Friend likes same girl as ME


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Alright so I was the one who first told my friend that I like this girl. However, he is still hitting on her and other crap. I think thats the just the way he is so I don't really care. (Pretty close friends) I also have a feeling that the girl is likes me more or at least likes me in a different way.

I'm going to ask her who she likes more.

I was wondering if I should first ask if the girl likes me the same way I do. Or ask if she is interested in my friend.

I'm a real noob, sorry if its a stupid question. I just want to make it as least awkward as possible.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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how old are you? you need to take the initiative and get her out on a date with you. i guarantee you'll be able to tell whether or not you have a shot with her based on her response to you asking her out. and in my experience with flirtatious friends (back in afc days) i usually was the one that ended up not being liked as much. it's a sad truth, but at least you're here at this site and not sittin around being a wuss about it.


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Jan 3, 2008
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We do have time alone , but its always been when my friend had to work or w/e. When we're alone we flirt like crazy and when i'm with my friend we flirt, not as crazy but we still do.

The thing is that she always wants to invite my one friend. However she always wants me to invite him. I even asked her to call him and she said, she doesn't really like talking on the phone. (She talks to me quite a bit, compared to friend.)

The thing i'm not really clear about is how he flirts and she's okay with it. (We even look at eachother and smile when ever he flirts with her.)

I just want to make sure that we are on the same page, so hopefully I can ask her if she's okay with him flirting with her. (Friend is a big flirt but usually ends up as friend. Happened once already, and hopefully happening again.)

EDIT: As far as I know she's really innocent, and has yet to explore the world. (If that make sense)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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As sh1tty as this sounds, i think it's possible, probable even, that she likes the other guy more. at this point in time anyway. the good news is that you can work on it. but you gotta be the one controlling the interactions, whether your friend is there or not. it shouldn't make you want to flirt less because your friend is there.

you said "(She talks to me quite a bit, compared to friend.)" this sounds to me like she's very comfortable around you, which is important in the long run, but doesn't help you at all if you've failed to generate attraction. at this point it sounds like you've been put into the "friend zone". you need to go back to the attraction stage and kino (touch) and goof on her. show that YOU are the prize to be won.


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Jan 3, 2008
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Alright thanks for your honesty. Yeah, I was looking at it one sided, and really needed to here another side, thanks.

Edit: I think i'm just going to straight up ask her. Because if she really does like my friend then it isn't worth my time playing games with her. My friend is pretty desperate, and if she likes that she can go right ahead.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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ALWAYS BE WILLING TO WALK AWAY, and you can't lose.

Don't just sit back, you'l regret it. This has happened to me way too many times. First I liked a girl heaps and first but my friend did and because he was AFC he thought he loved and and I backed off because I'm a good mate. Thennn I really liked a girl and I told him and he just went and went out with her anyway.

Damn my AFC self.

Best advice: Game more than just that girl ;)


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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if you told your deepest secrets to your friend, i highly advise against you chasing if he has a big mouth or is vindictive. Or you could have a secret relationship with her.

oh yes.swayay

Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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was wondering if I should first ask if the girl likes me the same way I do. Or ask if she is interested in my friend.
that's a wack close friend. Well, if the flirting as been going on for a while now, the next course of action would be to close the deal first. The way you do it would depend on the girl's personality I guess. There are some girls I know who I'd be able to just go up to and say "hey, let's **** sometime" and that would close the deal. I'm not saying you should do that, lol, but the basic concept is that you make it NOT sound like a big deal. Because I don't think there's any way to make "Do you like me the same way I like you" not seem awkward... Even if she does say yes to that, it'll still feel awkward and uncomfortable.