God_of_getting_layed said:
I see it all too often: some guy looks average looking to me, and then when he becomes the topic of conversation by some female friends, they all start saying things like "oh, hes so cute!" or "hes hot". same thing when female frineds are checking out guys on the street.
Most men or poor judges of what the typical girl considers good looking.
So before you say "this guy is average looking and gets ass", please get several female opinions 1st before you label him as average looking.
girl's go for guys with features. This means if he has nice eyes, A NICE SMILE (which according to this thread, you said he does because he smiles alot), is tall, is muscular, has hot hair, has a hot fashion sense, is rugged manly look, ect ect - YOU as a guy don't consider that to be good looking, but some girls LOVE a guy to look a certain way
get out there to the real world and find out
I personally have been called the following things by girls - ugliest guy in the world, ugly as hell, ugly as ****, ugly, alright, ok looking, cute, handsome, beautiful (yes u read that right), hot, hot as hell, fcuking hot, gorgeous, sexy, very sexy, veryyyyy cute
you get the idea? girl's tastes vary.
p.s. I had an HB4 call me ugly, and I had an hb9 call me hot - my point is proven