got slammed soo hard into the ljbf zone. She cut it off, move on.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
I know I got slammed really hard its almost embarrasing to hang out w/ her anymore... im trying to just cut off our friendship. She was confusing me tho saying that im a relle cool guy and when i would ask wat time she needed to be home she said it doesnt matter my dad knows I am with you so to him your like god.. but w/e ill more on..

Its so hard to find a non slutty non show off girl just a nice girl..

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ah man, I feel ya about the whole nice girl thing. Well, it's always hard when you're looking in the wrong direction. Try and meet women at other places. I'm not exactly saying you're not going to have a chance with this girl because you blew it the first time, but it's not going to be easy. You've already affirmed that you are in the friends zone now, and there are tons of articles concerning this issue. I'm not exactly an older DJ but I've been around for a while. What you need to do is surround yourself with other women, and keep her off of your mind for a while. By doing this you will have fun while attracting her back again and maybe she'll come around for a second go. Just don't mess it up next time! By the way, I like the name. I'm into the JDM scene too.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
I think the only way she will come back to me for a second go would probably be pressure from her sister or when she is over the guy she is attracted to now. I think one of the main reasons she turned me down was just because I made it obvious at the wrong time while she was in love w/ another guy. Maybe once she gets over him she'll come back but for now I think I will still hang out w. her while having more girls to help me forget her. Do you suggest I ignore her for a while or just keep being friends?

Oh yeah I am into the JDM Honda scene I have a 1999 Acura Integra LS and a 2000 Acura Integra Type R w/ a JDM front end.