Master Don Juan
There's a lot of posts asking for help getting the "friend" woman to switch gears into the "Girlfriend" woman. Let's shed some light on this matter in the hopes to help our less fortunate bretheren who has fallen into this horrible trap.
Most guys make the common mistake of making friends with the girl first in the hopes of working it into a meaningful relationship later. This couldn't be more wrong than Bill Clinton with his toy cigar. Not only that they are wasting their time and money on the girl but they are also digging their own graves. These men wait around with their heads down in the hopes that she will change her mind and become romantically interested in them ultimately. However, these men fail to recognize the most basic facts: "If she wasn't interested in you romantically in the beginning. What makes you think she will change her interest later?", "What makes you think she not using you as a surrogate boyfriend until she finds somebody she really wants?" and "What makes you think that she isn't just around for the ride while you spend your money and time on her?" The "Friendship Zone" is a trap, a trap so elaborate and strong that freeing yourself out of it is about as easy as climbing Mount Everest.
To her, being friends with you means: She doesn't have any sexual attraction towards you or has any romantic interest in you. You're simply around to kill boredom or until she finds something else better to do. She may at one point in time have found you attrative but, since she's spent enough time with you, she now believes you are as challenging as game of checkers with her grandma. You simply do not stir the elictricity in her body and that's why you are who you are: A friend.
More often than not, once a girl has made you a friend, getting her think of you romantically is damn near impossible and this is what you'll hear: "Can't we just be friends?" Just because you get along with her and are compatible with in a lot of area doesn't mean you are compatible intimately. Besides all this, she knows you too much already, all the sense of being mysterious and being a challenge is already gone. You are basically in an arms reach for the girl and is just about as exciting as a G-rated movie on a Saturday night.
So how do you avoid this trap? Simple, in the beginning do not approach her in the hopes becoming just friends. If you are even attracted in anyway big or small do not approach her looking for friendship. Always make your intentions known in the beginning. Do not lurk around the far corner like a long-distance peeping-tom. Come on strong like the man you are and not as the chicken puke that you'll become if you started a friendship. Guys, If you spend so much time and attention to a girl, you better and might as well make her your girlfriend. What have you got to show for it if she became just a friend? --> Long lonely Saturday nights at home with your right hand while she's with her new date?
Whenever you are interested in a woman, take her out on real date. Don't fool yourself by merely pretending to be a friend in the hopes of winning her over to the romance side.
Most guys make the common mistake of making friends with the girl first in the hopes of working it into a meaningful relationship later. This couldn't be more wrong than Bill Clinton with his toy cigar. Not only that they are wasting their time and money on the girl but they are also digging their own graves. These men wait around with their heads down in the hopes that she will change her mind and become romantically interested in them ultimately. However, these men fail to recognize the most basic facts: "If she wasn't interested in you romantically in the beginning. What makes you think she will change her interest later?", "What makes you think she not using you as a surrogate boyfriend until she finds somebody she really wants?" and "What makes you think that she isn't just around for the ride while you spend your money and time on her?" The "Friendship Zone" is a trap, a trap so elaborate and strong that freeing yourself out of it is about as easy as climbing Mount Everest.
To her, being friends with you means: She doesn't have any sexual attraction towards you or has any romantic interest in you. You're simply around to kill boredom or until she finds something else better to do. She may at one point in time have found you attrative but, since she's spent enough time with you, she now believes you are as challenging as game of checkers with her grandma. You simply do not stir the elictricity in her body and that's why you are who you are: A friend.
More often than not, once a girl has made you a friend, getting her think of you romantically is damn near impossible and this is what you'll hear: "Can't we just be friends?" Just because you get along with her and are compatible with in a lot of area doesn't mean you are compatible intimately. Besides all this, she knows you too much already, all the sense of being mysterious and being a challenge is already gone. You are basically in an arms reach for the girl and is just about as exciting as a G-rated movie on a Saturday night.
So how do you avoid this trap? Simple, in the beginning do not approach her in the hopes becoming just friends. If you are even attracted in anyway big or small do not approach her looking for friendship. Always make your intentions known in the beginning. Do not lurk around the far corner like a long-distance peeping-tom. Come on strong like the man you are and not as the chicken puke that you'll become if you started a friendship. Guys, If you spend so much time and attention to a girl, you better and might as well make her your girlfriend. What have you got to show for it if she became just a friend? --> Long lonely Saturday nights at home with your right hand while she's with her new date?
Whenever you are interested in a woman, take her out on real date. Don't fool yourself by merely pretending to be a friend in the hopes of winning her over to the romance side.