Friend jealous that the girl he tried to get got with me

Plain & Simple

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
There is this gurl that i have become real close with i met her thru my friends since she was friends with them, so everybody says that she is a ho but she really isnt she told me her lifestory literally, this girl has only had sex one time, and she didnt even want to do it.
So basicly the girl is in love with me, but before she became close to me, before i knew it like that, she was talking to my "best friend" but she stated up front that she didnt want nothing to do with him other than just that, being friends, but knowing him he has never had sex before and gets no ass watsoever so that was like the first time that a girl paid him attention so he developed feelings towards her after she stated that she didnt want nothing with her, so what happened, once he saw that he couldnt get it, he got mad at her and stop talking to her.

Somehow me and the girl started talking(we always did but now we click more than before to the point that we might get together) i guess cause we both dominicans we always had that vibe with each other.

So my friends sees that she is really on me and he is getting jealous, he hasnt said anything but i i can feel the tension in the air from his side. he doesnt even call me no more, lol.
He says that she a ho, she this, she that, when all that its just a big lie, everybody thinks she a ho though, but they dont know nothing, cause she is really not she has told me a lotta things that nobody knows.

So basicly if i get with her and they see me with her they gonna think that im with a ho, when she really is not, and lol if my friend sees me with her like that how would he react?


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
If everybody thinks shes a ho, then its probably true.

Confront your buddy with it. Ask him if it's cool with him that you got with her. If you're straight with it, usually your boy is cool with it because he prob does not want to look like a weak insecure prick. Tell him it's always bros before hos.

Honestly man, I think you're in the wrong on this.

If your boy was the first to talk to the girl, you should show some sort of respect because his feelings might be hurt.

You should never pick a girl over your boy because they're all shallow and liars anyway.

Plain & Simple

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
He told me many times that he doesn't care about her blah blah blah.

They never went out or nothing they were just talking as friends,and once he saw he couldnt get it he got mad.

The way she acts you might think she a ho but believe me she is not i can tell, plus the stories she told me i know the are not made up for a fact.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
There are a couple of rules you should know:

1. All girls are liars. Of course she's going to tell you she's not a ho. They always contradict everything they say, so by telling you shes not a ho, this means she really is one.

2. It doesn't matter if your boy tells you he doesn't care about her, it is a cardinal rule not to mess with the girl your boys are interested in without regarding him first. This rule goes back to the caveman days.

Plain & Simple

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
ok first of all what is your definition of a ho? how are you a ho and you have had sex 1 time in your life for 4 seconds. nver sucked a dik, never kissed nobody. only had 1 bf.

Oh well... i guess now in days if you are a female you are automatically a ho


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
why the **** do you even care??
its judgmental crap like this that makes it harder for everyone to get laid. If the girl has slept with say 100+ guys she might be too sluttish. But good luck in your seatch for a good looking virgin. Personally, I don't mind about a girl's sexual history. If you're looking for a ONS, it hardly matters. If you're looking for something longer term, there are far more importance issues to consider.