I'm feelin' y'all about not seeing your married friends anymore. But I'd like to remind you guys of this fact too:
These guys don't HAVE to be "married" for them to pull a HOUDINI on yo' azz though. I have a good portion of my friends who just meet a chick they really LIKE and they're as good as gone. LOL
It's like being with the babe is ALL-CONSUMING. Nothing else matters to them. They will remain incommunicado for months. The only time I hear from some of them at all is when things are going south with the babes in question.
I really believe the main reason for most of the problems they run into is that they make themselves TOO accomodating, they stop being a challenge, they become predictable, the girl gets bored, and my friends LOSE their perceived value.
THEN when I hear from my friends, all they want to talk about is "how can I save my relationship with this chick?".
Now, I'm not disparaging them, because I understand where they're coming from. I recognize how easy it is to fall into that trap. I FIGHT all the time to avoid it myself. The one thing that keeps me free from potential ONEitis is the fact that I tend to overanalize everything. And ironically, that over-thinking has kept me cautious enough to always keep my guards up (so far...).
But this still doesn't excuse my friends' behavior though. Some of these guys have been married more than twice!!! One of these guys actually made an announcement to me when he got engaged that he didn't want to hear ANYthing negative about his plans---and that his mind was made up. And of course, he's been mostly suffering in his marriage since the wedding day...
So other than taking him out back and kicking the shyt out of him, he really left me without any real options of saving his azz some heartache. But I still try to help my friends when I see an opening, just like they have always tried to help me.
I try to tell them some of the harsh truths about women and relationships, and I also try to tell them about this site. But it rarely helps though, because they are drowning in a sea of emotions that the chicks have inflicted upon them.
In a sense, they are like the proverbial dog howling in pain because he's lying on a nail BUT refuses to get up off of it.
...because it ain't HURTIN' them bad enough-----YET.
Peace...one day.