Friend is a major sex addict - How can I get his confidence?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
You see, these naturals are often clueless on the other side of the spectrum. They are great with women and they probably have no idea why, and could never in a million years explain it.

This reminds me of another recent thread, where text game is being discussed. I have extremely well-calbrated and deadly text game (not so with initial attraction and live game), and someone mentioned he would like me to do a writeup on the subject. I replied that some time will have to pass and I will have to cook it on the back burner because although I have instinctive game when it comes to texting, I really don't know why.

Of course, on the surface, it's due to witty writing, blah blah blah, but I'm talking about nuances of phrasing and timing that really can't be taught, at least thoroughly and formulaically taught.

I think that's the way it must be with "naturals". Utterly clueless, but reaping the harvest. The bastards.... ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
But as I was saying, since most of us are analytical, we are aware, and in many cases that is our downfall. The natural tends to love women and overlook (or is unaware of) the fact that women do not value integrity and principle in their own characters (only in men's). We analytic-types are deep-down appalled at this lack of integrity, as we see it, and it makes it very difficult for us to really "like" them, in the sense that a natural likes them. A natural likes them with reckless abandon, and women sense that.
So, how do you de-activate the higher powers of the brain (i.e. like in 2001 Space Odessy and the Hal computer) in order to genuinely like women like the naturals do if that is the only thing that makes them different from us?

Atom Smasher said:
Therefore a natural can break most of the rules and still be attractive. He is bypassing the things that we can observe and penetrating right through to her by the use of rapport, which is a very ethereal dynamic.
I think charisma is more accurate than rapport because rapport is dependent on the women opening up, not charisma. The real question is why do women seem to almost intuitively open up to some guys (apart from their good looks) and seem closed to others without knowing them. Even getting the foot in the door to make a complement or a neg-hit/tease is a challenge if there is a non-verbal rejection by the women or there is a "closed" do not disturb me body posture.

It seems that somehow women open up to these naturals and don't think "hey this guy is a fraud, I bet he's doing this to every girl and just wants to get into my pants.", or what a "phoney".

Another guy doing the same thing the natural does may get that type of reaction (i.e. non-verbally) since he doesn't have that charisma that seems to get women to open up to them. Then again, how can one compete if someone is a certain way all of their lives since high-school compared to an older adult introvert nerd that is trying.

Atom Smasher said:
Most of us (with some exceptions) value integrity, and we see that utterly lacking in women, so we are in a position of not being able to respect them as people of integrity. It is a catch-22. We cannot make ourselves unaware, we can only devise ways to overcome this catch-22. Hence the use of our training wheels.
Okay, so the stuff you learn on this site is really "inner game" so we can put blinders on that women are not worthy of LTRs because they do not value integrity or princple. So the training wheels is to be in denial about that fact. The book of Pook, the DJ Bible, etc... is all about putting blinders on the reality you are ultimately trying to lower yourself enough so you can pander to their gutter level so you can get laid! Excellent. This is how marketing of dating books should be made.

"Hello folks, here is an honest dating guide. The purpose of this guide is to learn how to accept that women are amoral selfish creatures with no integrity or principle, and once you accept this you can finally, yes, get laid and even married for six months." Cost $ 100.00 for a downloadable e-book. 60 day money back guarantee if you don't get laid.